Topic on Forum:Wiki Talk

Propaganda as media?

Sj (talkcontribs)

Hello – I've seen a lot of interesting propaganda and publicity tropes, and would like to develop names and pages for them. There are some really good ones, and they often have narrative arcs over time. Is that in scope here?

Derivative (talkcontribs)
TBeholder (talkcontribs)

More of a genre, IMO, since it appears as different sorts of media - posters, slogans, PSA, etc.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Publicity would overlap with Advertising Tropes. You might want to check there to see if there's anything you were thinking of already written. Once you do start coming up with stuff, I suspect there will be a fair number of tropes that will end up in both Advertising Tropes and Publicity Tropes.