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Didn't See That Coming: Difference between revisions

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'''Riff''': ...why do you have emergency pants?
'''Torg''': I don't know, but in [[Bring My Brown Pants|every situation]] I could think up, I was ''glad to have them''. }}
**:* Followed about twenty strips later by magical moths that eat all clothing. '''"[[Crazy Prepared|This looks like a job for]] ''[[Crazy Prepared|emergency pants!]]''"''' He ''did'' see it coming, even though he couldn't have.
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', [[Gambit Pileup|no character ever gets]] to have everything go according to plan. Something always happens just when you least expect it. They can only be better or worse at [[Xanatos Speed Chess|being on top of the chaos]].
* ''[[SSDD]]'', the Oracle is usually successful in his [[Gambit Roulette]]s due to the fact that he was designed to make accurate predictions, but [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20010601.html apparently] [[Time Travel]] throws him off.
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