Tropes That Will Never Happen (Darth Wiki): Difference between revisions

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Compare [[Lousy Alternate Titles]] for titles that will never happen.
<!-- comment If the trope name could actually be used (or something similar is ALREADY used), don't tack "hey, that one might work!" onto it. Delete it, and take it to ykttw. -->
== Too Universal / [[People Sit on Chairs]] ==
* [[Tropes That Will Never Happen (Darth Wiki)|Tropes That Will Happen]]
** We actually have this in the form of and YKTTW.
* Walking Through A Doorway - [[Seen It a Million Times]] and [[Truth in Television]]
* [[Breathing Oxygen]] - So much so that aversions and subversions have become [[Super Not-Drowning Skills|tropes in]] [[Batman Can Breathe in Space|their own right]].
Line 978 ⟶ 974:
** [[Off-Model]]
* Caustic Critic of [[Caustic Critic]].
* Complaining About Trope Names You Don't Like (Though we seem to have a [ forum section] for just that...)
** Those [[SPOON]], [[FoRK]] and [[KNIFE]] thingies.
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' Really Isn't That Great
Line 1,782 ⟶ 1,778:
* Did Not Do The Research/Religion
* Too Dumb To Live/Religion
* 4chan
** [[Four Chan]] redirects to [[Image Boards]] (should we make an article about Anonymous?)
*** There's [[Tropers/Anonymous]]...
* Hitler Was Right
** Jonathan Swift Made Some Good Points
Line 1,838 ⟶ 1,831:
** [[Hype Backlash]]?
** [[Chuck Norris]] Is Not Awesome
*** [ Ahem.]
* This Troper. No, Not You, ''This'' Troper.
* Why Your Political Beliefs Suck
Line 1,875 ⟶ 1,867:
** Contrast [[Plant Person]] and [[Les Yay]].
** [[Bald of Awesome]]?
<!-- %% It's funnier if left ambigous. -->
* Genocide Is Funny When It's Jew On German
** [[Dude, Not Funny]]: They actually plotted to do this as a revenge attack, it was on (where else?) The Nazi<ref>I meant History</ref> Channel or Yesterday (formerly UKTV History).
Line 1,907 ⟶ 1,898:
* Shows That Most People On [[TV Tropes]] Seem To Like Which Actually Suck
* The FastEddie
** The [[Tropers/Fast Eddie|Fast Eddie]] [[The Fast and the Furious|Furious]]
*** Fast Eddie Is Furious
*** [[TV Tropes/Memes|Fast Eddie Will Shut That Shit Down]]
* [[The Chikan|The Chikan Dance]]
* [[Wiki Vandal|Vandalism]] [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive|of Win]]
* [[Viewers are Morons|Viewers Really Are Morons]], Especially You, The Troper Who Is Reading This Page. Yes, You.
* [[Can't Argue with Elves|Can't Argue]] With [[Jews Love to Argue|Jews]]
* All Guys Want [[Shotacon|Shotacons]]
* Necrophilia [[Needs More Love]]
* [[User:Fast Eddie]] Was Wrong
** '''''[[Warhammer 40000|HERESY!]]''''' '''*BLAM!*'''
* Some Dogs Need To Be Kicked
Line 2,051 ⟶ 2,042:
* [[Ben Drowned]]
* [[Public Medium Ignorance]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]…unless [[Tropers/Fast Eddie|Fast Eddie]] decides to.
* [[Fan Hater]]
* [[Fandom Heresy]]
* [[Banned in China]]
* [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]] - if only [[TVAll The Tropes]] was like this.
* [[Deader Than Dead]]
* [[Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress]]
Line 2,080 ⟶ 2,071:
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]
* [[Batman]] <ref>[[A Rare Sentence|Boxer shorts notwithstanding]]</ref>
<!-- %% don't add an extra ]] to the above line, for some reason it works correctly as is -->
* [[Brown Note]]
* [[Casual Interstellar Travel]]