Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Giants: Citizen Kabuto (hereafter called Giants) is a third-person shooter video game with real-time strategy elements. It was the first project for Planet Moon Studios, who went on to make Armed and Dangerous and the Wii rhythm-action game Battle of the Bands.

And you get to play all of them (sort of)

The cast features a group of quirky heroes and villains including:

  • The Meccaryns: high-tech, cockney, spaced-out space men.
  • Sea Reapers: A race of mostly blue skinned humanoid magic users.
  • Kabuto: a massive protector of the Sea Reapers who turned against them.
  • Smarties: the put-upon locals who provide most of the comic relief in the game and later serve as base builders in the RTS sections
Tropes used in Giants: Citizen Kabuto include: