Topic on Talk:Donald Trump

Summary by Looney Toons

Discussion of addition of new trope to page.

Blakegripling ph (talkcontribs)

Trump has been declared a pariah by mainstream social media platforms. Since the page has been full-protected due to recent events I am unable to add said trope to the page, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to mention about said ban.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

There are many things that even some members of the Moderation Team (including myself) want to add to this page. The page will remain locked at this time for the reasons stated below. unless the Tropers can convince us that the page will not be turned into a political discussion site.

Lequinni (talkcontribs)

We could decide here in this talk thread which tropes should be added, explain them in the most neutral way possible, and then an admin could unlock the page for 5 minutes, edit the examplies in, and then lock it again until either the guy or the controversy dies, whenever comes first.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

I think the latter. History is being rewritten as we speak. There'll still be controversy after Trump dies with certain groups rejoicing about it, look how much they're kicking him while he's down now.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Emotions are running very hot on anything related to him right now, to the point that I don't know whether we could discuss changing this page in a neutral way. And the polarization of USA politics as reported outside of that country pretty much guarantees one person's "neutral" is another person's "biased". Honestly, if something really is an applicable trope now, it'll still be an applicable trope in May and it can be added then.

Convince me otherwise...

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

I wouldn't call Trump's statements seditious since sedition is rebelling against authority of the state and he said those things while still head of state.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

Sorry wrong person, I meant to send this comment to someone else.

Blakegripling ph (talkcontribs)

Reminds me of what Diana said in Hitman 2: "Neutrality is a side."

Personally, if the additions to the page are to the benefit of the site and isn't skewed towards anything, it should be fine. The social media ban mention is notable as it's the first time an officeholder, in this case an outgoing president, gets banned for his (seditious) statements, on an internet platform.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

I wouldn't call Trump's statements seditious since sedition is rebelling against authority of the state and he said those things while still head of state.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Your definition of sedition is subtly different from Merriam-Webster's. Not saying that's a bad thing, just that it might lead to misunderstandings.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the head's up. I was just uncertain whether sedition could be applied to a head of state since they're in charge of the system they'd be rebelling against.

Blakegripling ph (talkcontribs)

Wikipedia calls it a "self-coup". They also defined the Marcos dictatorship as such, if anything.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

Given how social media platforms have banned Trump while he's still the US President and his accounts are still government accounts - which sets a frightening precedent on the overreach of big-tech companies, it's safe to say as Robkelk said emotions on anything around Trump are running very hot right now. Plus this whole situation will probably make a few more tropes for this page when/if things cool down. In my opinion it's best to wait a bit, though maybe discussions about what tropes to add could work.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

"which sets a frightening precedent on the overreach of big-tech companies"

A precedent that had already existed at the time and long been exercised - against both people on the other end of the political spectrum from Trump, and entities the US found it convenient to target.

And that's all I'll say on that.

In short, it's far more a symptom of a pre-existing cause than anything.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

Interesting. We can discuss that elsewhere, if you want, since there's more to the situation than what you or I have said, and this thread isn't the best place for that discussion imo

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

I had no intention of playing out that discussion on this page regardless, so I agree.

Blakegripling ph (talkcontribs)

Fair enough as it's best to let things settle down before we decide on how to edit this guy's article. I was just wondering if the "persona non grata" status big tech companies gave to Trump was worth mentioning if not for how contentious of a person he is.

NormAtredies (talkcontribs)

In my opinion the Persona Non Grata is absolutely worth adding to Trump's page given how several social media platforms perma-banned him while he's still in office.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Exactly my point. If somebody's actually rejoicing about what's going on in the USA right now (no reports of that kind of behaviour have made it to where I am ... yet), then it's a safe assumption that any discussion about Trump here would turn into a flamewar quickly.

(Fair disclosure: I think of myself as a centrist, but that's a Canadian centrist, which is by definition to centre-left in the USA. I like to think I keep that out of my posts here - if I don't, then call me on it.)

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

Declaring that you think the USA's politics are generally right-wing is also a political statement. The best we can do is simply say that Trump was banned by all those sites and say the "why" of it, adding this is all the sites' own declarations.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

"Declaring that you think the USA's politics are generally right-wing is also a political statement." So nobody do that, please. Bad enough that I've already stated the USA thinks Canadian politics are left-wing.