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== "Iron Mace" Alvida ==
[[File:Alvida_Before_and_AfterAlvida Before and After.png|frame]]
{{quote| "Who's the most beautiful woman in the world?"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Yoko Matsuoka]] (JP), Kayzie Rogers (EN, 4Kids, pre-Devil Fruit), Kathleen Delaney (EN, 4Kids, post-Devil Fruit), Laurie Steele (EN, Funi)}}
The lady pirate Alvida was the first enemy that Luffy faced in his travels. A grotesquely obese woman, she thought of herself as the most beautiful woman on the seas (Oda stated that the one thing missing on her ship was a mirror), and would beat those who annoyed her with an iron mace. Luffy incurred her wrath by calling her an old hag, but it only took him one punch to lay her flat.
Sometime after her encounter with Luffy, she obtained and ate the Slip-Slip Fruit (''Sube Sube no Mi''), which transformed her from her short, fat, unsightly self into a tall, slim, and sultry woman. When people say that she's the most beautiful woman on the seas, now they really mean it.
{{spoiler|Currently she is co-captain of the Buggy Pirates.}}
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Manages to pull this off against all odds at the start of the Impel Down arc.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Some kind of perfectionist. Wants everything around her to be clean and beautiful and severely punishes henchmen who slack off. Interesting enough, she mellows a lot after becomes a beauty herself.
* [[Carry a Big Stick]]: She uses a large iron mace as her weapon, and can still swing it effortlessly after gaining her new body.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: When she first revealed her new self in Loguetown, more than a few women were smitten along with the men.
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* [[Starter Villain]]: Her initial appearance is in the very first episode of the anime, and the second chapter of the manga, immediately following the story of Luffy meeting Shanks.
* [[Villain Team-Up]]: Saves Buggy and tags along with him after that.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Luffy’s first victim of this. But not the last.
== Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan ==
[[File:Captain_Morgan_TV_TropesCaptain Morgan TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "You are duty bound to obey me!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Banjo Ginga]] (JP), J. David Brimmer (EN, 4Kids), Brett Weaver (EN, Funi)}}
"Axe-Hand Morgan" is the first high-ranking Marine officer to be shown in the series. Originally a loyal member of the Marines without a fear of death, once Morgan gained the rank of Captain, he became corrupt and started to act like an asshole for the sake of it. He hated disobedience from his own men, and would often punish them with death, [[Social Darwinist|assuming that his rank meant that any order he gave must not be questioned]].
{{spoiler|He was last seen adrift at sea after escaping from Navy custody.}}
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: [[Handicapped Badass|His own hand.]]
* [[Arc Villain]]
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== Buggy "The Clown" ==
[[File:Buggy_tv_tropesBuggy tv tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "All of the world's treasure belongs to me!" }}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Shigeru Chiba]] (JP), David Wills (EN, 4Kids), [[Mike McFarland]] (EN, Funi)}}
Buggy the Clown was initially the first real pirate that Luffy encountered early on in his travels. Buggy is a rather gaudy individual who used to be on the legendary Roger Pirates crew, along with Luffy's idol Shanks, who Buggy eventually bore a grudge against for unwittingly foiling a scheme to find a legendary treasure. After Gold Roger's death, the two went their separate ways, and while Shanks went on to become one of the Four Emperors, Buggy hung around the relatively tame East Blue.
His Devil Fruit is the Chop-Chop Fruit (''Bara Bara no Mi''), which lets him split his body apart as he pleases. After his defeat at Luffy's hands, he teamed up with Luffy's [[Stalker with a Crush]] Alvida, and after a failed attempt at revenge, entered the Grand Line in pursuit of the Straw Hats, after which he largely faded from the story. Or so we thought.
Buggy was the first villain in the series to have a Devil Fruit power; Oda claims Buggy is his favorite villain.
* [[Arc Villain]]
* [[Art Evolution]]: Buggy's first appearances emphasized the evil aspect of his appearance, invoking a [[Monster Clown]] vibe. However, later appearances depict him (as far as how he is drawn) in a much more comedic light, emphasizing the comic aspect of his character.
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* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]]: Luffy uses him as a shield against {{spoiler|[[Implausible Fencing Powers|Mihawk]]. Mihawk}} slashes Buggy to bits, but Buggy easily survives and puts himself back together, thanks to his [[Detachment Combat|immunity to slashing weapons]]. All the while, rather than being scared, he's just angry at Luffy and {{spoiler|Mihawk}} for using him as a cutting board/shield.
** When he finally reunites with Shanks his only instinct is to rant at and threaten him for screwing him over all those years ago, even if he didn't mean it, and over a bunch of other stuff. Shanks is one of the Four Emperors and one of the most [[The Dreaded|feared]], [[Badass]] and powerful men on the planet, but Buggy knows him well enough that he doesn't see him that way and acts like they were still kids just yesterday (though to an extent, so does Shanks). His crew, though, don't know any better, and think their Captain is [[Crazy Awesome]] for speaking to Shanks like that.
* [[Does Not Like Spam]]: He doesn't like tomatoes.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Teams up with Luffy while in {{spoiler|Impel Down in order to help him save Ace}}. Subverted since he has every intention of abandoning Luffy, but fate seems to have other plans. This is played straighter when he befriends Mr. 3, even if they were never technically enemies.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Luffy. They even have similar sounding names.
Line 110 ⟶ 114:
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: He may seem bumbling, incompetent, and just a general blowhard (and he ''is''), but he also made his way across an incredibly dangerous stretch of ocean just fine, has a Devil Fruit that leaves swordsmen helpless against him, ''and managed to hide that fact when he got taken to Impel Down,'' making him the ''only'' Devil Fruit user in the Level One prison population who isn't locked down with Seastone shackles. Yeah, if he was as incompetent as he appears, he would have been long dead.
** And then he breaks out of Impel Down and gains a super-powerful crew by hiding behind pirates stronger then him, loudly taking credit for their work, and massive helpings of sheer dumb luck. Which may provide an alternate explanation for how he made it this far.
*** He's also fairly competent with explosives, which means he probably knows something of chemistry.
** According to Oda, he has the potential to become one of the most powerful men of the [[One Piece]] world. He's just too lazy to train himself. Yet.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to Shanks and Luffy's red.
* [[Shoot Your Mate]]: He tries to get Nami, who had claimed to be joining his crew, to kill Luffy with an explosive cannonball at point-blank range.
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: Devil Fruit user, so natch. Ironically, he used to be an exceptional swimmer before he ate his Devil Fruit. In a testament to how much Buggy is crippled by his own cynicism and cowardice, he is pretty much the ''only'' Fruit user in the entire series who complains about his weakness and doesn't feel that it's worth the power. Buggy is the sort who, when given lemons, would demand an orange instead of making lemonade.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: He's certainly grown a level or two since his first appearance. Most noticeably, he's upgraded his "Buggy balls" -- cannon—cannon balls capable of obliterating a city block -- toblock—to "Muggy Balls" -- mothball—mothball-sized grenades with comparative power. The only problem is he's taken maybe a level or two in badass while everyone else has taken ''twenty''.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Hot dogs.
* [[Villainous Harlequin]]: Pretty much his entire motif.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Shanks, sort of. He really hates that guy's guts, but at this point the differential in power between the two is such that he can't really do anything about it, so they end up looking something like this.
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* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Considering the rest of him, however, it doesn't really stand out.
** [[Word of God]] says that the blue tassels coming out the sides of Buggy's hat are also his hair. In other words, for the entire series prior to Impel Down, [[Real Men Wear Pink|he's wearing pigtails]].
== Kuro "of a Thousand Plans" ==
[[File:Kuro_TV_TropesKuro TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "My plans will not fail."}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Koichi Hashimoto]] (JP), Gary Mack (EN, 4Kids), [[Kent Williams]] (EN, Funi)}}
Captain Kuro, also known as "Kuro of the Thousand Plans", is the captain of the Black Cat pirates of East Blue. He is cold and cunning, known for coming up with elaborate plans that never failed. His fighting skills are just as deadly as his mind, as he can move silently at incredible speeds to slaughter people in the blink of an eye. Yet despite all of this, he eventually tired of the pirate life, setting up schemes for his crewmates, and of constantly being hunted down by the Marines. So he hypnotized a crew member into believing he was Kuro and allowed him to be executed in his place stopping the Marine hunt and allowing him to leave his crew.
