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=== This is a listing of members of House Targaryen that appear in the [[Fantasy]] series ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]''. Visit [[A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters|here]] for the main character index. ===
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{{quote|''"This guy made [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]] look like Mother Theresa."''|'''Nikolaj Coster-Waldau''' }}
The king of Westeros during the War of the Usurper, and the last Targaryen to sit the Iron Throne. He was known as "Aerys the Mad" behind his back due to becoming increasingly insane in the latter years of his rule. Though served ably by Tywin Lannister as Hand of the King and his own son Rhaegar, Aerys nonetheless managed to destabilize his own kingdom, eventually leading to Robert's Rebellion and his own death. Aerys was by all accounts sane during the early years of his reign, his later mental illness likely a consequence of generations of Targaryen inbreeding.
* [[Affably Evil]]: He is described as having been a "charming and generous" man in his younger days.
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== '''Daenerys 'Dany' Targaryen, the First of Her Name* ''' ==
{{quote| ''"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow like leaves in the wind. When my womb quickens again and I bear a living child. Then you will return, my sun and stars, and not before."''}}
The exiled last princess of House Targaryen, who was born at the end the first civil war, after Jaime killed her father and Robert became King. Impoverished and hiding in the Free Cities in the East, she is initially an abused little girl living under the whims of her bullying older brother Viserys. While initially meek and frail, Dany grows stronger in every book and her destiny is far, far beyond what she ever imagined.
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* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Drogo and Daario definitely fits this trope.
** It's more that one creates this trope for the other. When she first meets him, Dany very much doesn't want Drogo ''because'' he seems so dangerous and intimidating. Once she falls in love with him, it perhaps gives her something of a taste for bad boys, leading to Daario.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: to Khal Drogo. [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage|It works out]].
** Again in ''A Dance With Dragons'', to Hizdhar zo Loraq as part of her plan to bring stability to Meereen. {{spoiler|It didn't work out so well}}
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* [[Take a Third Option]]: A specialty of hers, best demonstrated by how she dealt with the Astapori slavers.
* [[Tell Me About My Father]]: When she asks if the rumors about her father being batshit insane are true, she changes her mind upon seeing the uneasy reaction to her question and decides that she doesn't want to hear of it at that time.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: She's taken several of these as well over the course of her adventures.
* [[Try to Fit That on A Business Card]]: Her full title is "Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Shackles and Mother of Dragons".
* {{spoiler|[[Vorpal Pillow]]: How she [[Mercy Kill|puts Drogo out of his misery]].}}
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== '''Viserys Targaryen, the Third of His Name''' ==
{{quote| ''"You forget yourself, slut! I am the blood of the dragon!"''}}
The exiled prince of House Targaryen and the older brother of Daenerys, who lives with her in hiding. Unlike Dany, he lived as a prince in his childhood and knew his family, but was still very young when he lost everything overnight. A young man with serious mental problems, Viserys has made it his goal in life to return to Westeros and take back the throne. Too bad he foams at the mouth, regularly pinches his sister's boobs and refers to himself as "the dragon".
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* [[Karmic Death]]: "I am the dragon, the ''dragon'', and I will be ''crowned!''"
* [[Kick the Dog]]: In almost every scene he appears in, he sexually assaults his sister.
* [[Not So Different]]: Because they interact with a completely separate set of characters, the similarity is never mentioned (and it may even be unintentional), but the reader may notice that Viserys acts a lot like Joffrey. They are both very arrogant, prone to acting irrationally (especially when they lose their temper), torment those weaker than themselves, and are cowards at heart. Viserys abuses Daenerys in some way in every scene he has, and it is implied that Joffrey abused his little brother Tommen. However, the most notable similarity is that both of them order a subordinate to beat their victim: during one of his humiliations, Viserys orders Mormont to hit Daenerys, and Joffrey does this all the time with his guards and Sansa. Daenerys tentatively saying that Viserys "wouldn't be a very good king" was always an understatement, but we see just ''how much'' of an understatement it was when we see how [[The Caligula|Joffrey]] turned out.
* [[Princess in Rags]]: A male version. Unlike his sister, he is extremely haughty and acts like he is still royalty.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Contemptuous to everyone, with an overinflated sense of his own abilities, and ends up dead due to his own stupidity and hubris.
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== '''Aemon Targaryen''' ==
{{quote| ''"What is honor, compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms, or the memory of a brother's laughter? Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our glory, and our great tragedy."''}}
The oldest man in Westeros, he is a maester and a member of the Night's Watch. He was a prince of House Targaryen many years ago, and was offered the crown after he took his vows. He refused and went to the Wall rather than undermine the younger brother who eventually got the crown.
