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Umineko: When They Cry/WMG/Colored Text: Difference between revisions

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* Rather than using the red truth, trick Beato (somehow?) into lying in red to either see if it works or to see her strangle herself on an impossible-to-exist red lie.
== Things to do with {{<span style="color|:gold|;">gold text}}</span>. ==
* Say nothing said in red so far has been the truth.
** Not sure this would work. The way I figure it is "one interpretation of something said in red is true or you can't say it; all interpretations of something said in gold are true or you can't say it."
* Kill the <s><span style="color:red;">[[House of Leaves|Minotaur]]</span></s>
* "<s>Dine's</s> {{<span style="color|:gold|;">Knox's rules do not apply.}}</span> In other words, this is not a Mystery."
== <span {{style="color|:green|;">Green Text is Fourth Wall Truth.}}</span> ==
In The Stake's Valentine's Day; Ronove is commenting on how Angel's Horn or Devil's Horn is perfect on Chocolates; when suddenly a [[Do Not Try This At Home]] disclaimer appears in {{<span style="color|:green|;">green}}</span> comments on how these things are poisonous. Ronove nonchalantly responds to...um...nobody that well, yeah, to ''humans'', not demons; very well, they'll skip those ingredients.
* However, the {{<span style="color|:green|;">Green Text}}</span> will doubtfully be used in story. Watch me be proven wrong, it'll be great.
* Adding to that, the {{<span style="color|:green|;">Grimoire}}</span> that's added to the TIPS in the Witch Hunt translations use {{<span style="color|:green|;">Green Text}}</span> to explain translation notes of interest and clarifications. Does that fall under Fourth Wall Truth, or has Ryu07 been royally cornered? Either way, it'll be fucking epic.
** {{<span style="color|:green|;">Implying green text means anything}}</span>
*** Apparently it's some kind of grimoire text. I went to a [https://web.archive.org/web/20120701213418/http://jbcs.info/Umineko/screenshot/generator.html screenshot generator for ''Umineko''] and the text section had a hex code for green text, and called it "grimoire text".
**** You misunderstood. "Grimore" is how the [[Fan Translation|Witch-Hunt]] call the the part of the menu they explain their translation. In their translation, every time you see the {{<span style="color|:green|;">green text}}</span> you are to go to the 'grimore'(one page after 'TIPS") to read what the translators had to say about it. Therefore, there, the {{<span style="color|:green|;">green text}}</span> ''is'' [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|aimed to the reader]]. Since it was already this way before Ryuukishi first use it, it could be, indeed, an [[Ascended Fanon]] if this [[WMG]] is correct.
== Gold truth is premise truth ==
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* {{spoiler|Despite being a supernatural element the Gold text is accepted even in the face of Knox's 2nd rule. It reminds me of the part of the conversation Dlanor had with Battler where Battler pointed out that there were good mysteries that had secret doors and she responded that in those stories part of the premise was that "secret doors exist", meaning the Knox rules do not hold up against the premise of the story.}}
* Further The Gold Truth is limited to the master of the kakera, which corresponds to the premise of a story being limited to the author.
** The statement is "{{<span style="color|:gold|;">I guarantee that this corpse is Ushiromiya Kinzo's corpse!}}</span>" a promise from the master of that world that that is true, in the same way that the author promises that a mystery is solvable along the same vein of the conversation above.
* This also fits with the comment about it being both superior and inferior, on par with the red truth, premise of the story could be {{<span style="color|:gold|;">"Secret doors exist"}}</span>, it is absolute above the red truth as the premise is secret doors exist, yet even if "Secret doors exist" the red truth can still trump that with the Red <span style="color:red;">No Secret doors exist in this room"</span>, it falls in line with the premise that "Secret doors exist", yet it overrides the premise to mean "{{<span style="color|:gold|;">Secret doors exist,}}</span> <span style="color:red;">outside of this room"</span>
I am not sure if this falls in line with the common "No distortions of the truth" theory because of the "Because it is truly solvable, does not mean it is solvable for you" thing, intentional distortions, yes, but if a stated premise can mean something different to the author and the reader, so the gold could possibly be misinterpreted under this theory.
* I think it's been confirmed that red truth is subjective truth, which made me think that gold truth could be objective truth. Then again, I'm not sure how either would work, so your explanation, which is more thought out than mine, makes more sense right now.
** {{<span style="color|:gold|;">The gold truth is used to make any true statement using the rules of Beato's game as a basis for deduction.}}</span>
*** That's probably the best way to think of it. I think the easiest way to interpret it without contradicting any of the previous colored truths or the fundamental game itself is to the think of the gold truth like an incarnation of the rules, much like Beato is. Anyone who understands the whole truth about Beato's game can use it and it is allowed to speak any truth pertaining to those rules. For example, EP 5, Battler can use it to guarantee Kinzo's corpse because that is one of the rules Beato's game revolves around, it's part of the core mystery and is an established fact by the rules of the games. Unlike the red truth though, the gold truth seems like it can't be used for any statement outside of that though.
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# <span style="color:blue;">There is an organization attempting to exterminate the supernatural. That organization's rules forbid supernatural elements.</span>
* This can count as a WMG regarding the rules for using the Red Truth. As for the info itself, I love it, though, I felt a few added touches were necessary. Hope you don't mind.<ref>{{<span style="color|:gold|;">This one will be hereafter referred to as either the Respondent, or as the Editor, within this WMG.}}</span></ref>
* <span style="color:red;">I respectfully disagree with the OP. At first I thought this WMG was pure, unbridled genius,</span> <span style="color:blue;">but the principle that the red text didn't take the actual meaning of the speaker into account doesn't make sense.</span>
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To make everyone on the internet start using colored text to discuss mysteries in a visually easy-to-understand method. Face it, <span style="color:red;">Using red and blue truth to argue and debate is way too damn fun.</span>
* <span style="color:red;">This is plausible.</span> Why? Because the OP is right, <span style="color:red;">using the Red Truth, the Blue Truth, and even the Golden Truth to argue and debate is way too damn fun.</span>
** {{<span style="color|:green|;">The Green Truth feels a bit left out.}}</span>
*** The Green Truth [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the Fourth Wall]], [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|which causes trouble and can ultimately destroy the Multiverse.]]
*** The Green Truth goes around [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]], getting drunk and dialing up old witches in the middle of the night. We didn't invite him for a reason. Hey, wait, why isn't that red? Don't tell me <span style="color:red;">I made a terrible joke.</span> What!? Oh, come on...
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*** So how is a universe in which Battler is Asumu's son "too far away?"
**** <span style="color:red;">The 'Cat Box' is in 1986, where Umineko (Mostly) takes place.</span> Additionally, the ability to move from Kakera to Kakera is effectively to move between different 'possibilities', stemming from a certain point. For example if Battler lost his hand prior to his magical romp with witches, he could end up learning to get by without it (Possible), get a prosthetic (Also possible), or have a sweet Gatling gun grafted on (Insane, but probably still possible). However, before beginning to hop kakera he lost his arm, so there's absolutely no 'possiblity' that exists where he still has an arm.
**** If we want to be more fair and more specific, the point of Kakera-jumping is mostly the point where the victim/kakera-jumper(Rika in Higurashi, Battler in Umineko) has their fate 'decided', so they're given a chance to avoid the fate chosen for them. This explains why Rika could sometimes jump back years and meet Akasaka many times(As Tanako decided that Rika was going down and 'decided' her fate YEARS before putting the plan into action), whereas Battler only gets three days; His fate was 'decided' when he stepped off the boat; if the murders are tied to his sin then he has to be present for them to happen, and if he could jump back further he would eventually find a Kakera where he wusses out of the boat ride, throws a hissy fit and stays home from the family conference.
If we want to be more fair and more specific, the point of Kakera-jumping is mostly the point where the victim/kakera-jumper(Rika in Higurashi, Battler in Umineko) has their fate 'decided', so they're given a chance to avoid the fate chosen for them. This explains why Rika could sometimes jump back years and meet Akasaka many times(As Tanako decided that Rika was going down and 'decided' her fate YEARS before putting the plan into action), whereas Battler only gets three days; His fate was 'decided' when he stepped off the boat; if the murders are tied to his sin then he has to be present for them to happen, and if he could jump back further he would eventually find a Kakera where he wusses out of the boat ride, throws a hissy fit and stays home from the family conference.
*** <span style="color:red;">Until someone attempted to state in red that Battler was Asumu's son, there was no indication that he wasn't.</span> <span style="color:blue;">Up to that point, the identity of his mother was itself a "cat box", and attempting to state its contents in red caused a collapse of the waveform. If the Red Truth transferred the speaker into a kakera where the red was true, it would have forced the waveform to collapse in the other direction, moving him to a kakera where he ''is'' Asumu's son but events otherwise happened identically.</span>
Line 194 ⟶ 193:
*** (Respondent here.) I would say the scene in EP5 where Natsuhi, Krauss, Nanjo, and (possibly, not certain) Kumasawa are in Kinzo's study and the old fart has just passed away. The one where Natsuhi convinces the others to pretend that [[Of Corpse He's Alive|Kinzo is still alive]].
**** ...Um, so? Not only is that a flashback provided by supernatural means, but there's no empirical evidence left behind that Battler can use, such as a diary or anything.