{{spoiler|He has not been seen since his defeat by Luffy; in the Anime he got a cameo when he is informed of Luffy's first bounty.}}
* [[Arc Villain]]
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Apart from a design on his suit that apparently represents some feces, he's dressed rather well.
Line 143 ⟶ 147:
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Notably, he has a tic of frequently adjusting his glasses with the bottom of his palm, fingers bent upwards. Django notes it creeps him out that Kuro still has it, because it signifies he hasn't lost his edge.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: He's as fast as any Soru user, but one good punch will knock him over.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: [[Starter Villain|He's nowhere near as strong]] as the villains Luffy faces later on, but you've gotta admit, he had considerable killing power, wiping out most his mooks and crushing rocks with swords. But, once Luffy catches him, the fight's over in no time.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: He gives one to Kaya about how over the years he actually hated serving and taking care of her, and that it was all to get his hands on her fortune.
* [[Ironic Hell]]: All of his plans were an effort to escape a life of piracy. Guess what Luffy sent him back to.
Line 150 ⟶ 154:
** [[Wolverine Claws]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Breaks the glasses Kaya gave to him as a gift shortly before almost killing Merry. He also tells her that he hated all the time he spent with her.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Towards Kaya, whom he pretended to be a father figure to.
* [[The Farmer and the Viper|The Ojou And The Black Cat]]: Kaya's family saved his life and gave him a house. His thanks was an [[Evil Plan]] to kill her and take her fortune.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: Underneath the moonlight, as he tells about how it brings out the animal in him...
* [[Smug Snake]]: His plans "that could not fail" not only failed, but got him exactly what he ''didn't'' want in the end; he's a wanted pirate again.
* [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit]]: Gives off this impression, as he won't give Usopp or the Straw Hats the time of day.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Despite his collected and smug behavior through almost all of the arc, Kuro gets ''completely desperate'' when Luffy's victory becomes obvious, shouting hysterically how his [[This Cannot Be!|plans simply cannot fail]].
== "Foul Play" Don Krieg ==
[[File:Don_Krieg_tv_tropesDon Krieg tv tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "I'm the world's strongest man, with the best equipment! That, my boy, is military might!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Fumihiko Tachiki]] (JP), Marc Thompson (EN, 4Kids), Andy Mullins (EN, Funi)}}
Don Krieg is the head of the Pirate Armada, a fleet of fifty battleships that lurked within the East Blue. Krieg himself is well known for his trickery and underhanded tactics, and is supremely confident in the weapons of his overwhelming arsenal.
{{spoiler|He has not been seen since his defeat by Luffy.}}
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: It's an act he puts on.
* [[Arc Villain]]
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== Arlong "the Saw" ==
[[File:ARlong_TV_TropesARlong TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "Trying to oppose the Fishmen is like going against nature itself!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Jurota Kosugi]] (JP), David Willis (EN, 4Kids), Chris Rager (EN, Funi)}}
Arlong "the Saw" is a Fishman (a species of [[Fish People|humanoid fish]]) who is a [[Fantastic Racism|huge racist]] and all-around [[General Ripper]] towards humans. In the past, he was a member of the Pirates of the Sun, but after their captain Jinbe became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he broke off, formed his own crew, and searched for easy targets in the relatively tame East Blue. There, he and his crew enslaved Nami's home island and forced her to work for them as a cartographer, after killing her surrogate mother Bellemere. With her cartography skills and his connections with the Marines allowing him to operate under the radar, Arlong's plan was to turn the East Blue into his own personal empire. {{spoiler|He was later revealed to be Madame Sharley's brother.}}
{{spoiler|Arlong and the rest of his crew are currently imprisoned in Impel Down. (Though with recent breakouts that may no longer be the case) Hachi was the only one to escape.}}
* [[Arc Villain]]: Gets more significance later on, and ''was'' significant in the backstory of Nami, in the form of an [[Ascended Fanboy]] of his, but he only appeared as the villain for one arc.
* [[BFS]]: His Kiribachi saw/sword is about as big as he is.
** [[Serrated Blade of Pain]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: During his days in the Sun Pirates, he was constantly remarked for his excessive brutality towards the humans.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Turns out that his ambition becomes this in the worst possible way -- Thereway—There's an entire Fishman crew that agrees with his world view in Fishman Island, and they're shaping up to be fine villains themselves.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: At least in his backstory in regards to {{spoiler|Jimbei's brutality towards humans.}} Needless to say, he lost those standards as time passed, ironically while {{spoiler|''Jimbei'' softened up!}}
** He does keep the standards related to not harming other fishmen, though.
Line 246 ⟶ 250:
== "Tin-Plate" Wapol ==
[[File:Wapol_TV_TropesWapol TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "There's no cure for stupidity? Are you trying to imply that I'm an idiot?!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Bin Shimada]] (JP), [[Sean Schemmel]] (EN, 4Kids), Andy Mullins (EN, Funi)}}
Former king of Drum Island who ascended to his position after his father's death. Unlike his benevolent father, Wapol was a [[Royal Brat|self absorbed jerk]] of a king, abusing the citizens of the island for his own profit.
His Devil Fruit, the Munch-Munch Fruit (''Baku Baku no Mi''), allows him to [[Extreme Omnivore|eat anything]] he desires without ill effect. He is able to alter himself or create new objects from the materials consumed, such as making a cannon in his mouth or creating children's toys.
{{spoiler|Two years later, he's again king of the [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place|Evil Black Drum Kingdom.]]}}
* [[Adipose Rex]]: He's a King, and his powers revolve entirely around eating anything and everything in sight, so his girth makes him a shoe-in for this.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: The hippo; not only does he wear the skin of a "White Walky", a furry hippo-like creature that inhabits Drum Island, but his submarine and Tin Tyrant Cannon are shaped like hippos as well. During his rise to wealth as a toymaker, almost all the "stages" of his toyshop (stand to store to factory) also have the hippo motif in them. And to top it all off, he tends to use the word "kaba" (Japanese for hippo) in place of [[Baka]].
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* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: Abuses and extorts the people and attempts to execute a doctor trying to help the kingdom.
* [[Arm Cannon]]: Can turn his arms into cannons. He can make one from his tongue too!
* [[Become Your Weapon]]: He can merge himself with a weapon after eating said weapon. This can result in him having cannons in lieu of hands and tongue. He also tries to go over the top by devouring the whole armory of his castle, but thankfully Nami stole the key from him in time.
* [[Biological Mashup]]: Looks to be something he can make with his ability, but subverted when Sanji points out Chessmarimo is just one of his minions standing on the other; only their clothes were fused.
* [[Cannibalism Superpower]]: He doesn't get abilities from people, just from inanimate objects like firearms.
Line 272 ⟶ 276:
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Food, wood, steel, garbage, himself, it's all the same to him.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Not as much as Nelson or Gecko Moria, but still.
* [[Fusion Dance]]: He can do so to his top minions, {{spoiler|and with his own brother in the 9th movie.}}
* [[Gonk]]: Normally, but he can subvert it at will if the moment needs it.
* [[Jerkass]]: Exceptionally petty, even compared to other villains.
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== "Mr. 3" Galdino ==
[[File:Galdino_Mr__3_Doru_7127Galdino Mr 3 Doru 7127.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]] (JP), Tom Souhrada (EN, 4kids), Duncan Brannan (EN, Funi)}}
One of the officer agents of Baroque Works. He is regarded as the smartest of the officers and only got the position of "Mr. 3" because of that. He ate the Wax-Wax Fruit (''Doru Doru no Mi'') which allows him to create and control candle wax at will.
