• Fantasy Counterpart Culture: At the beginning of the game, we are shown a world map that greatly resembles Europe, and Lute's Kingdom occupies roughly the same place as Prussia. Its neighbor Lingobard is an Expy of Belgium, and Fronce is an obvious stand-in for France, though its female ruler comes off as a much more competent Louis XIV. The Bascillica in the State of Vacatian is an obvious Vatican stand-in for the Church of the Holy Rood, which is an obvious Catholicism stand-in, and its disagreements with Lute resemble the schisms between Protestants and Catholics, especially given the political situation and who is allied to the Vactian.
  • Political Ideologies: These differences play a heavy role in the plot. Edelland has a relatively rational balance between militarism and refraining from starting wars, much like how the German states that formed the Holy Roman Empire sought peace and mere security of their own borders after stretches of conflict. Lingobard, while geographically a Belgium stand-in, has a political stance closer to that of the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, although their chief ally is the French and not a German stand-in. Further, Lingobard refuses to commit to military actions without allied support, much like how the Dual Monarchy counted on German support. Fronce has lost some of the power from its hegemony, much like how France started to contract in terms of political power during the latter half of the Bourbon dynasty's reign, so they are seeking to avoid war for reasons of economy, which, again matches up with the real world France of the time, which had drained its treasury in foreign wars, especially by the latter half of Louis XIV's reign. The main rival of Fronce is Iberia, which is obviously a Spain stand-in, though it's implied to be Spain when it was largely under Muslim control, as Fronce has close ties with the Catholic Church Expy.
    • The meritocratic system imposed on Edelland by Hagel I and continued by Lute I bears striking similarities to similar reforms imposed by Fredrick and Frederick II on their own nobles and military, and the reluctance of other nations to adopt them despite their obvious advantages also reflects politics as occurred in 16th-18th century Europe.