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* This is one of the biggest complaints about Alexis on ''[[Ugly Betty]]''. Alexis was a shadowy [[Big Bad]] figure for the first half of season one. Then she had a [[Heel Face Turn]] while retaining her aggressive, competitive personality. From then, it was on. The writers just couldn't decide if she was a good guy or a bad guy. This got so bad that Rebecca Romijn - the actor who plays Alexis - decided to quit the show. Romijn has said that
{{quote|"They made a tremendous amount of changes, especially with the writing staff [during the writers' strike]. And while I know I'll be coming back next season, with all the changes, I'm not sure they can take care of my character they way they have been. So I'll be leaving, back in a recurring capacity, but time for me to leave and find something else."}}
**:* Note it didn't quite happen this way. Alexis was [[Put on a Bus]], but did not return in a recurring capacity and, in fact, was never seen again. (Interestingly, this was around the time Rebecca Romijn became pregnant - [[Real Life Writes the Plot|something it would have been impossible to write into the show]] what with her character being a ''male-to-female transsexual''.)
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'' the Doctor's moral standard varies for better or worse depending on the current writing staff. Partly justified when the change happens between regenerations; at the end of the first Tenth Doctor episode, he gives a speech about how each time he changes he becomes a different type of doctor in personality terms as well.
** More generally, the Time Lords as a collective culture have wildly varied in their depiction according to writers' tastes and political attitudes, from [[Crystal Spires and Togas|benevolent, god-like protectors of the universe]] to [[The Man Behind the Curtain|pompous but weak old codgers]] who can't actually do much to an almost completely self-serving and ruthless [[Deadly Decadent Court]] to {{spoiler|a full-blown [[Omnicidal Maniac]] culture}}. The Doctor did point out that the last one was a result of the Time war however.
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