He faced the Straw Hats at Little Garden and got defeated, after which he then traveled to Alabasta to try and tell Mr. 0 about them but got fed to a giant aligator.
{{spoiler|After the events at Alabasta, he is sent to Impel Down, where he befriends Buggy and assists in a break out, then heads with Luffy to Marineford and finally joins Buggy's crew.}}
Line 314 ⟶ 318:
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: When Luffy finds him, he knocks him out in one punch.
* [[Villain Team-Up]]: With Buggy. It looks like he's even going to remain a permanent member of his crew post-Marineford.
* [[Wax Museum Morgue]]: His ''Giant Candle Service Set'' does this to its victims.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: His wax, that can become as hard as steel? Useless against fire. To the point where he can't do anything in areas with above-average temperatures.
== "Mr. 1" Daz Bonez ==
[[File:SupaSupnoMi_6111SupaSupnoMi 6111.png|frame]]
{{quote| "Next...Will you try cutting diamond...?"<br />
Voiced by: [[Tetsu Inada]] (JP), Scottie Ray (EN 4Kids), Brett Weaver (EN, Funi) }}
Line 359 ⟶ 363:
== "Mr. 0" Crocodile ==
{{quote| See [[One Piece/Characters/The Seven Warlords of the Sea/Characters|The Seven Warlords of the Sea]]}}
== Bellamy "The Hyena" ==
[[File:BBellamyHyena3_1845BBellamyHyena3 1845.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "The Lost city of Gold!? The Emerald city!? The great Treasure of "One Piece"!? The fools who go looking for their "dream treasure" cannot notice what's in front of them! In this era of the sea, the ones that do not have real strength... are the ones that are killed by their own imaginations!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Wataru Takagi]] (JP), Andrew Rannells (EN, 4Kids), [[Justin Cook]] (EN, Funi)}}
A local pirate who's part of Doflamingo's Pirates, nominally filling in as the crew captain, given that Doflamingo seemed rather uninterested in leading his crew. Looking for information on Skypiea, Luffy runs into Bellamy while in Jaya. Extremly arrogant, he believes that there will come an era where pirates give up on having, as well as pursuing their dreams, going after material treasure instead of traveling the sea for the adventure of it. Bellamy mocks anyone who states otherwise and is very quick to start a fight. However, it's this mindset that ultimately proves to be his downfall. He ate the Spring-Spring/Boing-Boing Fruit (''Bane Bane no Mi'') which allows him to transform his legs into springs, giving him [[In a Single Bound|incredible jumping power]].
* [[Arc Villain]]: A relatively minor one, but still.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: "Oh look, bounty posters of the guys we beat up. Bah, they're fake just to scare us, they can't be real." {{spoiler|Now watch me be smacked in one blow by that same guy who beat one of the seven people who's as strong as my boss, and be later be killed by that same annoyed boss for tarnishing his reputation.}}
Line 386 ⟶ 390:
* [[Paper Tiger]]: Bullies other pirates on the island of Jaya and has spring-based powers with enough concussive force to destroy buildings. Protagonist Monkey D. Luffy and his first mate Roronoa Zoro let themselves get beat up by him under the idea that he has not wronged them. Once he does, however, Luffy challenges him, and he {{spoiler|gets stopped cold with a single punch}}.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Bellamy pulls on off while fighting Luffy. [[Curb Stomp Battle|Fat lot of good that did for him.]] And here's the Japanese version of it:
{{quote| '''Bellamy''': Those guys are your FRIENDS!? [laughs] Oh I see. That old man and his monkeys are the same species as you! A pack of idiots who believe the lies of some 400-year-old ancestor! What City of Gold? What Sky Island? '''THE ERA OF DREAMS IS OVER! YOU'RE A DISGRACE OF A PIRATE!'''}}
** And here's the Funimation version:
{{quote| '''Bellamy''': So you want the gold back, huh? Because Old Man Cricket's your friend? '''WAKE UP!''' He's nothing but a decrepit fool who spends all his time chasing after a 400 year old lie! But that's probably what you like about him, right? You like to call yourselves pirates, but you know nothing! There's no City of Gold! No island in the sky! Just oceans and ships and the men who sail them!}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: Always gloating about how he's the "Big-time Rookie" with a 55 million belli bounty (Although that was ''nowhere'' near as high as the real big-time rookies; the Eleven Supernovas, with bounties over 100 million, and Luffy reaching that status already by the time he met him), and mocking Luffy about his dreams, before suggesting he doesn't even know how to fight. Boy was he wrong there...
* [[Spring Coil]]: His Devil Fruit essentially is this, {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle|not that it helped against a man who beat a Warlord made of sand and leader of the first major villain organization in the series with just blood.]]}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Donflamingo didn't take the news of his defeat well.
== "God" Eneru ==
[[File:Enel_TV_TropesEnel TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "God does exist in this world... and that god is me."}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Toshiyuki Morikawa]] (JP), [[Wayne Grayson]] (EN, 4Kids, ''Grand Adventure'' only), [[J Michael Tatum]] (EN, Funi)}}
An inhabitant of the sky whose [[Cloudcuckoolander]] tendencies went a little too far. After eating the Rumble-Rumble Fruit (''Goro Goro no Mi''), a Logia type that gives power over electricity, he began to [[A God Am I|believe that he was literally a god]] and usurped control of Skypiea from its rightful ruler. He uses his [[Sinister Surveillance]] to smite those who would defy his will, whether they be Skypieans or the Shandian Tribe, whose ancestral homeland he made his own. By the time of the Straw Hats' arrival, he was putting his plan {{spoiler|of returning Skypiea to nothing before departing for the promised land, "Endless Vearth", along with four other chosen ones}} into motion.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Chats calmly with Robin about archeology and the beauty of Shandora; he also thinks he's a god and has a fondness for destroying islands. He also challenges some of his servants to guess how many will be left at the end.
* [[Afro Asskicker]]: Under his cap is a huge perm, revealed in Oda's notes.
Line 414 ⟶ 418:
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Yahahahaha.
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: His arrogance and callousness; if he hadn't disregarded the Straw Hats so completely and been so willing to let die/kill his own men, he probably would've killed Luffy.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: '''''[[Baccano!|I-Isaac?!]]'''''
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: During Luffy's first fight with him, he managed to graft gold into the shape of a ball around Luffy's arm and kicks him off the Maxim to get him out of the way. Luffy however manages to get back in the air and uses said ball to not only stop Eneru's [[Colony Drop|energized death ball]] that would've destroyed all of Skypiea (as the ball acts a conductor taking in all of the electricity and neutralized by Luffy's rubber body). But then uses it to deliver a monster of punch to Eneru crashing him into the golden bell, both defeating the villain and achieving his goal of ringing it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]}}: {{spoiler|Despite being one of the most psychotic and unrepentant villains in ''[[One Piece]]'', Eneru gets away with nothing more than a few bruises from Luffy, actually achieving his original goal following his defeat. By comparison, other [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s usually had all their evil dreams and goals completely crushed, except for [[Laughably Evil]] Buggy the Clown, who only suffers many [[Butt Monkey|comedic humiliations]]}}.
** {{spoiler|Of course, had he been beaten and left on Earth, he would have still been an incredibly dangerous force to deal with. With his traveling to the Moon, he removed himself from being a future threat. So while it is a [[Karma Houdini]], it's one that is justified. Plus he didn't bother to attack Skypiea again, so hey better victory then most.}}
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Eneru cares only about himself; everyone else is no different from a common rock as far as he's concerned.
* {{spoiler|[[Morality Pet]]}}: {{spoiler|Rescues a race of cute robots from space pirates during his cover story, and ends up living on the moon with them}}.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Allegedly based on [[Eminem]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: Has an absolutely epic one when he realizes that Luffy [[NoWon't Work On SellMe|is immune to his attacks]]. In the manga, the face he made took an ''entire page'', while the anime was a bit more low key about it. Lots of chapters later, it was reused when Perona found herself in a similar situation regarding Usopp, thus the fandom now calls this expression "[[Fan Nickname|The Enel]]". Hey, it even works as a [[Trope Namer]].
