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"I just hate everyone involved. Like, I hate Gamergate, but then, when I went to, like, follow the people on the other side of the issue, I hated everything that they were saying on Twitter too."

"[...] [I]t's always been quite odd, the way Anita supporters view her detractors as people who simply refuse to think critically about games. That view does not reflect reality. Gamergate supporters and even those who aren't pro-GG, but who simply disagree with Anita tend to be the ones who have a vested interest in games.
    They tend to be the ones who have played games all their lives, grew up with them, laughed and cried and learned a great deal with them. Most have at least basic knowledge about how and why games are designed the way they are. And, on the other side of the field, I'd say that it's Anita supporters who tend to not think critically of games. More often than not, they look at games at a very superficial level, latching on to short segments taken out of context, or character designs without looking at who the characters actually are.
    We don't rail against Anita because we're afraid she's right. In the same way people aren't against Trump because they're afraid he's right.
It's just a silly distortion of reality."

Smexi Jebus 's comment on I Ain't Even Mad Tho #4 - Generalizations

"[..]In my opinion, the root cause is a frustration of having a group of people which doesn't really care about games and knows little about them, showing up in forums and in social media making ignorant, inflammatory statements about people who make and play games.
    The initial springboard for GamerGate in particular was when one of the people whose claim to fame has largely been making accusations of misogyny and sexism gets caught seemingly using her personal relationships to get coverage that her actual work doesn't appear to merit.
    That whole thing would have died down in a few days except...
    On August 28 [2014], gamers were deluged with a bunch of insulting, inflammatory and factually incorrect articles that completely misrepresented the situation and painted gamers as a bunch of misogynists. It turns out that if you insult large quantities of people indiscriminately that some of them will be offended.
    The people who wrote those inflammatory articles made the mistake of assuming that core gamers are passive, wimpy, basement dwelling losers. Core gamers, demographically, particularly the readership, are 25 to 55 year old professionals who not don't take kindly to having what they do in their precious spare time ridiculed."

Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock Entertainment on the root cause of GamerGate, Brad Wardell GamerGate Interview

stupidpieceofshit: "GamerGate is dead" "GamerGate is irreverent!"
stupidpieceofshit: Then why does it seem like any article dealing with the internet or "gaming" needs to blame GamerGate after they claimed it was dead?
stupidpieceofshit: The only thing keeping GamerGate "alive" are the anti-GamerGaters.
Spooky: Is every movement that says, "No y'all are queer "Go neck yourselves" and, "The media are lying" gamergate now? I mean I guess is was one of the first real popular ones to do it that weren't like Alex Jones and had broad appeal across political backgrounds or lack there of. [sic]

—A KiwiFarms thread on a 2018 Beware-Conspiracy-Of-Conspiracy-Theorists piece in Wired

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