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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim/Tropes 0-G: Difference between revisions

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** The Emperor himself, Titus Mede II, though to a lesser degree than Olaf. While not the victim of a effigy-burning ritual like Olaf (possibly because he's still in power), very few people, if anyone at all seems to have anything positive to say about the emperor. Even those supposedly loyal to him are more loyal to the Empire as a whole than they are to him. {{spoiler|Then there's the fact that the one who hires the Dark Brotherhood to have the Emperor killed is a member of the Elder Council}}. The reason for this hatred is because he surrendered to the [[Evil Overlord|Thalmor,]] but when you meet him he comes across as a supremely [[Reasonable Authority Figure]], as well as a perfect example of {{spoiler|[[Face Death with Dignity]]}}, so the hatred seems somewhat undeserved.
** The Thalmor, the fascist High Elf government. The number of non-Thalmor in Skyrim who support them can be counted on one hand. There are quite a few High Elves who dislike them for their extreme ways. The only reason the Thalmor even came to power in the first place was due to the chaos caused by the Oblivion Crisis.
== A ==
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** '''YOL TOOR SHUL''', once acquired, is one of the single most damaging shouts in the game, hits over a huge area, and staggers enemies. Good as a support power for a mage whose magicka is low, excellent for a warrior who needs a devastating area effect, and a great panic button for a thief who needs to burn everything and run. Plus, belching out a massive wave of fire just ''looks so awesome''.
** Most of the Daedric artifacts. Volendruug is a powerful hammer you can get early-game if you can manage to kill a few giants and if you specialize in it, you can use it for the duration of the game (not to mention effectively infinitely charge into enemies with power attacks due to its effect). The Mace of Molag Bal can help you harvest Soul Gems for either itself or enchanting and can incapacitate most spellcasters easily. The Black Star can be combined with the Mace for infinite charges. The Ebony Mail can harm anyone trying to close the distance and detect nearby enemies for you. Namira's Ring gives you a substantial Stamina Boost and lets you recover HP faster. And so on.
== B ==
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** The Orcs as a whole. Not even a decade into the Fourth Era, they are forced at swordpoint by the Bretons to officially renounce Orsinium as a province and allow themselves to be assimilated into High Rock. By the time of ''Skyrim'', most Orcs are little more than indentured servants to the Bretons, and those that aren't are forced to live in "strongholds" that are almost universally rundown, destitute and scorned by all.
** The Dark Elves too, what with Red Mountain erupting, Vvardenfell's destruction and Morrowind being sacked by Black Marsh have left the province pretty much in ruins, even years later, leading to a mass exodus of Dunmer away from their home province. The ones who settled in Windhelm are left second-class citizens, and only one supplicant remains at the Shrine of Azura they constructed after their exodus. Hadvar even notes should you play a Dunmer character at Helgen that the gods really HAVE abandoned your people.
== C ==
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** Also with Esbern. {{spoiler|So you saved his life from the Thalmor. Used your blood to open a secret base of operation for him and Delphine. Recruited 20 new members for The Blades (who previously numbered at 2). But he won't lift a finger to help you, or allow the Blades to help you, unless you go and kill one of your allies because he asked you to}}.
* [[Durable Deathtrap]]: The Nordic necropoli and Dwemer ruins are filled to the brim with these. Though in the latter case, this has been [[Hand Wave|hand waved]] with the explanation that the Dwemer were so ridiculously advanced that [[Ragnarok Proofing|everything they made was impervious to aging, in addition to having maintenance robots still running around]].
== E ==
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** Blackreach and its upper level Alftand are a little more than "elaborate". "''Absolutely goddamn huge''" might be a better way of putting it. Traversing them can take the better part of four hours even if you're trying to pass as quickly as possible, and you have to fight your way through a small army of Falmer, Automatons and other nasties on the way. Easily five times as big as any of the regular barrows you'll see, they're positively packed with items, and have THREE different access elevators plus three more through various Dwemer ruins. There's a reason why {{spoiler|Blackreach might be the Dwemer capital}}.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]:
** The Daedric Princes as usual, but Hermaeus Mora really takes the cake. While his appearance in ''Daggerfall'' as well as his statue in ''Oblivion'' made it clear that he's absolutely freakish, it really sets in when you suddenly find yourself face-to-face with several portals filled to the brim of grasping tentacles and freaky eyeballs that are always staring at you. Even before he got ana visual upgradeoverhaul in ''Dragonborn'', he still took the form of a yawning void of darkness in the base game.