* [[One-Man Army]]: Not only insanely strong, [[Sinister Surveillance|he's able to sense every being in Skypiea]], [[Made of Air|phases through most attacks]], [[Villain Teleportation|has instantaneous movement over several kilometers]], and [[Person of Mass Destruction|can form attacks powerful enough to leave meteor-sized craters as collateral damage]]. And his Mantra allows him to [[Combat Clairvoyance|predict an enemy's movement and strategies to beat him before they can even see him]]. He's pretty much invincible, save for his [[Weaksauce Weakness|single weakness]] and lack of experience in dealing with people who can actually hurt him.
** [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Everyone's reaction upon Luffy actually managing to hurt him.
Line 432 ⟶ 436:
* [[Rule of Symbolism]]: Everything about him, pretty much.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: The Rumble-Rumble Fruit is rather good at [[Incredibly Lame Pun|doing both]].
** [[Attack of the 50 -Foot Whatever]]: Can turn into a giant electrical being with the Amal technique. Sadly, it's also a [[Clipped-Wing Angel]].
** [[Bolt of Divine Retribution]]: El Thor, which he uses to smite any and all who defy him.
** [[Clipped-Wing Angel]]: 200 Million Volt Amal looks impressive, but it only provides Luffy with a bigger target.
Line 450 ⟶ 454:
* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: He outwitted [[The Smart Guy|Robin]]. She didn't see it coming.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]]: Subverted. He is one of the most powerful villains ever introduced in ''[[One Piece]]'', easily dispatching every single opponent he went up against with no effort whatsoever, and would have a bounty of 500 million Berries if he were a pirate, more than any other known pirate bounty at this writing. The only reason Luffy didn't die instantly was because he's a [[Rubber Man]], and thus immune to Eneru's powers.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Eneru vs. Enel vs. Ener. Supposedly, they're all fine, but the first is the official spelling used consistently in the English versions.
* [[Where I Was Born and Razed]]: Eneru came to Skypiea after destroying his home island of Birka.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Poor Robin! Summed up by this quote:
{{quote| ''"There's nothing I hate more in this world than a cold, calculating woman."''}}
** Zoro angrily tells him that "She's a woman!" shortly after she's struck, and he coldly responds that he's aware of it.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: Did this to his own men. Shoot, he did this to ''the entire island of Skypeia''!
Line 459 ⟶ 463:
== Foxy "The Silver Fox" ==
[[File:Foxxy_tv_tropes_smallFoxxy tv tropes small.png|frame]]
{{quote| "We, the Foxy Pirates, challenge you, the Straw Hat Pirates, to a Davy Back Fight!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Bin Shimada]] (JP), <we'll find out in 2012> (EN)}}
Foxy "The Silver Fox" is a notorious pirate for having one of the largest crews in the series, together with one of the lagest ships. He has such because of his mastery of the "Davy Back Fight", a sportive event between pirates where the crews wage their own [[Nakama]]. Althought not very combat prone, Foxy is a very scheming and cunning man (which is kind of hard to believe of him, at a glance), making use of different kinds of weapons, disguises, and items, together with his Devil Fruit powers of the Slow-Slow Fruit (''Noro Noro no Mi''), which allows him to slow everything his beams touch for 30 seconds.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Unlike his predecessors, he honestly cares for his crew, gets upset easily, and doesn't [[Kick the Dog]]. The only evil thing about him is that he's a [[Dirty Coward]] and that he takes away members from other crews. In fact, he's probably the only [[Anti-Villain]] major enemy.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Take one guess. It's as subtle as a brick to the face.
Line 489 ⟶ 493:
== Rob Lucci ==
[[File:Rob_Lucci_TV_TropesRob Lucci TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice... As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead."}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Tomokazu Seki]] (JP), [[Jason Liebrecht]] (EN, Funi)}}
Rob Lucci is the strongest member of Cipher Pol #9, a top secret group of eight assassins tasked with various undercover operations for the World Government. He is calm and ruthless, even refraining from the [[Evil Laugh]], a staple among One Piece villains. He and his group are masters of ''Rokushiki'' (literally Six Forms), a martial arts fighting style based on six different superhuman techniques, and he and the rest of CP9 gave the Straw Hats some of their toughest and grueling battles yet. He ate the Cat-Cat Fruit (''Neko Neko no Mi''), Model: Leopard.
* [[Animorphism]]: Ate a Zoan-type which allows him to turn into a leopard or huge leopard-man at will.
** [[Bishonen Line]]: Sort of. He can use [[Master of Your Domain|Life Return]] to make his large bulky leopaard-man form more proportionate to his thin human form, making him faster and more agile.
Line 523 ⟶ 527:
* [[A Load of Bull]]: Wears the bull costume in the Galley-la mansion raid.
* [[Made of Iron]]: ''Tekkai'', literally "Iron Shell". A technique that involves hardening the muscles so that they are as strong as iron.
* [[The Mole]]: CP9 was tasked with investigating Water 7's mayor Iceberg while undercover. He even pretended to be a high pitched, friendly ventriloquist.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong|My Government Right Or Wrong]]: It is clear that Lucci sees what a disgusting slime Spandam is, and there are some hints that he doesn't like the things he is commanded to do, but obedience to the World Government, as embodied by its highest-ranking representative, trumps all for him. {{spoiler|He draws the line when he feels that his [[Nakama]] were betrayed by WG.}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: A top hat.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: His pet pigeon Hattori.
Line 533 ⟶ 537:
* [[The Reveal]]: As a government operative.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: When he breached the Tower of Justice and allowed it to flood, knowing that the waters would reach the Straw Hats, he gave Luffy the choice of going to save them (and drowning in the attempt) or fighting him, which would give them a slim chance of survival. Luffy rebuffed him saying they'll survive anyway, and if he went for them, Lucci would kill them anyway.
* [[The Stoic]]: Unless he's fighting.
* [[Tyke Bomb]]: All of the CP9 members are apparently this.
* [[The Voiceless]]: Until [[The Reveal]], that is.
* [[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him]]: For a ruthless killer, he has a surprisinly poor grasp of the fact that just leaving your targets disabled, trapped, and awaiting excruciating death ''never works''.
** That being said, sparing the crew was part of the deal he struck with Robin.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Literally kicks Nero off the Sea Train for losing and trying to kill Franky (whom they need alive)
== Spandam ==
[[File:Spandam_4083Spandam 4083.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "The most important thing is my life!!! My promotion! If I let them go freely, who will protect me when something happens?"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Masaya Onosaka]] (JP), [[Kent Williams]] (EN)}}
The chief of CP9 and Enies Lobby, Spandam is Rob Lucci's superior officer, though he's actually weaker than even a normal marine. A clumsy, cowardly, but power-hungry swine, he works only to further his career. When he was a member of CP5, he convinced the leaders of the World Government to let him seek out the blueprints of Pluton. He possesses a broadsword named Funkfreed that "ate" the Elephant-Elephant Fruit (''Zou Zou no Mi''), allowing it to turn into an elephant.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: In his first appearence, he gets blown up by a stray cannonball. And it doesn't stop there.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: Inverted. He's the weakest guy on Enies Lobby.
Line 575 ⟶ 579:
== Kaku ==
[[File:Tvtropes3_9640Tvtropes3 9640.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "Don't underestimate the full destructive power of a giraffe!!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Ryotaro Okiayu]] (JP), [[Jerry Jewell]] (EN)}}
One of the Elite members of the Cipher Pol #9 and second only to Lucci, and is also the youngest. Has a peculiar, "squared body" and a very long nose, similar to Usopp's. He too can use the Rokushiki and is a master of [[Razor Wind|Rankyaku]], to the point that he's developed the ''Yontoryuu'' (Four-swords style) using [[Dual-Wielding|two katanas]] and his legs. He also ate the Cow Cow Fruit (''Ushi Ushi no Mi''), Model: Giraffe and can turn into a Giraffe-man, but desipte his ridiculous appearence, he's still powerful and dangerous if not moreso.
