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{{Infobox book
| title = And Another Thing...
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[[Category: | author = Eoin Colfer]]
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| franchise = The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
| preceded by = Mostly Harmless
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| publication date = October 12, 2009
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'''''And Another Thing...''''' is the sixth book in the [[Trilogy Creep|increasingly inaccurately-named]] ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Franchise)|The Hitchhikers Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'' trilogy. It's notable for being the first installment of the series not written by its creator, [[Douglas Adams]], but by [[Eoin Colfer]]<ref>although it's very difficult to tell at times and painfully easy at others</ref>, author of the ''[[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Artemis Fowl]]'' series (not counting ''[[Starship Titanic]]'', a tie-in novel written by Terry Jones of [[Monty Python]] fame). The book was released on October 12, 2009, to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the first book's original publication. Its storyline follows directly from where the fifth book, ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy (Franchise)/Mostly Harmless|Mostly Harmless]]'', left off.
Seconds before the Grebulons (the clueless, would-be [[Alien Invasion|alien invaders]] from ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy (Franchise)/Mostly Harmless|Mostly Harmless]]'') demolish the [[Alternate Universe|alternate-universe Earth]] as part of a [[Xanatos Gambit|crafty gambit]] set up by the Vogons over the course of the previous books, our protagonists (Arthur Dent, his daughter Random, her mother Trillian Astra, and their friend Ford Prefect) are given one last shot at self-preservation by the Guide Mk. II, who abandoned Vogon Jeltz's side to fulfill Random's dying wish.
Almost at once, the gang is rescued by Galactic President Zaphod Beeblebrox, who, apparently, had been up to some ''very'' funny business since his last appearance. Now endebtedindebted to Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, an aeons-old immortal, the President embarks on a quest to meet with the [[Norse Mythology|Nordic thunder-god Thor]] to fulfill his part of a very odd bargain. Meanwhile, Arthur Dent is elated, and the Vogons are very displeased, to find that the human species may yet live on, in the depths of a faraway dark nebula... (''[[Scare Chord|bohm bohm bohhhhm]]!!'')
Features a guest appearance by [[Cthulhu Mythos|Cthulhu.]] It all [[It Makes Sense in Context|makes sense in context.]]
=== This book includes examples of: ===
* [[All Girls Like Ponies]]: Random's version of their rescue from Club Beta involved unicorns.
* [[All Myths Are True]]: [[Classical Mythology | Gaea]], [[Norse Mythology | Thor, Heimdall and Hel]],and [[Cthulhu Mythos | Cthulhu]] all make appearances at some point in the narrative.
* [[All the Myriad Ways]]: {{spoiler|Except for "our" versions, every single Arthur, Ford and Trilian in the multiverse is killed, apparently out of sheer spite on the part of the multiverse itself. Many of these are also [[Necro Non Sequitur|Necro Non Sequiturs]].}}
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Arthur, sucked into a wormhole just as Fenchurch did between books four and five, finds himself stranded on an island very similar to the one he'd fantasized about in the Guide Mk. II's [[Lotus Eater Machine]]. It's a place of absolute peace... until he's made aware that the Vogons are on their way.}} Made even more bittersweet by the fact that the story is now almost certainly over. Unless you thought it was funny.
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*** And making an appearance in ''The Salmon of Doubt''.
*** Thor only had ''one'' scene in ''LTUAE''.
*** He first appeared in a brief cameo at ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy (Franchise)/The Restaurant At The End of The Universe|The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy]]'', but Adams had already written an entire Dirk Gently novel about Thor, so was it really necessary for Colfer to feature Thor again?
