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* Colonel Tendon Cobar and Colonel Mael Radek from ''[[Killzone]]'' (''Liberation'' and ''2'', respectively) get the awesomest suits you'll see from any Helghast, the lot of whom wear really cool outfits anyway.
* In the second ''[[Jak and Daxter]]'' game, the [[Mooks|Krimzon Guards]] have four kinds of uniforms: red for normal ones, yellow for inexplicably stronger ones, one for [[The Dragon|Errol]] and one for [[Rebellious Princess|Ashelin]]. In the third game, the [[Mook Face Turn|Freedom League]] is all blue, though for some reason Ashelin still has the [[Limited Wardrobe|exact same outfit]].
* Most Alliance Marines in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' appear to wear black armor, in sharp contrast to Ashley's white-and-pink. Also, normal Alliance starships are white and red, while the ''[[Cool Ship|Normandy]]'' is black and white.
** Though strangely whichever human crew member survives Virmire (or Liara, if she was Shepard's [[Love Interest]] in the first game) shows up in the same white-and-pink during the opening sequence of [[Mass Effect 2]], while Shepard sticks with the standard black Alliance armor (plus a red stripe to denote rank).
** Well the Normandy is explained away by being built by more than one race so maybe it got its own color scheme and in universe I think the white-and-pink was the medic color.
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** This is consistently mocked by the [[Brits With Battleships|British Armed Forces]], who denounce them as "Walts."
* Ditto for modern [[Cossacks]]. Their appearance ranges from "fairly modern military style camo" to "authentic XIX century dress uniform complete with a saber", with anything in between possible.
* Lord Lovet lead a Commando Brigade on [[World War TwoII|D-Day]] wearing a custom bright white jumper, carrying his own personal Winchester rife.
* Two examplesExamples from sports:
** Goalkeepers in [[The Beautiful Game|association football]] must wear uniforms that make them distinguishable from other players. This has occasionally led to customized uniforms.
** Goaltenders in [[Ice Hockey]] wear masks attached to their helmets to keep pucks from flying into their faces. These masks and helmets tend to be highly decorated according to the goalie's tastes.
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