- Crowning Music of Awesome: "Marry The Mole" may be a bad song, but "Let Me Be Your Wings" is a pretty decent ballad and considered by many to be the best song in the movie.
- Ear Worm: The title song, "On the Road" and "Follow Your Heart". Also, "Let Me Be Your Wings" clearly manages to stick to your head after a while.
- Idiot Plot: The only reason Thumbelina keeps getting in trouble is because she won't get on Jacquimo and fly home; made worse by the fact that Jacquimo thinks finding the Vale of the Fairies is more important than flying her home, as well.
- Jerkass Woobie: Sure, Beetle is a shallow, self-absorbed jerk, but the only reason he's working for Grundel at all is because the toad was throttling him and then stole his wings, effectively blackmailing him. It's easy to watch him get dragged around by his ankle the entire way and feel a little bad for him.
- So Bad It's Good: "Marry The Mole" is as cringe-inducing as it is strangely charming.
- It's also hilarious.
- Tear Jerker: "Soon (Reprise)".
- Unfortunate Implications: How pretty much every animal and bug wants to get into Thumbelina's pants.