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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Difference between revisions

Single Purpose Planet
(Single Purpose Planet)
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* [[Significant Anagram]]: Lucsly and Dulmur, the DTI field agents from "Trials and Tribble-ations", are (near-)anagrams for [[The X-Files|Scully and Muld<s>u</s>er]].
* [[Silent Offer]]: In "Past Prologue", Garak negotiates the price for a terrorist with two Klingons in this way, using an electronic tablet instead of paper.
* [[Single-Purpose Planet]]: Casperia Prime, a pleasure planet described as the "vacation capital of the Horvian Cluster".
* [[Slave Collar]]: In one alternate universe episode, the captured Garak is restrained this way by Worf.
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Started out as optimistic -- but still not so cheery, considering the themes of Sisko's bereavement and Bajor's Holocaust-like recent history -- as the other series, only to head straight into the Dominion War arc by the third season, and slamming straight into the very end of the Cynical side of the scale in the second to last season with the episode "In The Pale Moonlight".
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