< Sugizo
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: Some of Sugizo's fans from previous works and other bands, as well as some X Japan fans, were happy to see him take on the role of lead guitarist. Others were far less impressed.
- Base Breaker: Being one of these in X Japan fandom doesn't take much at all, though, and he's made many statements to try to heal the rift between his fans and his haters.
- Broken Base: Some hide fans appreciate Sugizo's being in the lead guitarist position for X Japan. Others do not.
- Epic Rocking: "Rain," "Genesis of Mind" and "Till The Day I Die" from Luna Sea, "No More Machineguns Play The Guitar" from his solo career....
- Estrogen Brigade: Sugizo's fandom is primarily female.
- Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory: Solo songs "Lucifer" and "Messiah."
- Fandom Rivalry: hide fans who think he's the best person for the position vs. hide fans who think he is a replacement for someone who can never be replaced and an insult.
- Fan Dumb: Sugizo has been a major target of Fan Dumb (mixed with a lot of Hate Dumb) since he took on the role of being X Japan's new lead guitarist.
- Fan Nickname: Sugi.
- One of Us: Just check out his blogs on Myspace. He loves sci-fi and anime....
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Along with Ruined FOREVER to some fans.