* [[Animorphism]]: He can turn into a "were-giraffe" with his Devil Fruit powers.
* [[Affably Evil]]: He's really a nice guy, but works for the bad guys. In fact, in fan polls, he consistently ranks as ''the most popular villain in the entire series''.
Line 619 ⟶ 623:
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: He's often seen with Jyabura.
* [[Wham! Line]]
{{quote| '''Kaku''': I'm going to give it to you straight. Your ship... {{spoiler|...can't be fixed! Not even with our skills}}}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Considers Zoro to be one.
== Oars the Devil ==
[[File:Oars_3154Oars 3154.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "I wanna be King of the Pirates!....why does that sound famillar?"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Mayumi Tanaka]] (JP)}}
A humongous Giant from a clan known for its evil nature and who rampaged throughout the world 400+ years ago, only to die of the cold in the Northern Continent, his body was found by Gekko Moria and was redesigned by Dr. Hogback to be Special Zombie #900.
When Moria stole Luffy's shadow, and put it inside Oars, Moria felt that he had found the perfect zombie to become Pirate King with, but after a incredible battle with the Straw Hat Pirates, Oars was crippled, and his shadow eventually found its way back to Luffy, re-dying once more. {{spoiler|However, before he died centuries ago, he had at least one child, and his name lives on with his grandson Little Oars Jr}}.
* [[A God Am I]]: Possibly. It's said in his past, his followers worshiped him as a God.
* [[Ambiguously Human]]: Most Giants seen in the series look like super-sized humans, but Oars is more of a titanic demon in looks.
** It helps that he's partly rotten to boot.
* [[Attack of the 50 -Foot Whatever]]: Quite a bit bigger, though.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: He gets fooled quite easily.
* [[Badass Nickname]]: Both "The Devil" and "The Continent Puller".
Line 653 ⟶ 657:
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: Type V
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* [[Red Baron]]: "The Continent Puller", as he "dragged whole islands" to his kingdom to form a giant domain all for himself.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: A red one for Nightmare Luffy's blue.
* [[Rubber Man]]: Sort of. While he himself has no such abilities, with Gekko Moriah controlling his shadow, his limbs can stretch like Luffy's.
** [[Ass Kicks You]]: Gomu Gomu no Butt Stomp is his own original invention.
** [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]: Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Gatling is one of the few attacks he can imitate.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: "The Continent Puller", as he "dragged whole islands" to his kingdom to form a giant domain all for himself.
* [[Super Strength]]: Oh yeah.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Played for laughs when Moria asks him to be his [[The Dragon|Dragon]].
Line 663 ⟶ 667:
== Gecko Moria ==
{{quote| See [[One Piece/Characters/The Seven Warlords of the Sea/Characters|The Seven Warlords of the Sea]]}}
== Absalom ==
[[File:Absalom_6383Absalom 6383.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Hiroaki Miura]] (JP)}}
One of the main antagonists of Thriller Bark, and a pervert on par with Sanji. Leads the Mooks and [[Elite Mooks]] in the arc, and kidnaps Nami to be his bride. Trades blows with Sanji because he ate the Clear-Clear Fruit (''Suke Suke no Mi''), allowing him to become an [[Invisible Man]] and turn everything he touches invisible as well.
* [[And Now You Must Marry Me]]: To an unconscious Nami.
* [[Altar the Speed]]: Justified, as his previous attempt at marrying Nami resulted in the room being crushed, and his guests killed. However, even with this in the second time, Oz's rampage makes it impossible for him to actually kiss the bride. Touches on [[The Determinator]] as he does it countless times.
Line 686 ⟶ 690:
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Debatably worse than Sanji, since he actually does the stuff that is -not- OK.
* [[Hypocritical Humour]]: Calls Sanji a pervert. His answer? A kick to the face and a cry of "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU, BASTARD!!"
{{quote| '''[[Those Two Guys|Those Two Zombies]]''': HE'S GOT A POINT!!}}
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Guilty of many of these. As Oda stated, even his sense of humour is invisible!
* [[Invisibility]]: His DF ability, allowing him to become an invisible man. {{spoiler|He can also turn anything he touches invisible.}}
* [[Oh Crap]]:
{{quote| '''Sanji''': With all those animals in you... you'll make formidable mince meat...<br />
'''Absalom''': -becomes momentarily visible from fear, and panics, kicking Sanji violently-. }}
* [[Made of Iron]]: He claims his body, which has the hide of an elephant surgically grafted to it, will shatter the legs of anyone who tries to kick him. Until Sanji comes along that is.
Line 702 ⟶ 706:
== Chief Warden Magellan{{spoiler|, now Vice Warden}} ==
[[File:Magellan_TV_TropesMagellan TV Tropes.png|frame]]
{{quote| "Never forget that I have both the power ''and'' the authority to execute you all right now!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Mitsuaki Hoshino]] (JP)}}
Magellan is the chief warden of Impel Down, the most feared and impenetrable dungeon in the One Piece world. As such, he is a very imposing man with a very stern, business-like manner. Even when things get out of hand, he keeps up his professional manner, inspiring hope and admiration in much of the prison staff. Forms a bit of an [[Odd Couple]] with Vice-Warden Hannyabal, a [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] [[The Starscream|Starscream]], who, despite his eccentricities, Magellan endorses as his successor.
Line 719 ⟶ 723:
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: He's so distraught about allowing so many prisoners to escape Impel Down that he has to be sedated to keep him from killing himself in shame}}.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: [[Ax Crazy]] Chief Jailer Shiliew's rampages across Impel Down killing off prisoners had made Magellan less than pleased, particularly as he had no damn reason for doing so, and he was forced to imprison him in Level Six as he was far too dangerous to be ignored.
** Subverted/justified in that he's not actually evil, just an [[Hero Antagonist|antagonist]].
* [[Horn Attack]]: His "horns" are actually detachable and he can wear them on his hands as weapons.
* [[Large and In Charge]]: He's both tall ''and'' broad.
Line 749 ⟶ 753:
== Shiliew "of the Rain" ==
[[File:Picture_76Picture 76.png|frame]]
{{quote| "My future here is no future at all. I've been waiting to meet a man like you."}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Takayuki Sugou]] (JP)}}
Shiliew was once the Head Gaoler of Impel Down. He was stripped of his rank, was sentenced to execution, and was placed in Level 6 of Impel Down. {{spoiler|Magellan, desperate for help, temporarily releases Shiliew to crush the riot. Instead, Shiliew attacks the workers and cuts off communications. Shiliew saved the Blackbeard Pirates from Magellan's poison and promptly joined the team}}.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Very much so. One wonders how someone this psychopathic earned the position as Head Gaoler of the most important prison in the world.
* [[Badass]]: Unquestionably. He apparently has no Devil Fruit, and yet was basically an equal to Magellan, though Magellan defeated him. He was one of the most dangerous people in the damned prison.
Line 778 ⟶ 782:
== Marshall D. Teach -- "Blackbeard" ==
[[File:Blackbeard_9985Blackbeard 9985.png|frame]]
{{quote| "I have a message for the whole world! All you pathetic commoners out there who cling to peace! You too, Marines! And the World Government! And of course, the pirates of the world! The future of this world has just been decided... Zehahahaha! That's right! From now on... THIS IS '''MY ERA'''! Zehahaha... ZEHAHAHAHA!!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Akio Ohtsuka]] (JP), Cole Brown (EN)}}
An ambitious former member of the Whitebeard Pirates whose fate seems entwined with Luffy's. He ate the Dark-Dark Fruit (''Yami Yami no Mi''), a Logia which affords him the awesome power of darkness. All-in-all, a somewhat difficult man to read. Like others with the initial "D." in their names, he's kind of a big deal.
