Topic on Talk:Mechanical Abomination

Regarding the most recent example

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

The Robobot character's very nature is pretty spoilerific, as is a lot of the related lore that qualifies it for the "abomination" part of Mechanical Abomination. There's a lot I can add in support of it, but it's handling the spoilers that had me stop and ask here - mainly because I have no idea what to do in such a case. So if anyone could offer a bit of guidance, that'd be lovely.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

If you've got a lot of spoiler-heavy material, and it's all in one block, why not put the whole thing, spoilered, inside a <ref></ref> markup, so it's a pop-up footnote that's entirely optional (and lives at the bottom of the page where it can be ignored).

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

Hmmm, that's one route for it, yeah. Any other suggestions? I'll probably go with that one, but I like to have options if this comes up again.