*** Clearly, these are two different Thors. In ''[[The Long Dark Tea -Time of the Soul (Literature)|The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul]]'', Thor is physically intimidating, but his personality is failyfairly mild and non-confrontational; he even forms a childlike friendship with Kate. The Thor featured in the ''Hitchhiker'' book is an arrogant, boisterous braggart who never passes up a chance to demonstrate his machismo. Really, as a god, he could be interpreted in many different ways, even in the same world as in ''[[American Gods (Literature)|American Gods]]'' (assuming the [[Wild Mass Guessing|theory]] about Ford in ''[[The Salmon of Doubt]]'' is correct). Just look at [[God|our guy.]]
* [[Cool Ship|Froody Ship]]: The ''Tanngrisnir''.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Hillman Hunter. Not ''corrupt'', per se, so much as ''sleazy.'' Bonus points for having created a phony space alien-related religion that is totally ''not'' [[Scientology]].
** Could be argued it was more like the Heaven's Gate cult. The whole "being taken away by aliens in a spaceship" thing.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Zaphod. He's genuinely stupid, but it turns out {{spoiler|he manipulated a good amount of the events in the book}}.
* [[De-Power]] {{spoiler|Thor knocks the immortality out of Wowbagger during their big showdown.}}
* [[Death of the Old Gods]]: [[Cthulhu]] applies for the job as a new world's god but he can't close the deal because, since nobody is currently worshiping him, he's technically dead.
* [[Death Seeker]]: The main reason for {{spoiler|Wowbagger's}} actions.
* [[De-Power]] {{spoiler|Thor knocks the immortality out of Wowbagger during their big showdown.}}
* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: {{spoiler|Thor.}}
* [[Did We Just Have Tea Withwith Cthulhu?|Did You Just Turn Down A Job Application From Cthulhu?]]
* [[Discontinuity Nod]]: The beginning of the book to the ending of the radio series.
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: {{spoiler|Tricia and the ''Guide'' Mk. II.}}
** The second one may count as a [[Continuity Nod]] as {{spoiler|the Guide Mk. II spontaneously disappeared from existence at the end of Mostly Harmless, meaning that it was [[Doomed Byby Canon]] in a sense.}}
* [[Dub -Induced Plot Hole]]: The American printing of ''And Another Thing...'' retains the original text that says Wowbagger had previously called Arthur a jerk and a complete arsehole, even though the American edition of ''Life, the Universe and Everything'' had [[Bowdlerise|replaced]] "arsehole" with "kneebiter". Later American releases of the book seem to be unedited in this regard, so it depends on how recent the copy they read was.
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: Zaphod once does this to ''himself''.
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]: {{spoiler|Bowerick "Bow" Wowbagger.}}
* [[Goth]]: What Colfer unfortunately identifies Random as, when he really should have said [[Emo Teen]].
* [[Jerkass Realization]]: Random gets a rather heavy-handed one towards the end.
* [[Inadequate Inheritor]]: Constant Mown, the free-spirited, paperwork-hating, protocol-neglecting son of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
* [[Inherently Funny Words]]: Instead of inventing inherently funny words the way Adams usually did, Colfer often uses funny-sounding ''real'' words and takes them out of context. One example is [[wikipedia:Zenzizenzizenzic|zenzizenzizenzic]], an archaic mathematical term meaning "raised to the 8th power".
* [[Jerkass Realization]]: Random gets a rather heavy-handed one towards the end.
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: In the prologue, Colfer says that if you type "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" into The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, an icon will tell you that there are three results, which is confusing because there are clearly five listed below it. Get it? The ''five'' books of the Hitchhiker's Guide ''trilogy!'' [[Fridge Brilliance]]-tastic!
** It gets better: "Each of these five results is [[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy (Literaturenovel)|a lengthy article]] accompanied by many hours of [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (TV series)|vid]][[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Filmfilm)|eo]] and [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy (Radioradio series)|audio]] files and some dramatic reconstructions featuring quite well-known actors."
*** Which makes the description of the text-only appendix you will find at the bottom of the page, "with absolutely no audio and not so much as a frame of video shot by a student director who made the whole thing in his bedroom and paid his drama soc. mates with sandwiches", (ending "this is the story of that appendix") [[Self-Deprecation]].
