• Fake Brit: American James Cromwell as Prince Phillip. And it's stranger than that: Phillip is himself a part-Danish, part-German born in Greece who first moved to Britain when he was seven.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: DCI Tennyson is the Queen! That tall guy from L.A. Confidential and Babe is Prince Philip! Tony Blair is a werewolf and married to Narcissa Malfoy!
  • Reality Subtext:
    • Near the end of the movie, the Queen warns Blair that what happened to her can happen to him as well. It is almost certainly intended as a reference to Blair's Fallen Hero status in the eyes of many people following the Iraq War.
    • Prince Charles' fears of being shot may at first be taken to be an overreaction and irrational fear, until you recall that only a few years ago in Sydney, Charles narrowly avoided being assassinated himself by a student republican protester. While the gun only carried blanks, he would have been highly shaken by it nevertheless.