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''We took a jolly shore leave there for just three days or four
''But Argo doesn't want us anymore ..."''
|Leslie Fish & the Dehorn Crew, |[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}a7mK79i0tF8 "Banned from Argo"]}}
You, possibly along with your [[True Companions|merry band of travelers]], have found a nice place to hang out. Maybe it's a nice bar, a seaside town, or a resort planet. But then...things happened. You may not have ''meant'' for bad stuff to go down, but sometimes events are beyond your control. There might have been [[Gone Swimming, Clothes Stolen|nudity]], [[We Come in Peace, Shoot to Kill|violence]], [[Stuff Blowing Up|stuff]] [[Impressive Pyrotechnics|blowing]] [[A Nuclear Error|up]], [[Intoxication Ensues|certain]] [[Everybody Must Get Stoned|substances]] may have been imbibed/smoked, and whoops, you just started a revolution. Possibly, your name is [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds|Mike Nelson]], in which case, you're probably screwed.
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** Other times, this can't happen as the place that would've banned them ''no longer exists''.
* Something like this happened to the original ''[[Macross]]''. A freak accident causes them to be banned from <s>Utah</s> <s>the USA</s> ''the Earth''. This is after they spend several episodes getting back to Earth ''[[Shaggy Dog Story|through the defense of the Zentraedi]]''.
== Comic Books ==
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{{quote|'''Paige Fox:''' My friend over there is on the phone with the cops right now, so I suggest you and your party-crashing pals go back to wherever you came from.
'''Big Party Crasher:''' That might be tricky -- That place called the cops, too. }}
== Fan Works ==
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* In the ''[[Chuck]]'' story ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20121025130118/http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5756619/1/What_Fates_Impose What Fates Impose]'', Sarah and Bryce mention that they've been banned from Paraguay for [[Noodle Incident|an incident involving a donkey]].
* In the ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6341291/1/Harveste Harveste]'' series (a [[Crossover]] between ''[[The Addams Family]]'' and ''[[Harry Potter]]'') , the Addamses are banned from Haiti and Indonesia. Gomez has been banned from Africa for an undetermined amount of time, but as of 1995, has at least ten years left on the ban. Grandmama is accepted as a witch doctor in five countries and banned from the rest of the world.
== Film ==
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* Obliquely used in ''[[Return of the Living Dead]]'': "No, we can't: the cops said they'd ''shoot'' us if we go back to the park."
* In ''[[Little Miss Sunshine]]'', after the fiasco at the titular beauty pageant, the family is told that the pageant will not press charges, under the condition that Olive never enter another 'little miss' pageant in the state of California, ever again. The family's reaction to the news amounted to "That's fine with us!"
== Live-Action TV ==
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''Some taverns to plunder, some guards to sunder,
''And then, a short rest in the jail! }}
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** In ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'', The Band With Rocks In is banished from every city they visit on their Sto Plains tour, on pain of pain and/or being buried alive.
** The Nac Mac Feegle was banished for rebelling against the tyranny of the [[The Fair Folk|Fairy Queen]], and [[Violent Glaswegian|and ''not'' for being]] [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|completely smashed at four in the afternoon.]] They'll fight any lying scunner who says otherwise.
* In [[Simon R. Green]]'s ''For Heaven's Eyes Only'', Roger the half-demon claims he's been banned from Limbo.
* This has happened to a variety of CIA officers with diplomatic immunity who got caught spying in [[Tom Clancy]] novels. The consequences for officers or agents who ''don't'' have diplomatic immunity and get caught spying tend to be far more severe.
== Music ==
* In the late '80s and early '90s, various members of [[X Japan]] (and occasionally the entire band) were banned from various restaurants, hotels, bars, and drinking establishments around Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan, due to the band's tendencies to start [[Bar Brawl|fights]]. Some bars even had "No Yoshiki" or [[Visual Kei|"No Blondes"]] (since both Yoshiki and other VK rockers that tended to cause trouble had blonde hair) signs, and the band still holds the record [[For Massive Damage|for most damage done to a Japanese hotel]]. Not just the room, either. The hotel.