Initally he started off as a no-name pirate, whose only relevance in the story was that he killed one of Whitebeard's crew and ran off, with big goals that had his sights set on Luffy to kickstart his plan. However Ace intercepted him and the two clashed. {{spoiler|Blackbeard won and turned Ace over the to the Marines, securing a position as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. However it was just a means to an end to enter Impel Down during the Marineford war and recruit some high-bounty pirates into his crew. He then headed to Marineford and had his crew help gang up on Whitebeard and kill him. Somehow taking Whitebeard's earthquake power for his own before departing when Shanks arrived. Two years later, its revealed he took over WB's territory (since being in his crew, he knew it well) and is now one the the Four Emperors. His crew are now searching for high level Devil Fruit users to kill so they can take their powers for their own}}.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: He was in the service of Whitebeard for over 22 years, and was offered the spot of 2nd Division commander when it was vacant, due to his strength, durability, and [[Epileptic Trees|maybe]] knowledge of Haki, but he declined, saying he had no such ambitions, giving his support to Ace. Long story short, [[Face Heel Turn|he lied]].
* [[Badass Boast]]: "THIS IS '''MY ERA'''!"
Line 815 ⟶ 819:
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: He even went out of his way to claim his darkness powers are the most evil of all Devil Fruits. Considering he can completely nullify other Devil Fruit powers, there might be more to this claim than it being a simple boast...
* {{spoiler|[[Dishing Out Dirt]]: He now posseses the Gura Gura no Mi}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Shockwave Clap]]: The Quake Punch at a longer distance}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Megaton Punch]]: The Quake Punch at a shorter distance}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Sphere of Destruction]]: He can also use the Quake Bubble now too}}.
Line 830 ⟶ 834:
* [[Faux Symbolism]]: Blackbeard's last name was also the same for the [[Real Life]] version. Whitebeard's first name was his first name also. Thatch was an alias used by the real Blackbeard sometimes. {{spoiler|By killing them both, Blackbeard has truly become... Blackbeard}}.
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: Pretty much everything that's happened recently (minus Sabaody) is connected to his killing of Thatch and capture of Ace.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110804020553/onepiece/images/c/c2/Kid_blackbeard.PNG Looks that way]{{Dead link}}.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: For the most part, anyway. He had nothing but encouragement and praise for {{spoiler|Ace and later, Luffy, and then later Whitebeard}}, but he brutally dismissed {{spoiler|Hannyabal}}'s belief in the pursuit of justice.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: From a [[Giant Mook]] to [[Psycho for Hire|Warlord of the Sea]] to {{spoiler|Emperor}}.
Line 868 ⟶ 872:
== "Gold Lion" Shiki ==
[[File:Picture_71Picture 71.png|frame]]
{{quote| "I will rule over all the seas from the sky!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Celebrity Voice Actor|Naoto Takenaka]] (JP)}}
"The Flying Pirate" Gold Lion Shiki is a legendary pirate known for clashing with Gold Roger himself and for being the very first pirate to ever escape from Impel Down. His base of operations is a collection of [[Floating Continent|floating islands]], which he himself made with his Float-Float Fruit (''Fuwa Fuwa no Mi''), swarming with fierce animals called Merveille, from which he and his five-thousand strong crew plot their revenge on the world.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: The lion, of course. Not only does he have long, mane-like hair, Merveille is littered with [[Mix-and-Match Critters]] (as the lion is the king of beasts). But to really drive the point home, he uses his powers to create roaring lions out of the surrounding enviroment.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: He uses swords as prosthetic legs. Really.
Line 909 ⟶ 913:
== "Three-Tongued" Demalo Black ==
[[File:demelo_black_1075demelo black 1075.png|frame]]
{{quote| "Hey big guy! Don't you know who you're talking to!?!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Hiroaki Hirata]] (JP)}}
A phony that thought he and his crew could pass himself off as the Straw Hats {{spoiler|after the time skip}}. He attempts to use it to gain more people to support him. {{spoiler|He and his whole crew were curb-stomped by the Marines when they show up when they hear that Straw Hat has come back... which he really should have seen coming.}} The only major contribution to the story is introducing the {{spoiler|villain, Caribou,}}
* [[Arc Villain]]
* [[Anticlimax Boss]] : See [[Big Bad Wannabe]] below.
Line 931 ⟶ 935:
== "Wet-Haired" Caribou and "Blood-Splatterer" Coribou ==
[[File:Caribou__Coribou_4067Caribou Coribou 4067.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "Hey hey heeeyyyy! Weren't you on the phone with the good ol' Marines just nooowwww?!? We wouldn't like that, you knooowww?!? If you called themmmmm, gehehehehehe! This plaza will be smeared in blood, you knowww! With your blood, that issss! Right, Coribou?"}}
{{quote| "Yuuupp! Sorry bro-bro, sorrryyy!"}}
{{quote| Caribou Voiced by: [[Masaki Terasoma]] (JP)<br />
Coribou Voiced by: Kohei Fukuhara (JP) }}
An infamous rookie pirate captain with a bounty of 210,000,000 and a Logia-class Devil Fruit, "Wet-Haired" Caribou and his brother, "Blood Splatterer" Coribou (his bounty is 190,000,000) are infamous for mudering Marines and burying them alive. Coribou's a nervous, stuttering, and oblivious wreck, while Caribou's a psychotic, homicidal serial killer that buries his victims alive for irritating him, all while praying to God to forgive the victims' sins. {{spoiler|Caribou ate the Swamp-Swamp Fruit (''Numa Numa no Mi''), a Logia class Devil Fruit which allows him to transform into, create, and control a mud-like substance which he refers to as "swamps".}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Good ''lord'', Caribou!
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: {{spoiler|With Vander Decken and Hordy Jones during the Fishman Island arc. While the first two are working together, Caribou's roaming around Fishman Island on his own, kidnapping various mermaids and planning to sell them off in an auction, which indrectly caused the inhabitants of the island to blame the Straw Hats for it. The mess is cleared up by the end, thankfully.}}
** [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Is also nowhere near as threatening as either, and his every interaction with the Straw Hats sees him being humiliated.
* {{spoiler|[[Blob Monster]]: Caribou's Logia-class swamp Devil Fruit allows him to turn into one.}}
Line 950 ⟶ 954:
* [[Chest Blaster]]: Caribou keeps a gatling gun hidden inside his body, which pops out of his stomach when he needs to fire it.
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Caribou thrice over near the end of the Fishman Island arc. He gets knocked out of the palace while trying to kidnap Shirahoshi. Knocked out with one punch when the Monster Trio pursued him and then again by Pekoms while trying to take back the treasure he stole.}}
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: {{spoiler|When Caribou's crew tried to attack the Straw Hats, their ride is pulled off by a terrified seacow -- Momoo. Caribou, knowing he has no chance of taking on the ''entire'' Straw Hat crew, pretends to be a coward and a weakling on par with Spandam, begs for forgiveness, and hides his Logia powers. If Franky didn't catch him monologuing, he might have picked off the Straw Hats before the Monster Trio could come back.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dishing Out Dirt]]: Caribou's Devil Fruit allows him to control and transform into mud.}}
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Coribou seems to fill the bill -- nobill—no real tactics, no clever strategy. He just follows his Bro-bro's instructions.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Kehehehe for Caribou.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Coribou's much more overweight than his brother.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Unlike his brother, Coribou relies on a massive hand-cranked Gatling Gun to fight. Caribou uses this, too, keeping one in his chest as a surprise attack.
* [[Gonk]]: Both of them are hideously ugly, not to mention freaky-looking, but especially Caribou to frightening levels.
* [[Hammerspace]]: As a secondary effect of his powers, Caribou can absorb anything into his body.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Per the above. He has a spear, a pistol, a scythe, and a gatling gun stuffed inside him.
* [[Head Pet]]: Coribou seems to have an Iguana on his head for hair.
* [[Jerkass]]: Comedic humiliations aside, Caribou is a rather unpleasant individual.
* [[Nightmare Face]]: Caribou. Looks even more unsettling in the anime.
* [[Oh Crap]]: When Momoo ran away and took the rest of the crew with him in fear, Caribou had ''such'' an epic one that was on par with Eneru.
