Lily's Day Off

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Lily's Day Off.

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What can be said about Lily's Day Off?

...Quite a bit, actually. For starters, it's a Visual Novel made in 2017 by a video game developer named Kyuppin. It's available on Steam, iOS, and Android. What sets Lily's Day Off apart from other visual novels is the story... or rather, the relative lack thereof.

The only consistent detail between each route in Lily's Day Off (and its sequel, Lily's Night Off, but that's a whole other can of worms) is the fact that the protagonist (that is, you) meets an idol known as Lilypad Lily. From there, the story can branch off in nigh-unpredictable ways. In one route, you could be Lily's manager. In another, a serial killer. In yet another, you end up becoming Lily's servant. To top it all off, there are sixteen endings in total.

You heard me right. sixteen endings.

Strap in, folks; this is going to be a wild ride.

FOREWARNING: Given the game's nature and short length, spoilers will be unmarked.

Tropes used in Lily's Day Off include:
  • Downer Ending: Quite a few of the endings, namely Hikikomori, Insane Asylum, Ruined Friendship, Lily Murdered, Yandere Lily, and World Nuked.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Many of the endings have fairly self-explanatory names.
  • I Call It "Vera": A chainsaw, affectionately (and rather uncreatively) nicknamed "Mr. Chainsaw". There's also the so-called "Lucky Knife", which is used in the "Insane Asylum" ending.
  • Multiple Choice Past: Depending on your choices, you could be a serial killer, a Hikikomori, Lily's manager, Lily's Childhood Friend, and in no less than three instances, a time traveler.
  • Multiple Endings: The highlight of both this game and its sequel, not only because of their abundance and relative ease of access (compared to other games with multiple endings, at least) but also because of just how weird they can get.
  • No Name Given: The protagonist is never referred to by name, and the player is never prompted to provide one.
  • Title Drop: In the "Imouto Happiness" ending, after the time machine is set to self-destruct.
  • Yandere: In the "Lily Murdered" ending, the protagonist is this. In the "Yandere Lily" ending, it's... Lily.