Lisa: And now you can go back to just being you, instead of a one-dimensional character with a silly catchphrase.
Homer: (smashes lamp) D'oh!

Bart: Aye caramba!

Marge: Hrmmm...

Maggie: (sucks pacifier)

Flanders: Hidely-ho!

Barney: (belches)

Nelson: Ha-ha!

Mr. Burns: Ex-cellent.

Lisa: ...If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room. (leaves)

Homer: What kind of a catchphrase is that?

Tick: Step one -- we must choose battle cries! You know, the kind of cries we emit right before leaping into battle!
Arthur: Oh, you mean like "Not in the face! Not in the face!"?
The Tick: Hmmm, lacks force, chum. No, more like... "Spoon!"
Arthur: I don't get it.
Tick: Spooooooooooooooooon!

Arthur: Look, I'm just the sidekick.
"You guys make him feel welcome, alright? Butt muscles. Catchphrase!"
Chuck Paulson, The Collegehumor Show

Kiba: Why don't you have a catch phrase?

Ishtar: Because shut up!

Princes Robot Bubblegum: Ah, too horny to fight crime![[[Beat]]]Why I have to have to say that line in every film? This is terrible!
Master Hentai: Merchandising!

Princes Robot Bubblegum: Oh, okay. That sounds artistic.

Steve: "Hi, guys?" What does that mean?
Geno: That's your catchphrase, Steve.

Steve: That's not my catchphrase, stupid.

Geno': Of course it is. You say it all the time.

Steve: I don't know what you're talking about. I've never said that. My catchphrase is "Who'd taken all the ketchup."

Geno: You've never said that, ever.

Steve: Oh, what do you know?

(Steve leaves.)
Bowser's Kingdom Episode 10
Goblins, a very literal catchphrase indeed
Ayla Goodkind: Of course!
"Yeah, I know I use the word "ass" a lot. I guess you could say I'm an ass-aholic."