Topic on User talk:Stormbine

Stormbine (talkcontribs)

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Glitch City Voices

This page is a work in progress! Everything may be moved, deleted, or modified at any time.

A Primer

/cyb/ is a text board on the "parody of a parody", which itself is based on a board of the same name and design that players can read through, in the cyberpunk visual novel/waifu bartending simulator, VA-11 Hall-a. It is a predominantly roleplaying board which is set in the "City That Shouldn't Exist" of Glitch City, a dystopian hell where megacorporations reign supreme, citizens are guinea pigs, and technology advances within weeks, not years. It's referred to in-game as "the world's guinea pig."

Originally conceived as a board to discuss cyberpunk media in all its forms, the board eventually grew into a heavily cyberpunk inspired long and shortform roleplaying board, with the majority of threads discussing events in-universe. Because of Va-11, Hall-a's vague cyberpunk background and constant references to other series (including, but not limited to, Deus Ex, Ghost in the Shell, 206X: Read Only Memories, Blade Runner, and Neuromancer), the roleplay universe of /cyb/ also grew to include other franchises, from the Metal Gear series to Invisible Inc, to especially Shadowrun. Much of the terminology, slang, and references come from Shadowrun in particular, along with its grandfather, William S. Gibson's Neuromancer.


Instead of one overarching story that is presided over by a single GM, multiple GM's have come and gone from the active playerbase, operating their own threads, NPC's, and events. These groups came to be loosely associated with alternate reality games since their GM's often took advantage of danger/u/'s anonymity to post riddles, clues, cyphers, and encrypted messages to move their stories forward, occasionally with universe-altering results.

To prevent drama, a generally unspoken rule holds that GM's tend to avoid having their plotlines interfere with one another, but this happens anyway, sometimes resulting in a previously dangerous situation suddenly moving Up to Eleven. GM's also oftentimes reference each other's works, legitimizing each other as each player adds to the history of the universe.

A History of /cyb/ (Circa April 2017)

The Phone Booth Murders

The EDEN Civil War

Goldfish With Freaking Laser Eyes

Freaking Zombies and Shit

Shiba Terrorists

Suddenly Super Sentai

Universe Changing Events

Occasionally, a few events in /cyb/ which were part of an ARG have resulted in city-wide changes to the universe, affecting other roleplayers and args in the process.

The Collapse of the White Knights

The GC Airport Terrorist Attack

The Destruction (and subsequent rebuilding) of Neko Park

Zombie Infestation in the Slums

The Summit

Heavy Damage in the Industrial District

Active ARGs

ARC Assault


Tears in the Rain

White Fang's Vengeance

Inactive ARGs


My Goldfish Has Lazer Eyes


Factions Within Glitch City

Black Collar Investigations

Cordis Die

The Dynamofucks


The Justice Wardrobe

Neon February

A terrorist cell consisting entirely of sentient animals, especially dogs.

The Radio Wire Group

The Rosselini Mafia

The RWBY Group

Space Mormons

Task Force Nine

The Unafilliated

Veil Corps

The White Fang terrorist group

The White Knights


Corporations Within Glitch City

Ameritrade Robotics Corporation

Blue Moon Arms Company


CorpSec Security

Crayven Construction

Cyberdyne Corporation



Estoria Security Services

Jinterprises Corporation

QUIDTRID Broadcasting Corporation



VITA-Life Healthcare Services

VeriaTech Solutions Corporation

Voice Corp

"Voice the Future"

Zaibatsu Corp

Districts of Glitch City

District Chapel-3


The Glitz District

Hades' Kitchen

The Midnight District

The Temple District

