Watership Down/Nightmare Fuel

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  • Yes it's a U-rated film...but Bigwig almost choking to death extremely graphically and realistically is horrifying.
    • Any of the numerous scenes in Watership Down that involve rabbits with blood coming out of their mouths are pure Nightmare Fuel. That and the hallucinations with the red eyes. "The field...it's covered with blood!" Not sure if this counts as children's film at all, really. Another animated film from the same studio, based on a book by the same author as Watership Down, (The Plague Dogs) doesn't even pretend to be a family flick.
      • The Black Rabbit is no hallucination, but he's not evil.
      • But then you have the flashback to the destruction (gassing) of the warren, with the glowing-eyed rabbits crammed into the tunnels clawing each other, trying to get out...
        • Holocaust parallels, anyone?
    • Cowslip's warren. My God...it's a nice little place with good food and shelter....then the leader does some creepy rambling about the Black Rabbit. Turns out that the warren is near a farm that leaves the food in order to fatten and trap the rabbits.