* At one time, it was almost a point of pride for many punk rock, heavy metal, and hard rock bands to get themselves banned from venues and hotels; typically after trashing their rooms or starting riots at the venues, but also for violating local obscenity laws. Several have been banned from performing in entire states or countries; usually on obscenity grounds.
** [[GWAR]] was at one time banned from the state of North Carolina, for certain... elements of their costuming.
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** Ironically, the song itself became so over-used that [[Hype Backlash|it got banned from several SF conventions]].
** There's a sequel in which Argo forgives them, and invites the Next Generation crew to visit. They wind up getting banned themselves, and this time Argo learns its lesson and makes the ban permanent.
== Tabletop Games ==
* Classic ''[[Traveller]]'' supplement ''The Traveller Adventure''. During the adventure "Pysadian Escapade" the [[PC]]sPCs are railroaded into inadvertently breaking a Pysadian law and end up being banned from the planet.
== Theatre ==
* In ''[[Mister Roberts]]'', it's understandable why the crew of the "Bucket" would not be allowed ashore on Elysium again, after hearing what they did while on liberty there.
* In ''Don't Drink the Water'' by [[Woody Allen]], the main character, Axel, is banned from Africa. He laments that while many diplomats have been banned from various countries, he's the only one to have ever been banned from a ''continent''.
== Video Games ==
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* In ''[[Secret of Mana]]'', the hero gets banned from his hometown after pulling out the Mana Sword because the village elder fears that it will bring monsters to their village.
* In ''[[Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten]]'', Fuka Kazamatsuri manages to get herself banned from [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|Celestia]] forever for insulting Lady Archangel {{spoiler|Flonne}}.
== Web Comics ==
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* In ''[[Slightly Damned]]'', [[Our Demons Are Different|Buwaro]] and [[Our Angels Are Different|Kieri]] can never go back to the town of Weyville. Not because they've been ''banned'', technically, but because it's home to a [[Knight Templar]] angel who'll kill them if he ever sees them again (and already tried to the first time he saw them).
* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', John and Dad are banned from the Cirque du Soleil. It's implied that it has something to do with John's {{spoiler|Gamzee caused}} phobia of clowns.
== Web Original ==
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{{quote|'''Strong Bad:''' So that's why I'm not allowed at the movies anymore.}}
* The Outcasts of ''[[Tasakeru]]'' are stripped of their citizenship and given a lifetime ban on setting foot inside their country's only city. Most of them have found ways of avoiding or ignoring the ban.
== Western Animation ==
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* This is essentially the idea behind most restraining orders, to keep someone away from someone or someplace after they do something bad to them.
* Michael Savage is [[Banned in China|banned from entering the UK]] for "inciting hatred" against Muslims.
* [[Charlie Chaplin]] was banned from the USA during the [[Red Scare]] and the McCarthy era, a situation that he parodied in ''A King in New York''. He was allowed back in with open arms in the early 1970's1970s.
* Fred Phelps is banned from several places, most notably the UK.
* Semi-related, but comedian [[Andrew Dice Clay]] is the only person to be banned from MTV.
** He was, apparently, unbanned at some point before [http://www.mtv.com/photos/vma-2011-backstage-moments/1669000/6498896/photo.jhtml attending the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards].
* At least one musician is banned for life from England's Channel 4 for saying "Fuck" before the [[Watershed]].
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* Kazuhiko ‘Smokey’ Nagata of the Japanese car tuning shop [[Non Indicative Name|Top Secret]] was invited by British automotive "lad mag" ''Max Power'' to bring his Nissan RB26-powered Toyota Supra to a car show in the UK. Seeking to leave a mark in the industry, Smokey performed an insane speed record stunt at an A1 highway, hitting a then-record breaking 197 miles per hour (317 kph). The local police were none too pleased about it, and Nagata was arrested for his antics (not helping matters was his lack of English skills). He was banned from entering the UK for a good decade soon after, but his stunt only served to made him a [[Refuge in Audacity|legend]] in the car tuning scene.
* Similar to the example with Russia above, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKCHu5d2J_A Norway no longer recognizes Jehova's Witness as a religion], meaning they no longer receive taxpayer funded subsidies and are not allowed to perform legal marriages.
[[Category:Comedy Tropes]]
[[Category:Party At My Index]]
[[Category:This Index is Banned]]
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