The Biggest Loser/Funny

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Some funny moments from The Biggest Loser include:

  • Season 7, week 2; in an extremely rare moment, Bob exploded at one of his team members for her lacklustre effort. While this is happening, Jillian is watching the whole spectacle as it unfolds, but her silent "Holy shit!" reaction to Bob's Precision F-Strike sold the whole thing. Meanwhile, Tara can be seen in the background, clearly egging him on.
  • Season 8, week 3; the look of sheer disbelief on Sean's face upon learning that his partner, Antoine, had eaten during the Temptation that week.
    • In fact, the banter between the contestants during said Temptation was hilarious.
  • Pretty much anything Michael said or did in Season 9. Of particular note was when he asks Ali to feel his bicep, only to pull away suddenly, eliciting a scream from her, to which he says "did your mamma tell ya not to play with guns?" Jillian's reaction of "Oh, for GOD'S sake!!" was priceless.
  • Surprisingly enough, three in the Season 11 premier.
    • When the contestants found out that their first challenge would be a 5K, several contestants made comments to the camera. Justin said that he'd seen them on TV, and thought "Who'd be stupid enough to show up to one of those?"
    • When Arthur interrupted Bob's talking to the camera by falling over, the resulting conversation was rather amusing, and somewhat memeworthy. "How am I supposed to stand up if I can't move my leg?"
    • And lastly, when Jillian said something about not going to yell at people, Bob made an amusing comment about how "Jillian will always yell at people."
  • Season 11, third week's Last Chance Workout. At one point, Arthur threw up while on the the treadmill. Jillian's comment: "Oh, he did throw up, how sweet!"
  • Whatever one thinks of Season 13, it is hard not to chuckle at Jeremy's crush on the show's nutritionist.
  • Season 15, week 1; after a gruelling first workout, Ruben relaxes in the giant ice bath, during which he receives some comments about his extremely hairy back, with Jillian threatening to wax it for him. Not that Ruben cared of course, in his words, "I'm bringin' the REAL man back!"
    • Ruben insisting that Dolvett should stay in the gym after an unimpressive singing performance with him at his manager's home. Dolvett did not take kindly to being told that his singing voice wasn't that good.
  • Season 15, week 10; after Rachael won the first challenge as individuals, David and Jay decide to exact revenge on her... by challenging to her to a swimming contest. Considering Rachael was a pro swimmer, the two men beat her only by diving into the pool and taking off before she was even ready! Even better when you remember that the "prize" is nothing more than breakfast in bed.
    • It doubles as heartwarming to an extent because she still accepted defeat like a champ, and that neither David nor Jay did it out of malice, but rather they only did it for fun.