Topic on Forum:Trope Talk

Weird sentences on TVT

RocketMaster (talkcontribs)

Why does TV Tropes (and this wiki) have weird sentences like "Unusually uncommon" and others like that? I don't understand, and i'm sorry for posting in the wrong forum.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

It's hard to say, but I'd wager it's just the cumulative effect of thousands of different people editing the articles over the years. Last time I looked, several years ago, TVT had 60,000 registered users. If only 1% were actively editing the wiki, that's still 600 different voices and writing styles. It's not surprising that the average is going to sound a little odd.

And naturally, since we forked off of TVT, we inherited all those oddities.

Msq (talkcontribs)

I'd agree. Though in the case of TVT, at least in the more frequented/frequently edited pages there tends to be a more predominant group of voices directing them.