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(→‎Jipang: added some examples)
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=== Linda Halloween ===
[[File:Linda Halloween.jpg|right]]
* [[Commanding Coolness]]: Is referred to as a "Commander" by her naval colleagues despite being a second lieutenant, though since she seems to be leader of a spec ops squad, this seems to be a reference to her leading the squad.
* [[Eagle Land]]: Type 2 for the most part.
* [[Expy]]: Flag patterned outfit, well endowed female blonde wrestler that stands out in a largely Japanese cast. [[Dead or Alive (Video Game)|Sounds familiar.......]]
* [[Good Looking Privates]]: She's a second Lieutenant in the US Naval Reserves, implied to be a Navy SEAL.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Don't let the broken English and bimboish attitude fool you, she's a lot smarter than she appears.
* [[Hulk Speak]]; Speaks slightly broken sounding Japanese, which is translated to imperfect English for the reader.
* [[Wardrobe Malfunction]]: In an entire cast of [[Gag Boobs|really well endowed women]], hers are so large they [[Funny Moments|have caused skin tight wetsuits to rip apart from the pressure.]]
* [[Token Minority]]: The only obvious American on the Gigamax promotion team.
=== Mako Kirino ===
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