***** (Respondent here.) <span style="color:red;">A diary belonging to Natsuhi was mentioned in EP5.</span> Battler can ask for the date of Kinzo's alleged death and compare Natsuhi's entry against that of a more "sane" person (say, Nanjo's records) and ''voila'', confirmation. {{<span style="color|:purple|;">This is}}</span> {{<span style="color|:grey|;">(1)one of many possible ways|(2)the only possible way}}</span> {{<span style="color|:purple| ;">for Battler to confirm Kinzo's death.}}</span> It has been stated that Gold needs a check for absolute validity. Furthermore, anything said in Gold can be said in Red, but not always vice versa. Finally, <span style="color:red;">Kinzo has been stated in Red to have already died before the events of October 4 and 5, 1986</span>, therefore, {{<span style="color|:purple|;">Battler}}</span> {{<span style="color|:grey|;">(1)can|(2)must}}</span> {{<span style="color|:purple|;">use that as well to confirm that the corpse is Kinzo's.}}</span> Counter that, if you can! You can't, can you? [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|''This! '''Is! <divspan style="font-size:120%;">CHECKMAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!</divspan>]]'''''
****** <span style="color:red;">Knox's 8th. It is forbidden for the case to be resolved with clues that are not presented.</span> Where was it stated that Gold needs a check for absolute validity and/or that all Gold statements can be said in red, but not (always) vice versa?
******* (Respondent here.) Mmm. Well played. It's stated on this wiki's Main Page for ''Umineko'', which, upon consideration, stirs a question of my own. Where the hell did '''they''' get it from? Anyone up for some snooping? In the meantime, I demoted the statements in question until they have some support from the series itself. <span style="color:red;">Valid support can come from either of the three versions of the story so far. The '''games''' or either the '''manga''' or the '''anime''' should either one ever get to where the Golden Truth is explained.</span>
Line 221 ⟶ 220:
* So what does Kinzo's corpse have to do with Beatrice's Heart?
** Unless Beatrice is some sort of Frankensteinian Zombie, nothing physical. Kinzo's Corpse is part of the 'rules'. A better way to put it is 'The Golden Truth is this story's [[Anthropic Principle]]. Denying that it's Kinzo's Corpse if it's stated to be Kinzo's Corpse in gold is effectively the same as playing a game of chess and putting the king in your pocket to protect it when it's in a position of checkmate.
* So basically, {{color|blue| the Golden Truth is the statement of rules of Beatrice's game.}} This, in a way, combines the idea of "Beatrice's heart" (as Beatrice is the embodiment of the rules), premise truth (as the rules are based off the premise), AND explains Ryukishi's statement that "even pieces can use the Golden Truth." After all, if you're in an RP and a player starts godmodding, you can accuse them of breaking the rule {{<span style="color|:gold|;">"No godmodding allowed"}}</span>, even if you're not the GM.
== The reason the creators introduced colored text? ==
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== We need to adopt the Schroedinger's truth from the above WMG for our arguments. ==
* Seriously, it's awesome. Although it needs a simpler color to write and use. I propose {{<span style="color|:purple|;">Purple}}</span>. Schrodinger's cat is neither alive nor dead, and the Schroedinger's truth, an analytical truth rather than an absolute truth or a theory, also exists between them. Purple is a fusion of red and blue, and is a worthy color for the Schrodinger's truth.
** Isn't Schroedinger's Truth effectively the same as Blue Truth? They serve the exact same function and properties.
** <span style="color:red;">Schroedinger's Truth is used to indicate that one of two or more possibilities is correct (like the red) without mentioning which one.</span> I propose that we use Schrodinger's Truth like this:
{{<span style="color|:purple|;">There will be a</span> <span }}{{style="color|:grey|;">(1)twist|(2)untwist/absence of a twist}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">regarding the red truth. The probability at this point for either to be is equal. Anything Ryuukishi states outside the novels</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(1)is|(2)is not}}</span> {{<span style="color|:purple|;">a red herring, and therefore anything he reveals outside of the novels</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(3)can|(4)can not}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">be regarded as reliable information. Therefore, the probability for X to carry the value of 1 is equal to the probability for X to carry the value of 0. The red truth</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(5)is|(6)is not}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">founded on the fallacy of bare assertion. Basically, the red truth claims it's telling the truth at all times, but</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(5)nothing|(6)something (such as people lying and choking on red)}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">other than the red truth itself can confirm that. That</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(5)is a huge loophole, what means that there is a great chance for a first-degree twist to be lodged there, waiting to be exposed|(6)is only a postulate. Therefore, this isn't reliable information either.}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">Any hint or revelation regarding the red truth before a certain (unspecified as of now) point in the storyline</span> }}{{<span style="color|:grey|;">(1)is|(2)is not}}{{</span> <span style="color|:purple| ;">a red herring. After examining these four statements, we can say nothing but that '''a first-degree twist is equally possible as a first-degree untwist at this point in time'''.}}</span>
In other words, purple is used to indicate parts of a statement that can be spoken in red, and grey indicates the parts that are still uncertain. Numbering is used to indicate logical connections between possibilities, as in "If item W is true, items X, Y, and Z are true, and vice versa. Items W, X, Y, and Z will therefore all be numbered 1."