** The Ideal Masters, who were [[Was Once a Man|once mortal wizards]] that transformed themselves into all-powerful, soul-snatching beings that look like sentient Soul Gems, but are so much ''worse'' than that. Just being in their presence or trying to enter their realm will cause you to slowly die.
** The Augur of Dunlain. What [[Was Once a Man]] is now a living mass of magical energy with prophetic knowledge of things to come and command over truly powerful magic.
** Dragons in this game aren't just a bunch of giant fire-breathing lizards. They're divine beings akin to angels, and are immortal so long as they're not killed by one of their own (or a Dragonborn) and can [[Reality Warper|warp reality]] to a limited extent thanks to the power of their supernatural language. Furthering their eldritch nature is the fact that they legitimately can't understand concepts such as morality and something being finite in nature, and forcing them to comprehend it via Dragon Shout actually hurts them. Alduin takes this even further due to functionally being a living apocalypse who destroys the world so its next incarnation can take its place, all while resurrecting dead dragons and empowering himself by {{spoiler|eating the souls of the Nordic dead in Sovngarde}}.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The Daedric realms you visit in this ''DLC's'' are this, and are a real step up from the generic [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]] you visited in the previous game.
** The Soul Cairn in ''Dawnguard'' is a bleak [[Death World]] that looks like a graveyard from hell, boasting a purple void-like sky and massive graveyards and sprawling ruins inhabited by spectral skeleton creatures. Just trying to enter this place will cause its rulers, the Ideal Masters, to slowly kill you, necessitating you to protect your soul through complicated methods such as becoming a vampire or partially soul trapping yourself beforehand. Many of its inhabitants are the spirits of people who were soul trapped inside of Black Soul Gems, and they're doomed to spend an eternity confused and in unending agony that they can't be saved from (though a few spirits seem to be taking things relatively well, such as Arvak's owner and {{spoiler|Jiub}}).
** Hermaeus Mora is the most Lovecraftian of the Daedric Princes, and his realm, Apocrypha, hits all the notes you'd expect it to hit once you visit it in ''Dragonborn''. It's a massive expanse of "islands" sprawling across an endless ocean of pea-green water which aren't exactly proper landmasses so much as they are a collective of maze-like libraries full of fleshy architecture and massive stacks of books. The resident lesser Daedra look like mini-Cthulus and Deep Ones on steroids, certain tunnels will disorient you by changing their dimensions and positions on the fly, and tentacles will periodically lash out at you from within puddles of toxic goo. Also, some parts of Apocrypha are shrouded in dark shadows that will slowly kill you if you leave the safety of the few light sources that can be found within.
* [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: Subverted in Sheogorath's daedra quest. At first, it looks like you're supposed to win such a battle with the help of an atronach (Fire Atronach beats Ice Atronach, who beats Storm Atronach, who beats Fire Atronach), but then it turns out that the battle will actually go on infinitely until you {{spoiler|turn Wabbajack on Pelagius's guards}}.
* [[The Empire]]:
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* [[From Bad to Worse]]: According to the plot it has indeed gotten worse during the 200 year gap between ''Oblivion'' and ''Skyrim''.
** Keep in mind that ''Oblivion'' involved an invasion from a hell realm with demons erupting out and causing mass death and destruction... those are now seen as the 'good old days'.
* [[Fungus Humongous]]: Blackreach has glowing mushrooms that reach all the way to the top of the cavern. Tel Mithryn on Solstheim is also home to some seriously massive fungi, with Master Neloth living in a mushroom that's roughly as big as a castle.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: The female version of Forsworn and Fur armor.
== G ==
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