Jackie Chan: The Kung-Fu Master

Revision as of 03:00, 21 December 2016 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (tropelist, copyedits)

Jackie Chan: The Kung-Fu Master is a fighting game created by Kaneko (the same company that created BloodWarrior) and weirdly enough, tried to follow the steps of Mortal Kombat. That's right, it's a gory Fighting Game with photo as sprites that includes Jackie Chan!

Pure Jackie Chan vs Oddly colored guy
"While most companies who resorted to the tired Mortal Kombat template of gore and brutality, Kaneko actually put a great deal of work into this game to balance it out and actually assure that there is some value in playing it, and they also make very good use of Jackie himself creating 3 different versions of him based on fan favorite characters of his movie past. Too bad he's an absolute a-hole throughout the game though. As you fight him, you'll lose and lose and lose and lose, and after each fight he'll laugh his ass off and mock you while speaking Engrish."

How did they managed to release this without destroying Jackie Chan image? Well, the answer is quite simple: There is blood and gore as long as Jackie Chan is not in battling. If any of the players uses Jackie Chan, then blood and Finishing Moves will be unavailable.

Besides the first impression of the inclusion of Jackie Chan, what is most amazing is that the game is actually pretty good!. With a roster of six characters and three unusable Purposefully Overpowered versions of Jackie Chan, the game plays actually very well. Good music, good graphics and very smooth Gameplay, it's most likely the best Mortal Kombat imitator out there.

The game received a Updated Rerelease called Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire. Besides some changes in the game engine, there are two main differences. First of all, the player is allowed to use any of the Jackie Chans (which are all terribly over-powered) and three characters have their colors swapped for no good reason. (why? We don't know, it will always be a mystery)

This game is actually very obscure since it was not exported outside China, and the protection was so well done that people were unable to emulate until late 2008![1]

Tropes used in Jackie Chan: The Kung-Fu Master include:
  1. Given the small amount of Arcade machines in existence, the only realistic way to play it is in MAME.