The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension/Trivia

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  • California Doubling: Gets a little obvious with palm trees in front of the alleged New Brunswick, NJ police headquarters.
  • The Cast Showoff:
    • That tiny trumpet that Buckaroo plays during the gig at Artie's Artery? Peter Weller actually can play the pocket trumpet, and is playing it on the track.
    • The Hong Kong Cavalier playing two saxophones at the same time? That was Jerry Peterson of Billy Vera & the Beaters, and he was known for being able to actually play two saxes at once.
  • Deleted Scenes: The Big Bad of the Buckaroo Banzai setting, Hanoi Xan, was originally mentioned multiple times throughout the film as being responsible for all manner of things, including the deaths of Buckaroo's parents and first wife. However, studio executives, nervous about a character who never actually appears in the movie being talked about so much, insisted on removing any mention of him. Fortunately, the Collector's Edition DVD release restores the cut scenes.
  • Easter Egg: There are allegedly a cartload scattered throughout the film. One of the easiest to spot is in the opening sequences when Buckaroo is starting up the Jet Car. Whenever the camera switches to a view of the control panel, you will see a series of three status messages appear in one corner: "Sined", "Seeled", and finally "Delivered".