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* {{spoiler|[[Death Faked for You]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Red Herring]]: Quaithe's prophecy mentions six characters who seek Daenerys over the course of the book. All of them map closely to other visitors--Tyrion, Quentyn, Victarion, Moqorro, Connington--but the last is a "mummer's dragon." Mummers are traveling actors and a "mummer's [noun]" is slang for a counterfeit version of same. Varys was once a mummer. Does GRRM have something his sleeve? ...Or does it just mean that Young Griff is a dragon who is under the overall care of Varys the mummer?}}
* [[Royal Brat]]: {{spoiler|show'sShows some signs of this, perhaps because of the combination of family insanity and his sheltered upbringing. While generally aHe prettybecomes nice guy, he's shown to become irrationallyirrational during a cyvasse game with Tyrion (Rage Quit and all), both due to Tyrion beating him at the game, and Tyrion casting doubt on his assumption that Dany would immediately accept him with open arms. Especially funny because Tyrion's reaction to his sudden freak-out is along the lines of, "Well, at least we know that this kid is definitely a Targaryen".}}
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: {{spoiler|Despite recieving all the standard education for a prince Aegon's also been brought up as a relatively ordinary boy, learning the skills a commoner needs to survive, such as treating wounds and cooking. Varys thinks this will be good preparation for being a king who will do everything to help his people; whether he's right remains to be seen. He also insists on leading the upcoming attack on Storm's End from the front.}}
** {{spoiler|That may or may not be a wise idea, as Storm's End has basically never fallen. The odds of Young Griff contracting a fatal case of arrow-through-head are significant.}}
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== '''Rhaegar Targaryen''' ==
{{quote| ''"He is the Prince that was Promised, and his shall be the Song of Ice and Fire."''}}
Son and heir to the Mad King, Rhaegar is a [[Posthumous Character]] and victim of [[Second Hand Storytelling]]. By and large, he seems to have been well-loved by lords and commons alike... with the sole exception of Robert Baratheon, who considered him an [[Arch Enemy]]. Nonetheless, he casts a long shadow over the narrative (especially since everyone had their own opinions of him, not all of which reconcile neatly). He remains a very popular and enigmatic character despite having long ago kicked the bucket and many fans think he will prove to have a major influence on the story before it's over.
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* [[Emo Teen]]: he is repeatedly stated to have "melancholy eyes". And he plays the harp. 'Nuff said. ([[Tropes Are Not Bad]]!)
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Or at least Jon Connington did...
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Love Ruins the Realm]]: His running off with Lyanna causes a civil war in which most of his family is killed.
* [[Posthumous Character]]: Died before the series began.
* [[Prince Charming]]: A typical (albeit melancholy and reserved) handsome fantasy prince in a non typical fantasy setting, most have a high opinion of him - and is slain by the far less charming Robert Baratheon, who has a lower opinion of him.
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Second Hand Storytelling]]: We only ever hear about Rhaegar though the reminiscing of other characters.
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== '''Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers''' ==
{{quote| ''"A Thousand Eyes, and One"''}}
One of the "Great Bastards" that were the legitimized children of the debauched King Aegon IV Targaryen (known as "The Unworthy"), Bloodraven was an albino with a reputation as a sorcerer. Despite his own lineage, when other Targaryen bastards rebelled against the Targaryens in the first "Blackfyre Rebellion", he fought on the side of the Targaryens, and was branded as a kinslayer for killing his rebellious cousin, Daemon Blackfyre, in battle. Bloodraven served as Hand of the King under Aerys I, but due to his unpopularity, ultimately fell from grace and ended up in the Black Cells. He was released and sent as a conscript to the Night's Watch by Aegon V (AKA Egg) and eventually rose to Lord Commander. {{spoiler|In ''A Dance With Dragons'', it is revealed that Bloodraven still "lives" as a weirwood tree and is the Three-Eyed Crow that has been advising Bran in his dreams, being a powerful skinchanger and greenseer.}}
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* [[The Spymaster]]
* [[Sinister Surveillance]]: The meaning of the song written about him, "A Thousand Eyes, and One". The one eye is because he was blinded in battle, and the thousand was because he seemed to have spies everywhere.
* {{spoiler|[[Two Aliases, One Character]]: It's implied in the Dunk and Egg novella ''The Mystery Knight'' that a hedge knight calling himself Maynard Plumm who is revealed as one of Bloodraven's spies was actually Bloodraven himself using a glamour.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Was Once a Man]]: Now he's a tree.}}
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