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* Inner Moka from ''[[Rosario + Vampire]]'' is an example of this. Moka's Rosario acts as a barrier, [[Dramatic Necklace Removal|once removed]] Inner Moka comes out to kick ass.
* Nobara Ibaragi in ''[[Gakuen Alice]]'' has some sort of split personality - one personality adores and wants to protect Mikan, and the other does whatever her evil 'teacher' tells her to do.
* {{spoiler|Hohenheim}} from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' is revealed to suffer a sui generis, [[Up to Eleven|mindblowingly over the top]] case of this. Long story short: {{spoiler|he is a human Philosopher's Stone, these are made out of many people's souls, do the math}}. He has devoted most of his life to isolate, communicate with and ''befriend'' each of these {{spoiler|''536329'' different people "living" within him}}.
* In ''[[Monster (manga)|Monster]]'', [[Complete Monster|Johan]] is indeed a real person, but [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Inspector Lunge]] (or [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Runge]]) is convinced that he is an alternate personality of Dr. Tenma.
** Wolfgang Grimmer, meanwhile, occasionally blacks out when physically threatened. When he recovers, everyone who threatened him is dead. He refers to the personality that takes over as "the Magnificent Steiner", after a show he watched as a child (where the title character is the superhero persona of an unknowing boy).
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* Gemini Saga, from ''[[Saint Seiya]]''. The specifics are never made terribly clear (i.e we don't know exactly how it developed and came to exist), but basically it takes hold of him and causes him to {{spoiler|murder and impersonate the Pope (not, not [[The Pope|that Pope]]) for a number of years and generally act like a self-entitled asshole.}}
* Irabu-sensei from ''Kuuchu Buranko'' has a total of three personalities: Stuffed Animal one, who acts silly and childish, Child one, who acts more serious and snarky, and Adult one, who is something inbetween but leans closer to Animal one.
* Lisianthus of ''[[SHUFFLE!]]'' absorbed the soul of her unborn sister while still in the womb. The two take turns being the dominant personality. In the original visual novel she has no name but is known as Reverse Sia. Giving her the name Kikyo becomes a plot point.
* ''[[Angel Sanctuary]]'': An interesting subversion with Alexiel and Setsuna. Setsuna is (currently) the dominant persona while Alexiel steps occasionally as his [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Superpowered Badass Side]] whenever he's in over his head. Although each has a completely [[Idiot Hero|different]] [[Lady of War|character]], Setsuna still occasionally echoes some of Alexiel's words and personality, proving that they really are the same person deep down.
* What about mild-mannered Negishi from ''[[Detroit Metal City]]'', whose alternate personality Johannes Krauser II is the badass and feared leater of a Death Metal band?
* Gaia/Nomura from ''[[Baki the Grappler]]''.
== Comic Books ==
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** A few comics have suggested that [[The Joker]] has multiple personality disorder, switching from harmless prankster to [[Complete Monster]] and everything inbetween.
** Even Batman himself has been accused of this, sometimes even by his own account. By day, he's [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job|Bruce Wayne]]. Put on the costume, and he's a completely different person. It's even [[The Dark Knight Saga|been argued]] that the Batman persona is his "true" personality, and Bruce Wayne is the mask he hides behind.
*** Batman himself pondered whether or not this was true in ''[[The Batman]]'' episode "The Big Dummy", comparing himself to Wesker, suggesting he was [[Not So Different]].
*** Then there are those that argues that there are ''three'' personae: Bruce Wayne, the [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]], The Dark Knight, the avenger who '''Is The Night''', the shadow who shows up to beat the guilty into a pulp and who has no personal ties; and [[Batman]], the person who briefly shows up in-between, the guy who loves Alfred as a father and who consider Dick Grayson to be his son.
**** Sane people tend to agree that the real person is Batman, and that the other two personae are exaggerations of the original. Though this usually is just about who he is pretending to be, not about whether any of them are independant personalities.
**** Some people prefer to call in-between-guy 'Bruce,' labeling the [[Upper Class Twit]] 'Brucie' or 'Bruce Wayne,' and seeing 'Batman' as being also largely made up of masks, since 'Batman' can never show weakness of any kind, ever. And the people who know him best usually do call him Bruce in private or emotional moments.
** [[Grant Morrison]]'s run on ''[[Batman]]'' revealed that Batman, who [[Crazy Prepared|prepares for]] ''[[Crazy Prepared|everything]]'', deliberately cultivated a back-up personality should the Bruce Wayne/Batman persona be incapacitated.
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** Doctor Octopus sometimes showed signs of this in his career. There were times when his original, timid, benevolent personality of Otto Octavius would resurface, but his evil Doctor Octopus persona would always return. In the movie ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man 2]]'' this Trope seemed to apply even more.
* Grant Morrison's run on ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' featured, among other characters, Kay Challis, also known as Crazy Jane, who had no less than sixty-four separate personalities, each with its own name and function, and after a "gene-bomb" was detonated during an alien invasion of Earth, [[Disability Superpower|each with its own superhuman ability]].
** Alyosha Kravinoff (son of Spidey's old enemy Kraven the Hunter), possibly. Sometimes he is a savage berserker who seems more beast than human, who has an unkempt beard and a ragged and dirty version of his father's costume; other times he is an [[Affably Evil]] socialite and lady's man who is clean shaven and wears a casual - yet expensive - suit.
* Triplicate Girl/Triad from the ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes]]'' tends to show signs of this trope when she [[Doppelganger Spin|splits apart]]. The version of her in the Post-''[[Zero Hour]] [[Crisis Crossover|Hour]]'' reboot was explicitly written as having [[The Three Faces of Eve|three distinct personalities]] when split—which was considered a mental illness on her [[Planet of Hats|homeworld]], although her grandmother insisted it was natural, and suppressing the different aspects was what was unhealthy.
** Then again, arguing with yourself is considered pretty nutty on this planet, too.
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== Real Life ==
* There is a sizable online community of multiples, who say that they are "systems" consisting of multiple personalities, with some being non-human, fictional and/or historical characters. However, given the debated status of DID as a genuine condition, its particularly high frequency of self-diagnoses and that online multiples' stated conditions often differ from the documented symptoms, their legitimacy is questionable.
* The late Anne Heche claims (orclaimed at least once claimed) to have multiple personalities.
* Herschel Walker was a former football player with tons of personalities, for instance, The Hero and The Professional White Man.
* Kenneth Bianchi, one half of The Hillside Stranglers, [[Obfuscating Insanity|attempted to set up an insanity defence]]. He claimed to have another personality named Steve Walker and, according to Bianchi, Walker was the killer - Bianchi himself was innocent. He managed to fool a couple of psychiatrists before the whole charade collapsed.
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** There is a related condition - a mental event known as "disassociative fugue" - where the sufferer loses a large chunk of their history and wanders off with no idea of who they are. Some documented cases have established themselves in a completely different life from the one that they left. And it can occur ideopathically and spontaneously - i.e. ''with no known cause and with no warning''. Fugue ''tends'' to be associated with some form of traumatic event, but doesn't have to be. [[Nightmare Fuel|Scared yet?]] Fortunately, it's very, very, ''very'' rare.
* The "Society of Mind" hypothesis states that all humans are [[Mind Hive]]s.
* Gaia/Nomura from ''[[Baki the Grappler]]''.
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