< Maus
Art Spiegelman
The author of the story, he visited his father in hopes of recording his experience of the Holocaust.
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- Supporting Protagonist: The story follows him, but the book is actually about Vladek.
- The Unfavourite: He often feels this way, having a sibling rivalry against his brother whom he never even met.
Vladek Spiegelman
Art's father, a diabetic and a Holocaust survivor. He told Art about his experience during the Holocaust.
- All Jews Are Cheapskates: To the point of Stop Being Stereotypical by his son and daughter in-law.
- Though its arguably justified, and could be seen as a deconstruction of the trope--Vladek isn't a cheapskate by nature, he ended up that way because he spent years in Auschwitz, where hoarding food and supplies was critical to survival.
- Guile Hero: His methods of surviving through the Holocaust can be downright Magnificent Bastard.
- I Was Quite a Looker
- No Accounting for Taste: His marriage to Mala.
Anja Zylberberg Spiegelman
Vladek's wife and Art's mother. She is also a Holocaust survivor.
Francoise Mouly Spiegelman
Art's wife.
Mala Spiegelman
Vladek's second wife. She is also a Holocaust survivor.
- No Accounting for Taste: Her marriage to Vladek.
Richieu Spiegelman
Vladek and Anja's first son.
- Deceased Children Are The Best: Art resents him for this. He believes that his parents prefer their rosy memories of Richieu to their living child.
- Infant Immortality: Averted. Hard.
Lucia Greenberg
Vladek's ex-girlfriend before he met Anja and long before the Holocaust.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Woman Scorned: She tried to sabotage Vladek's relationship with Anja after he left her.