Topic on Forum:Wiki Updates

Updates from Orain

John (talkcontribs)

Hi everyone,

I decided after the recent events over the last few days, I'd give you all an update myself on behalf of Orain as opposed to letting someone else do it :)

As you may know, we moved Orain to a different datacenter (from Seattle or London) and the migration process didn't go all too smooth. All The Tropes has mainly been the trouble for us in these process yet also the greatest resource we had to ensure everything goes smoothly. The end result from all the downtime and database locks is that All The Tropes is now running on our first separated master database. This means all the data is being stored on a completely separate server to every other wiki and hopefully will increase the speed of the wiki as all resources are directly focused here. Any issues and suggestions can be directed to myself and I will try my best to respond. Thanks, On behalf of Orain.