Topic on User talk:Mrkelangelo

Thank you for all the contributions you've made since joining the wiki! However, we need to point something out about your recent upload of the file Deku.png: It's missing a lot of information we are legally required or request as terribly useful. The most important of these is the license terms under which we can use the image. Please see the page All The Tropes:Uploading and Adding an Image to a Page, particularly the section "Licensing".

We really need you to provide at the very least the licensing information for this image. URLs to where it came from would be great, in case we have another instance where we lose images like has happened to us once before.

Can you please take care of this in the next 48 hours or so? (Say, by noon EDT on 20 June?) If you don't we'll have to delete the image to protect the wiki from legal liability.

Thank you!

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak