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Final Fantasy XII: Difference between revisions

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** A number of the treasure cheasts that can only be opened once can be wasted by using (or sometimes not using) the Diamond Armlet, an accessory that improves the quality of items you find from chests, but sometimes screws you over by turning a really good item into vendor trash. This was at least fixed in the [[No Export for You]] international edition, in which all one time cheasts will always give you a specific treasure (though some of them still have a limited chance to spawn in the first place).
** The weather on the Giza Plains will eventually go to rainy during the plot. It will remain rainy forever afterwards unless you talk to one specific NPC hanging out at Rabanastre's south gate who comments on the weather (after doing so, the weather changes every hour or two). Not a problem for people who [[Talk to Everyone]], but quite a problem for savvy players who already know about the weather mechanics and not about the fact that talking to some random bloke in town is what makes them even work.
* [[Hand Wave]]: No explanation is given as to how each party member learns the skills on the Job Skill Tree as they get them; usually, this is simply an [[Acceptable Break From Reality]] for most RPGs. However, the [[Limit Break]] skills are so flamboyant and ''epic'' in nature that most players can't help but wonder how any of them - much less two poverty-stricken urchins like Vaan and Penelo - could have learned such potent magic.
* [[Healing Checkpoint]]: [[Save Point]]s heal you and remove negative status ailments.
* [[Hearing Voices]]
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* [[Humans Are White]]: Averted.
* [[Impersonating the Evil Twin]]: In order to keep up appearances {{spoiler|(and to maintain the pretext of the fragile Arcadia-Dalmasca peace treaty) Basch takes over the role (and identity) of Judge Gabranth at the end of the game from his twin brother Noah}}.
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: Ba'Gamnan isn't much of a villain, but he does have an ''awesome'' weapon. It's like a ring-shaped rotory blade on the end of a long staff.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: [[Mook|The Imperial Trooper]] who kills Rassler does so by shooting him with an arrow. Through the one unarmored spot on his body. While Rassler is mounted. In the middle of a pitched battle. Across the span of a bridge. ''At night''. If it wasn't for the fast Basch kills him, the man would probably be deserving of a promotion.
* [[Inconsistent Dub]]: In that subtitles and spoken dialogue often come out very different. Though it's rare, sometimes the two just don't match up.
{{quote|'''Cid''' (dialogue): Alas, the hour of your return is late.
'''Cid''' (subtitle): Alas, your return is too late. }}
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]:
** The seegs in the Nalbina Dungeons. These hulking, brutal bullies with big clubs are lambs in lions' clothing, proven by how easily Vaan and Basch trounce them outnumbered three to two ''and'' unarmed. In fact, if Vaan is a class who can use Fire, this is almost a [[Zero Effort Boss]].
** The mercenaries after Basch - Ba'Gamnan and his three goons - are incredibly incompetent. Case in point: when Vaan, Basch, and Fran are arrested by the Imperial Army, Penelo appears and pleads for Vaan's life; they don't listen, but Basch is able to assure her he'll bring Vaan back with him, giving her a handkerchief for reassurance. When the heroes escape, Ba'Gamnan's gang figures Penelo is a friend of Basch, so they grab her to use as bait, refusing to listen when she tries to tell them she has no idea who Basch is. It certainly does enable them to find Basch, confronting him at the Lhusu Mines but Basch barely considers Ba'Gamnan anything but an annoyance, shoving the merc aside so he and the rest of the party can flee the mines.<ref>At least, that's what happens cutscene-wise. The player can fight them if they want, but there's really no point doing so here.</ref>
* [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals]]: In every city, the chocobo stables are run by a pink moogle named Gurdy. Rabanastre even has '''three'''.
** Played with in a subquest involving the delivery of a letter to various stewardesses working on the many airship routes across Ivalice. They really ''are'' sisters, all of them.
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* [[Redemption Equals Death]] {{spoiler|Gabranth, Reddas for destroying Nabudis}}
* [[Repeatable Quest]]: The game has only one repeatable quest, and it's very modest, and available very early. By visiting the Giza village and running around in the Giza Plains area, you can create multiple Sunstones, which sell for what is a moderate bonus for the player at that part of the game—but the player could get the amount from just killing wolves and selling the loot, and on the side get both EXP and LP.
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]:
** '''MOOGLES!''' Even more in this game where they are NPCs with cute names like Monteblanc, Hurdy, Gurdy, Nono, and Nutsy.
** “Carbo”, a baby Rocktoise kept as a pet by a Moogle. The adult Rocktoise… Not so much.
** The domesticated Cockatrices in the Nomad Village are far cuter than the wild ones.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Ashe could have just given in to despair, but she instead is basically the hero of the game. Larsa also counts.
* [[Running Gag]]
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{{quote|Eat the head of the wise, and his wisdom you shall gain! Like eating food whence to gain nourishment. To determine the truth of this, I have just now eaten a whole chimera head. No effects as yet. On the morrow, we shall see.
No further reports, poacher no longer at large. Investigation closed, by Imperial Decree." Sgt. Xerse of the 8th }}
* [[Trojan Prisoner]]: {{spoiler|The heroes do this in the Dreadnought Leviathan chapter, getting themselves arrested on purpose so they will be brought to the eponymous airship in order to rescue Ashe, making rendezvous with fellow resistance member Vossiler, who has gotten onboard by [[Dressing as the Enemy]].}}
* [[Turns Red]]: ''Everyone'', even your party, does this.
* {{spoiler|[[Twin Switch]]}}: {{spoiler|Basch and Noah, twice.}}
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