Lilo & Stitch (Disney film)/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Awesome O'Suckyname: Cobra Bubbles.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "He Mele No Lilo" and "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride".
  • Japan Loves Stitch: This really cannot be understated. Stitch often features more prominently than the likes of Mickey Mouse on Disney merchandise and publicity. To the point that there's the anime localization adaptation...
  • Girl Show Ghetto: The film was able to avoid it and make a big profit during an era in which Disney movies weren't normally doing so well. But to do so, the marketing focused on Stitch, the only male main character (notice the distinct lack of Lilo on the poster at the top of the main page).
  • Ho Yay: Jumba and Pleakley
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Stitch is absolutely adorable.
  • Sequelitis: Some people see Lilo and Stitch The Series, Stitch! The Movie, and Leroy and Stitch as this.
  • Ugly Cute: Stitch, most of the aliens, and even some of the humans could qualify. Chris Sanders loves this trope.
  • The Woobie: Lilo, so much. The poor girl has no friends, has lost her parents, she's about to be taken from her sister, and her "dog" runs away. And she just copes with it all somehow.
    • And Nani, who lost her parents and has to try to get a job, act as a parent at a young age, deal with Stitch, and try not to get her sister taken away by social service. The way she sobs when Lilo is captured by Gantu is simply heartbreaking.
    • Stitch himself, after he is unable to fulfill his programming. Jumba comments at one point that Stitch must be so lonely without friends or family or even memories to look back on. The only person who is kind to him when he makes an effort to help out is Lilo, which also means that Stitch later deals with the guilt of knowing that his antics and presence is putting a ton of strain on the family and leading to their breakup.
    • Also, the guy who's never able to eat his ice cream.