** {{color|blue| So it's basically identical to using multiple Blue Truths. Got it.}}
*** Not quite. In fact, <span style="color:red;">there are many incorrect uses of the blue on this WMG,</span> as Blue's nature is not to postulate the rules or evidence, but to provide a theory which behaves as a solution to a given problem. Schrodinger's truth is not a truth of providing a theory, but to analyze the validity of a theory.
**** All Blue Truth is is to posit something that may or may not be true. This Schroedringer's Truth is not only needlessly complex, but it's purpose has already been canonically filled by other instances of the Blue.
***** Blue is used to declare hypotheses, Schroedringer's Truth is used to declare that if X is true then Y must also be true. For example, "{{<span style="color|:purple| ;">The victims were all killed by}}</span> {{<span style="color|:grey|;">Battler}}</span>, {{<span style="color|:purple|;">therefore, the culprit is</span> }}<span {{style="color|:grey| ;">Battler}}</span>" means that if Battler killed the victims then Battler is the culprit. It's actually closer to red then blue.
****** Then it could be called the {{<span style="color|:purple|;">Truth Of}}</span> <span {{style="color|:grey|;">Alternate Possibilities}}</span>, as the possibilities include at least one Red Truth and at least one Blue Truth. <span style="color:red;">This interests me more and more as it continues to unfold.</span>
****** Again, Blue Truth already works this way. Infact, this is the exact format Beatrice and Ange used it in during the scene wherein they debated Battler's parentage. {{color|blue| This truth is redundant.}}
******* (6th respondent here.) <span style="color:red;">Blue Truth proposes only one possibility, while Schroedinger's Truth proposes multiple ones, among which, is the real truth, not a twisted or omitted truth, but '''THE''' truth, the '''WHOLE''' truth, and '''NOTHING BUT''' the truth, so help us Beatrice.</span> Furthermore, to recite what the original creator of Schroedinger's Truth said of it, "''{{<span style="color|:gold|;">Keep in mind that the 'Schrodinger truth' is not really a truth, but rather a tool which may or may not help us judge how something might develop in the near future.}}</span>"'' <span style="color:red;">Schroedinger's Truth is '''not''' redundant.</span>
******* <span style="color:red;">The Blue Truths regarding Battler's qualification and by extension his parentage are as follows:</span>
Line 305 ⟶ 304:
<span style="color:red;">None of those followed the same format as the Truth of Alternate Possibilities.</span>
'''UPDATE''': (6th respondent here.) Due to the introduction of the Purple Declaration in EP5, it is called for that this be re-colored. I propose {{color|orange|Orange}} for Confirmed Red and {{<span style="color|:brown|;">Brown}}</span> for Unconfirmed Segments.
== One Truth, Two Truth... ==
Line 326 ⟶ 325:
** Battler: <span style="color:red;">X is the culprit</span>
** Dllanor: Can you back it up with human side evidence?
** Battler: {{color|yellow|<span style="color:gold;">X is the culprit because Y}}</span>
** Dllanor: What's Y?
** Battler: Telling you would ruin the mystery and defeat the witch side, that's why its a golden truth.
== The Golden Truth is the use of Braun Tube in colour ==
* Okay, i haven't read through Chiru perfectly but to me the use of the golden truth seems pretty easy to understand when you think about it (at least it's use in episode 5). The game says it is stronger than red in some cases and weaker in some. Isn't that rather similar to the Braun Tube that they talk about. For example at the end of Episode 5 where Battler says that Kinzo is dead in gold, if you use the Braun Tube argument here then it means that it works as a blue truth that only can be countered by opening up the tube and if the golden truth is correct then it is stronger than Red while if it is wrong it is weaker.
Line 347:
A case of an inferior Golden Truth is the one that states that Beato used 'magic' with the overturned cup.
{{<span style="color|yellow|:gold;">You used magic to create a golden flower petal inside an overturned cup. It was a splendid bit of magic.}}</span>
Magic CAN be denied because the game was made with riddles that can be solved. Beato used the same magic that has been used before, and it was declared as a 'splendid display' because it was done perfectly. Remember that Beatrice said that simply saying magic exist in red would not make a game. Seeing this way, that Golden Truth is inferior because a blue truth revealing the 'trick' would defeat that particualr Golden Truth, but following the rules of the game it is still not a lie.
Line 359:
We could have this Golden Truth
{{color|yellow|<span style="color:gold;">A sixth master key will never be found.}}</span>
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