Talk:Christmas Ghost Story

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Are we ready for launch?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

We currently have 15 examples supplied by at least three tropers in seven media categories, but I'm a bit unsure whether the description is up to snuff yet. Launchable or not?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I think it's launchable.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

(swings the champagne bottle)

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

And I realize too late that the trope name should have been changed to proper case ("Christmas Ghost Story") during the launch... and you've already started linking the trope, so I don't want to just change it. Argh.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Oops... Would you be able to make a bot run to fix that, please?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I haven't done any botting in months, because of a MediaWiki change which broke the engine I was using; and I haven't gone back to see if the engine's been updated in a while. It would probably be faster for Geth or Brent to do it.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Come to think of it, manual replacement would probably be faster. There's only a couple-dozen affected links (if that many).

EDIT: And done, in 18 minutes.

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