** When the Guide Mk II displays "neon stick figures" to explain the plot, this might be a reference to the excellent hand-drawn "computer graphics" of the TV series.
** "That's like fictional hero lucky."
* [[Lotus Eater Machine]]: The state of virtual reality the ''Guide'' Mk II keeps Arthur, Ford, Trillian, and Random in, as a compromise between the conflicting orders it received from Random and Jeltz. All four of them are given chances to live out long, pleasant lives within a virtual universe, while virtually no time passes in the real world, to compensate for their real lives coming to such an unsatisfying and premature end. This serves as a handy excuse for any personality [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|changes]] the characters undergo due to the new author.
* [[Make It Look Like an Accident]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]]: the dragons guarding Asgard are ordered to kill Zaphod accidentally but make it look like a murder in order to make his death particularly confusing.
** Almost played straight - but averted at the last moment when {{spoiler|Mown manages to talk Jeltz out of destroying Nano. Thor was seconds away from smiting the bureaucruiser (and making it like debris from the earlier attack did it) when they jumped to hyperspace.}}
* [[Mortality Ensues]]: Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged wants to die, but can't because he's been made immortal against his will. {{spoiler|At the end he become de-immortalized, so he will eventually die. Close enough.}}
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: Constant Mown, a Vogon with a conscience and a sense of aesthetics.
* [[Oireland]]: Subverted with Hillman Hunter, {{spoiler|who, as the consummate salesman, intentionally plays up every last nostalgic Irish stereotype imaginable in order to earn his clients' trust. He even bases his act on Barry Fitzgerald's character from ''[[The Quiet Man]]''}}. ''Jaysus an' Begorrah.''
** [[Write Who You Know]]: Colfer, who is Irish, creates the first Irish character to appear in the ''Hitchhiker's'' series.
* [[Punny Name]]: A Hillman Hunter is a 1960s British car. There is, of course, precidentprecedent for H2G2 characters being named after vintage British cars.
* [[Outlived Its Creator]]
* [[Punny Name]]: A Hillman Hunter is a 1960s British car. There is, of course, precident for H2G2 characters being named after vintage British cars.
** Also, "Aseed Preflux" sounds like "acid reflux".
*** "Constant Mown" is quite a lot like "Constant Moan"
* [[Rubber Forehead Alien]]: {{spoiler|The alternate universe Fenchurch whom Arthur ''very'' briefly sees at the end.}}
* [[Sequel Hook]]: {{spoiler|Colfer marks the end of the book as "[[In Medias Res|The end of one of the middles.]]"}}
** It's a semi-meaningful gag. {{spoiler|Earlier in the book, when talking about endings, there's a quote that says "there is no such thing as an ending, or a beginning for that matter, everything is middle". It was a bit of [[Fridge Brilliance]] for this troper.}}
* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: Or in {{spoiler|Trilian and Wowbagger}}'s case - "Snark Snark Kiss."
* [[Snicket Warning Label]]: Stop reading at the [[Title Drop]].
* [[There Is Another]]: {{spoiler|Nano.}}
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: A Mr. {{spoiler|A. Grajag}} is mentioned at the end of the book as having won the lottery, marrying his childhood sweetheart, and having two well-adjusted children.
* [[Title Drop]]: {{spoiler|Fenchurch's only words.}}
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: {{spoiler|Wowbagger. Eventually averted, when he gets cured of his immortality without being killed outright, giving him a chance to spend his short-ish life with Trillian.}}
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* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: {{spoiler|Arthur. His daughter loves him, he's got a peaceful life, the Vogons have been staved off, and he's briefly reunited with a version of Fenchurch...before he's sucked away in hyperspace and stuck on a beach just as the Vogons are arriving.}}
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[[Category:Eoin Colfer]]
[[Category:TheBritish Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy (Franchise)Literature]]
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