** He had another one later when {{spoiler|Luffy caught him red-handed trying to kidnap Shirahoshi.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Person of Mass Destruction]]: Caribou is a Logia, but he may actually be an aversion, as since he's a liquid-based one, he seems to have a set amount he can generate, and he can be confined in a closed space (A barrel, if you want to know), but he can absorb materials into him like Blackbeard can. Guess he's more of a lesser example, in that sense.}}
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: For the Imposter Straw Hats, before he defected.
* [[Red Shirt]]: Coribou ended up as one. {{spoiler|While attempting to rescue his brother from the Straw Hats, the giant Kraken grabbed their ship and crushed it in one snap, popping their protective bubble coating and leaving the crew to float in the sea, possibly drowning or being crushed by the pressure.}}
** {{spoiler|Nope. Chapter 650 reveals that he's still alive.}}
* [[Scary Black Man]]: You wouldn't know it from the manga, but in the anime Caribou is actually black (Although his brother is pale white, for some reason) and he is hella scary with his [[Gonk|deformed face]] and bright [[Green Eyes]] and whatnot.
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: It's not very wise to open an unknown barrel with SUPER security seals. Poor mermaids. }}
* [[Serial Killer]]: Both Caribou and Coribou earned a reputation for killing Marines and burying them alive.
* [[Shovel Strike]]: Coribou seems to carry one around, but actually uses it to dig more than fight.
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Caribou has one hidden away {{spoiler|inside his swamp form}}.
Line 981 ⟶ 985:
== Vander Decken IX ==
[[File:Vander_Decken_IX_7483Vander Decken IX 7483.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "Princess Shirahoshi! No matter how long I search this wide ocean floor, I will never find such a grand and beautiful woman such as you! If the love you possess allow us to be married, then good! But you must not live on with your life with someone else! If then that time comes, then you will die Shirahoshi! You must pledge your love to me or die! Your fate is death or marriage!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Wataru Takagi]] (JP)}}
The legendary captain of the Flying Dutchman, a mysterious ship that travels undersea. {{spoiler|Is eventually revealed to be the descendant of the real deal, and a Bullhead shark fishman.}} He's wanted in the Ryuugu kingdom because of his one-sided love for the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi. {{spoiler|He eventually teams up with Hordy Jones and the New Fishmen Pirates in order to take over Fishman Island and marry Shirahoshi. However, after being rejected by the princess, he's now trying to kill her. He also ate the Mark-Mark Fruit (''Mato Mato no Mi''), a devil fruit that allows him to [[Always Accurate Attack|always hit his targets from anywhere]].}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Always very polite and formal towards everyone, even when he's about to murder them.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: Doesn't meet his end in an awesome confrontation with Luffy, but from {{spoiler|Hody's trident in his gut. Then he's caught and tied up.}}
* [[Arc Villain]]: Together with Jones, for the Fishman Island arc.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: This guy's idea of giving presents to the object of his love is to throw weapons at her, try to kill said person (and her friend) when they reject him, and if that doesn't work, {{spoiler|throw a massive ship ''half the size of Fishman Island'' to make sure he wouldn't miss (Not that he ever does, but try blocking a ship that large coming your way)}}.
* [[Badass Mustache]]: Decken's got a wavy, crazy-looking one.
* {{spoiler|[[Bad Boss]]: He's willing to let his underling Wadatsumi die when he fell from Noah on Gyoncorde Plaza.}}
* {{spoiler|[[BFS]]: The "gifts" he sent to Shirahoshi are literally bigger then he is.}}
Line 1,039 ⟶ 1,043:
** {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: Hody Jones only recruited him to not just help with the invasion of Ryuugu Palace, but to kill Shirahoshi. Jones recoginzed the dangers the princess' control of Sea Kings would bring, and knew that Decken's [[If I Can't Have You]] mentality would bring him to kill her.}}
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: Decken is so far the only fishman who has eaten a Devil Fruit and therefore cannot swim like the rest of his kind. This is almost the exact opposite of the legend of the real captain of the Flying Dutchman, who could not set foot on land.
* [[Yandere]]: Male example, which may make it a little freakier.{{context|reason=Please explain how a Gender Flip makes this trope creepier.}}
== Hody Jones ==
[[File:Hody_Jones_anime_5814Hody Jones anime 5814.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| "We are going to steal back Fishman Island, the center of the world, from that cowardly Sea God Neptune! And we are going to pull down all you humans into the abyss of the sea! We are going to teach you all that the Fishmen are the true supreme race!"}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Joji Nakata]] (JP)}}
A great white shark Fishman, the captain of the New Fishman Pirates and a former soldier of the Neptune army, Hody Jones is an admirer of Arlong and strongly believes in his ideals. {{spoiler|He led the assault on the Ryugu Palace in order to take over the kingdom while his underlings create chaos elsewhere on the Island.}}
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: Not a fan of humans? Check. Considers his race to be the supreme one? Check. Thinks he's saving his country by starting an oppression rule? Check.
** And then the real kicker : {{spoiler|He has no reason for doing any of his actions outside of blind racism. He just does it cause he ''wants to''.}}
Line 1,055 ⟶ 1,059:
** {{spoiler|[[Clipped-Wing Angel]]: Even in his ultrabadass new form, Luffy mopped the floor with him. He got in one solid bite, and that only brought Luffy down because Luffy strained himself trying to beat Noah into splinters. Furthermore, he's defeated even before his subordinates, making it a unique case so far in the manga.}}
*** {{spoiler|Turns out it's even more Clipped then one thought before. Turns out transforming accelerated his aging process so quickly, the same day he turned into a hulking beast, he ended up as a frail, old man}}.
* [[Arc Villain]]: Alongside Decken, for the Fishman Island arc.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Toward Arlong.
* [[Axe Crazy]]
Line 1,062 ⟶ 1,066:
** Outright confirmed in Chapter 627. By Hachi no less.
** {{spoiler|To the point that he tries to kill Vander Decken himself when he finds out his [[Colony Drop|plans]].}}
* [[Big Bad Duumvirate]]: With Vander Decken in the Fishman Island arc. However...
** [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Jones plans to overthrow Neptune, take over Fishman Island, and subjugate all of humanity in due time. But, as the Arc continues, it's clear that without E.S., he has no chance of even thinking of taking on the world.
* [[The Caligula]]: {{spoiler|As he tries to become the new king of Fishman Island, one of his projects is to execute, one by one, all those who had signed Queen Otohime's petition for migration. Seeing on how effective her rallies were, he's potentially willing to kill thousands (if not more) of his own subjects}}.
Line 1,070 ⟶ 1,074:
* [[Deadly Upgrade]]: When he takes E.S., {{spoiler|and in Chapter 630 he underwent a massive, nightmarish one.}}
* [[Determinator]]: Jones knows his drug abuse is rapidly shaving his life off, but he will bring the Fishmen to the top of the world, even if it kills him.
* [[Do Not Adjust Your Set]]: {{spoiler|Jones broadcast on TV an announcement that from now on, he's taking control of Fishman Island, that there'll be a public execution for the King, as well the drifting Straw Hats. Oh, and and that he'll execute every one of the citizens who signed the late Queen Otohime's petition to be recognized by the surface}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Albino]]}}: {{spoiler|One of the side effects of his overdose turned him into one.}}
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: Jones used to be a highly-esteemed soldier in the Neptune Army/Ammo Knights.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Evil All Along]]: But the only reason he joined was to learn their battle tactics...}}
* [[Fantastic Drug]]: Jones uses Energy Steroids to boost his strength.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: His hatred of humans is even more passionate than Arlong's, although the New Fishmen Pirates do [[Slave Mooks|employ]] a few. They tried to bring Luffy in, and they had at least a few unwilling human members (though it's pretty doubtful Hody would've "hired" the Strawhats anyway, considering Luffy was the one to beat his idol). Their Jolly Roger even has a decapitated human on it. Later, his hatred is shown in greater detail when one of his crew members states that he kills any fishman with human-transfered blood in them since they're now "dirtied."
