• Adaptation Displacement: Subversion. A common misconception about the Strider Hiryu manga was that it was an original creation by Moto Kikaku that Capcom decided to adapt into a game. In truth, the Strider Hiryu franchise was produced as a three-way collaboration between Moto Kikaku and Capcom. Moto Kikaku artist Tatsumi Wada worked on the manga version, while Capcom worked on two separate games made by different teams: an arcade version and an NES version. The manga and NES game follow the same general storyline, while the arcade version deviates completely from the story outside of a common setting in the form of Kazakh.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: It's common to see fanwork where Hien is a Keet to contrast The Stoic Hiryu.
  • Anti-Climax Boss: Matic in the NES game. Matic will only parry your slashes, knocking your cypher away to render you defenseless. If you use the Plasma attack, he'll patiently await his chance to parry, only for his own weapon to be deflected for easy pickings.
  • Awesome Music: In particular, the BGM for Stage 1 of the original game gets one hell of a remix come Namco x Capcom.
  • Bad Export for You: Subverted. The US release of Strider 2 on the PlayStation still came with two discs, one with the first Strider game, and the other with the second Strider game, none of which were altered in any way save for the addition of a secret level and character in the second game. However, there was a labeling error, as the disc labels for the games are reversed. Still doesn't stop US release owners from switching the discs around in chronological order.
  • Cult Classic: The original game (both the arcade and console version), Strider 2, and Osman all have this status. Only time will tell if Necromachina will follow suit.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: For the Capcom vs. Whatever games, thanks to his appearances in the first two Marvel vs. Capcom games. To date, Hiryu outranks many of the choices on polls for characters fans want to see in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, despite many of those selections being more mainstream/popular. He's just that loved. And when Strider was officially deconfirmed for MvC3, you can just imagine the response.
  • I Am Not Shazam: His name is Hiryu, not "Strider". "Strider" is simply the name of his profession. Even with the existence of other Striders, like Kain and Sheena in the NES game, and Hien in Strider 2, people still make this mistake. The Japanese version avoids this by using the name Strider Hiryu instead.
  • Memetic Mutation: Hiryu will "never leave Eurasia alive!"
  • Recycled Script: The final two stages in Strider 2 consists of a fight atop the warship Balrog and inside the Third Moon space station, just like in the first arcade game.