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** Another unexplained action they take in the second game is {{spoiler|kidnapping Admiral Bosch and his command staff alive when they finally managed to get a communication across to the Shivans.}} This is completely outside their usual MO and has confused many a fan of the series.
* Capsuleer motives are seen as this by planet-dwellers in ''[[EVE Online]]''. It doesn't help that even among the various capsuleer factions there's a general theme of sociopathy with rules unique to each group.
* ''[[Honkai: Star Rail]]'': The various Paths are philosophies and ways of behavior that are distorted from normal human morality, with the [[Cosmic Entity|Aeons]] that embody and empower them being the most clear and rigid examples. Nanook the Destruction, who sees [[Omnicidal Maniac|the destruction of all things as the ultimate goal]], and Tayzzyronth the Propagation, who exists for the endless reproduction of the [[Horde of Alien Locusts]], are the ones most obviously inimical to manmade norms, but even the seemingly benevolent ones don't grok humanity. Yaozhi the Abundance grants immortality that will survive even violent death, and doesn't see the problem with the recipients eventually growing mad. Aha the Elation spreads amusement and joy, but considers [[It Amused Me|self-serving trolling]] and [[Deadly Prank]]s just as legitimate as beneficial acts.
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