Terrifying Teammate

Revision as of 23:16, 12 June 2014 by Goo Monster (talk | contribs)

Maybe he is a Team Killer. Perhaps his ruthlessness is horrifying no matter what side your on. Or maybe his teammates suspect he takes enjoys combat a little to much or in the wrong way. Maybe he just seems creepy. Regardless of the reason, this is a character that is feared, and sometimes reviled, by his own side. Is the enemy of his side scared of him? Not always. Perhaps the enemy has simply never seen this monster in action yet, or at least those that have haven't lived to talk about it, including those that surrendered. In some cases there can be several of these in same unit but scare those not in the unit that are on the same side (in this case the members can be similar enough that they probably aren't considered characters). Simply scaring one teammate is not sufficient (unless that faction is really small), this character must at least instill a respectable amount of fear in a sizable part of his own faction. In some cases this trope might be exploited by one of the sides, for example Outscare the Enemy. May be a result of Even Evil Has Standards. Likely to overlap with The Dreaded.

I don’t know what effect they have on the enemy, but by the Emperor, they frighten me.
— Sandy Mitchell, Ciaphas Cain
Examples of Terrifying Teammate include:

Anime and Manga

  • In Naruto: Gaara in Naruto, he softens up though. To make things worse, his teammates are his actual siblings. Its probably safe to assume he scares other sand ninja as well. Also Kimimaro’s clan feared him, so they locked him up when they weren’t in battle.

TableTop Games

  • Sanctioned Psykers in Warhammer 40000 have a tendency to be hated and feared by there own side. The Imperium also sometimes makes use of OutScareTheEnemy (often done by commisars). Also the Inquistion generally receives a great amount of both admiration and fear.

Video Games

  • Team Fortress 2 The Pyro in the Meet the Pyro video. The video opens up with its teammates talking about what a terrifying inhuman freak it is.