The Karate Kid/Heartwarming

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Original films:

  • Kumiko, on Miyagi and Yukie's impromptu tea ceremony: "They're re-kindling their relationship, Daniel-san"
    • And later Kumiko performs the same tea ceremony for Daniel.
  • Much earlier in the same movie, Daniel helps Miyagi mourn the loss of his father.
  • After the typhoon in which Sato learns the true heroism of Miyagi and Daniel, Sato comes with a work crew to rebuild the village and asks for Miyagi's forgiveness for all the trouble he caused. To that, Miyagi warmly responds, "Oh Sato, nothing to forgive."
  • During the typhoon, Daniel saved a little girl who got caught in the local tower which triggered both Sato's Heel Face Turn and his rejection of Chozen. Later, in a local celebration Daniel attempts to follow the little girl as she perfoms a traditional dance. After the dance concludes, Daniel and the girl exchange lines and hugs.

Daniel: If not for you, I'd be making a lot of mistakes.
Girl: If not for you, I not be here.

  • In the third film. The majority of the tournament Audience is surprisingly more supportive to Daniel in comparison to the first film. While some got swept in Cobra Kai Fever, due to Silver's manipulative speech and handing of free T-Shirts, the rest boo them and Mike Barnes. When the announcer re-introduces Daniel to the ring, he's met with not just a round of applause and cheers, but many of the audience members cheering his name ala Rocky. Before, Daniel was fuming when Silver made his speech, knowing full well who that guy really is however the cheers, put a smile on his face.

Announcer: And in this corner, someone who needs no introduction. The defending champion. From the Miyagi-Do Dojo. Daniel LaRusso!!!
Audience: Daniel!! Daniel!!! Daniel!!!!