User talk:G9817d

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Your edits to "True Art Is Angsty" and "Boastful Rap" have been rejected...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

... because you deleted entire examples that had single dead links in them. The fix there is not to delete the entire example; it's to find a replacement link (in this case, YouTube instead of MySpace). If you can't find replacement links, mark the dead links with {{dead link}} so that other tropers can look for replacements.

G9817d (talkcontribs)


Many thanks for the reply.

This was an artist project that I created when I was very young, almost 15 years ago. The artist/project was disbanded over a decade ago, and all activities surrounding it have been terminated and deleted. I'm not even sure how the entry ended up on this page, as it gained no traction whatsoever and was a silly private project that never went beyond the ears of a few people. I'd be hugely appreciative if you'd be able to assist me in deleting this entry.

Kindest wishes, and thank-you in advance for your time.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

We can remove it, but there's no guarantee that somebody else won't add it back in. (That's how wikis work, after all.)

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

We do address this very kind of thing in our FAQ for Creators, in the section "How can I get you guys to stop mentioning my work?" Basically, it takes an extraordinary reason for us to remove all references to a particular work from the wiki. In part because it puts the onus on the wiki staff to police all subsequent contributions in perpetuity to prevent any new entries for the work from being added to the wiki.

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