• Game Breaker: Federation, Auroran, and Pirate ships are pretty evenly matched (a forum member reported he once took out a Federation Carrier using a mass-modded[1] Pirate Enterprise rigged for More Dakka), but Polaris ships eat them all for lunch. In particular, the Feds and Aurorans have absolutely no counter for the Raven.
  • Gannon Banned: If you spell "Vell-os" any other way, with any other capitalization, on EVN forums, you will be rather pointedly corrected.
  • Good Bad Bugs: The "Machine Gunning" bug causes the Vell-os Summer Bloom attack to be more powerful than programmed In Nova, and more efficient than Winter Tempest.
  • Internet Backdraft: "There should be multiplayer. No, better yet, an MMO!"
  • Scrappy Level: "Distract Moash" in Nova. You need to land on a space station while not letting too many of your escorts die. Between you and the station is a massive amount of Moashi ships. You're likely to die from gunfire before you can slow down enough to land.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Or at least a Perfectly Good Way To Make Money. The official timeline for Nova mentions that scientists discovered the chemical TCTLIDS in deep space, then created the narcotic FATE accidentally when they tried to make medicines with it. But no mention of TCTLIDS or FATE is found in the game files.
  • Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: By way of mods. The Starfleet Adventures total conversion, which replaces the Nova scenario with one based on Star Trek: The Original Series and its movies, features an Easter Egg in the form of an Imperial Star Destroyer.
  1. start with a decent size freighter, then convert the majority of the cargo bay into room for weapons