* {{spoiler|[[Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence]]: What seemingly was a [[Freudian Excuse]] was actually ''[[Averted Trope|not]]'' anything of the sort; he simply does all this because he '''''really''''' hates humans.}}
Line 1,100 ⟶ 1,104:
** Jinbe stated that he knows Fishman Karate, but he's not nearly as good as him.
** [[Shaping Your Attacks]]: Can shot shark-shaped bullets with his Murasame attack.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Jones is also slang for heroin, or drug addiction. Suits a guy who uses steroid pills, isn't it?
** Also, "Hody" in Japanese sounds like "Hoji". The Japanese for Great White Shark is ''Hoji''rozame (頬白鮫).
** Furthermore, most of his attacks are a [[Hurricane of Puns]] involving sharks.
* [[Nice Hat]]: He's got a newsboy cap.
* [[Now That's Using Your Teeth]]: Jones, hopped up on Energy Steroids, can destroy an entire ship with his teeth.
* [[Oh Crap]]: {{spoiler|When he saw Luffy take down half his army with a burst of haki}}.
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]: The Energy Steroid overdose that nearly killed him... actually made him really powerful.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Painful Transformation]]: What he went through to take on his [[One-Winged Angel]] form}}.
* [[Power At a Price]]: The Energy Steroid indeed increase one's strength and power {{spoiler|but literally does take away the user's lifeforce by accelerating their age. This is why Hody's hair turned white as by that point the drugs had heighten him to the peak of his health. By the time Luffy beats him, they've aged Hody into his twilight years, too old and frail to be of any threat anymore. And the kicker, the dope never even realized it.}}
Line 1,113 ⟶ 1,117:
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: In the anime, his eyes turn blood red when he takes ES.
* [[Shark Man]]
* [[Shoot the Messenger]]: When Shirley informs him of her visions {{spoiler|of Luffy destroying the island, meaning his takeover will be entirely pointless}}. He, of course, gets pissed and hits her with a water shot.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Jones's hair resembles [[Michael Jackson]]'s hair in the late 80's.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: When Jones bites something or opens his mouth, his teeth look exactly like the ones of a real White Shark (complete with the exposed gum, for example).
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Being a shark, it's inevitable.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: He might have been a good opponent pre-[[Time Skip]], but he's just out of his league against the Straw Hats and is completly unaware of it. He also seems to have no comprehension of just how powerful the people he would be fighting on the surface are.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: Jones has some jutting out of his left wrist.
* [[Starter Villain]]: For the Second Half of the series, in a similar manner to Captain Morgan at the beginning of the First Half. For all those muscles, beat-downs against regular humans, [[One-Winged Angel]] transformations, and supposed badassery, Hody proves to be absolutely ''no'' match for a new and improved Luffy ''at all''. In the end, the stats for their fight are as follows: For Luffy, a kick to the gut that sends Hody flying several yards away into a wall, a kick to the face that draws the first blood of the fight, ''another'' kick to the face that drives him into the ground, a haki enhanced punch to the gut (which again sends him flying into a wall), a clawed hand to the shoulder that tears into him, another punch to the face that sends him flying into a wall, yet another punch (Haki imbued this time) that sends him flying immediately after that one, a "Gum Gum Red Hawk" that [[Serial Escalation|bursts a hole through his back and sends him flying-yet again- several hundred feet away into a wall]], and finally, a Giant, Haki imbued fist that knocks him several degrees into unconsciousness. [[Running Gag|Into a wall]]. For Hody: Several missed "water shots", a failed spin kick that led to the aforementioned kicking of him into the ground, one punch landed to the head that didn't affect Luffy at all due to his Rubber Body, and one lucky bite on the shoulder he got in ''just as Luffy punched him into a wall'' for the umpteenth time. [[Curb Stomp Battle|Wow]]. You've got to admit though, he ''is'' pretty durable for standing up to all that before finally collapsing into a bruised, broken, bloody mess. And he's pretty professional at getting sent flying into walls.
* [[Stout Strength]]: {{spoiler|Not so much now after Chapter 631, where the E.S. gives him a [[Heroic Build]]}}.
* [[Stupid Evil]]: Hody is is, well, kind of a moron. {{spoiler|He only hates humans because of the negative environment he grew up in. So all his actions are just generally out of ignorance from what he was taught.}}
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Picture if Arlong was a lot tougher, had Blackbeard's physique, and did a lot of drugs. That's Jones, literally Arlong On Steroids. Even his laugh is similar to Arlong's. Justified since Jones is a fan of Arlong.
** Subverted somewhat by the fact that he's not as dangerous as Arlong.
Line 1,128 ⟶ 1,132:
* [[Tattooed Crook]]
* [[Take Over the World]]: {{spoiler|He has much grander plans than his idol Arlong ever did. After he kills everyone in Reverie, and those who signed Otohime's petition, he plans to enslave all of humanity. And then become Pirate King. Luffy [[I Take Offense to That Last One|was not amused at the last one]]}}.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: {{spoiler|Overdosing on Energy Steroids has made him significantly stronger. However he's still too weak to fight Luffy on dry land, but he manages to get an advantage by fighting underwater, where he can move better.}}
* [[Verbal Tic]]: "Jahahahaha".
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: His smug composure goes very quickly after seeing how strong Luffy is.
Line 1,137 ⟶ 1,141:
== Caesar Clown ==
[[File:Caesar_Clown_6173Caesar Clown 6173.jpg|frame]]
{{quote| Voiced by: N/A}}
A former colleague of Doctor Vegapunk. An expert on mass-murder weapons. He is wanted by the government for as of yet unexplained reasons, and has hid himself on Punk Hazard. He has eaten the Gas-Gas Fruit (''Gasu Gasu no Mi'') allowing him to transform into gas.
* [[Arc Villain]]
* [[Axe Crazy]]: According to Smoker. It's not exaggerated, he's as nuts as they say.
* [[Bad Boss]]: See Bitch in Sheep's Clothing.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Saying his experiments failed, and Vegapunk in general.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Duumvirate]]: Seems to be in one with Trafalgar Law, it's not quite clear yet.}}
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Seems to be this towards his underlings. {{spoiler|He saved them from the brink of death using his technology (Law also helped, with his ability), but he's not above performing [[Gas Chamber|experiments]] on them}}.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Implied to be one for Vegapunk, holds a grudge against him.
Line 1,157 ⟶ 1,161:
* [[Horned Humanoid]]: Apparently has/wears horns on his head.
* [[I Meant to Do That]]: Failure is a word he's not familiar with, claiming what he does is according to plan.
* [[Jerkass]]: He's a [[Mad Scientist]] who especially loves weapons of mass murder, {{spoiler|he caused the incident that made Punk Hazard into a wasteland, he kidnapped and performed experiments on ''children'', he drugged those same children to prevent them from wanting to escape, he acts like a nice guy to his underlings only to perfom more experiments on them later}}... [[Sarcasm Mode|What a nice guy]].
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: The only thing he seems to feel something for is his personal weapon of mass destruction {{spoiler|Slime}}, who he treats like a sort of pet.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: To be precise he's a [[Mad Scientist]] whose primary field of expertise is [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|WMDs]]. Nice combination, isn't it?
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: {{spoiler|Seems like to work for someone named/codenamed Joker, [[The Mole|a mole]] or [[Dirty Cop|a corrupt marine officer]] in G5, who covered up the kidnappings.}}
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Some fans even think he looks kind of like a [[Naruto]] character.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Caesar Clown's face bears a slight resemblance to Cesar Romero's portrayal of [[the Joker]].
* {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap]]: Not as glaring as Eneru, but he does seems shocked when Luffy grabs him in chapter 670.}}
Line 1,170 ⟶ 1,174:
** {{spoiler|In Chapter 668 is revealed that said Weapon of Mass Destruction is a gargantuan, poisonous [[Blob Monster]] called Slime.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Would Hurt a Child|Would Perform Experiments On A Child]]}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Had this done to Brownbeard after he allowed himself to be captured by the Straw Hats.
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