Michael Savage

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Michael Savage is the conservative nationalist host of The Savage Nation, a nationally-syndicated talk show that airs throughout the United States on Talk Radio Network. The Savage Nation has an audience of 8 to 10 million listeners on 400 stations across the United States, making it the 3rd-most-listened-to radio talk show in the country.

He outspokenly opposes illegal immigration to the United States, supports the English-only movement, and argues that liberalism and Progressivism are not only degrading American culture, but are in fact symptoms of a greater mental disorder. (One can imagine how well that goes over with his critics, who have characterized him as "fostering extremism / hatred.")

Although his radio delivery is usually characterized as confrontational and politically-themed, some of his show involves ruminating on topics such as medicine, nutrition, music, literature, history, theology, philosophy, sports, culture, and personal anecdotes.

Admittedly he looks a little like the latter, but not to be confused with Macho Man Randy Savage or Vandal Savage.

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Michael Savage provides examples of the following tropes:
  • And Now for Something Completely Different: The times his show ruminates on subjects that have nothing directly to do with politics come across this way.
    • Usually when this happens it's because either he doesn't want to talk about certain subjects anymore that night or he wants to bring up a subject that interested him.
  • Animal Motifs: In his book The Political Zoo. Not flattering motifs, in most cases.
  • Banned In England: He is officially banned from entry to the UK due to his incitement of hatred against Arabs and Muslims. It has not yet been lifted.
    • Some people[who?] have alleged that he was included merely to provide "balance" to the list, which would otherwise have mostly consisted of Islamist extremists.
    • It's also the title of one of his books.
  • Berserk Button: "DON'T ASK ME HOW I'M DOING!"
  • The Cassandra: Believes he's this.
  • Catch Phrase: "Borders, language, and culture."
  • Darker and Edgier: To Rush Limbaugh.
  • Godwin's Law: "Later-term abortionists are nothing more than a reincarnation of Dr. Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death."
    • Well, Mengele did make a living with back-door abortions...
  • Hot-Blooded
  • The Illegal: One of his many enemies.
  • It Makes Sense in Context: An argument Savage has had to resort to repeatedly to keep himself from losing sponsors. Especially notable when his remarks about autism were taken out of context to stir up rallies of demonstrators from Media Matters, calling on families with autistic children to demand that Savage be fired. He was trying to accuse pharmaceutical companies of over diagnosing autism. Detractors argue that his remarks, sounded like a Flat Earth Atheist denial of autism existing, accusing doctors of willfuly abusing their power, and parents of neglegence. Sadly, he could be correct in this case.[1]
  • The Nicknamer: Certain Democrats are named "the Demoncats."
    • He tends to use the term "shills" as well.
    • GOP politicians he feels are not conservative enough get to be called "Repubicans."
  • No Indoor Voice
  • Product Placement: Played with and averted; his son founded Rockstar energy drinks and funds towards it go towards royalties towards their family, but although we're sure he enjoys them, it's not sure if he's advertised it on his radio show.
  • The Quisling: His view of liberals, as he illustrates in his book The Enemy Within.
  • The Troubles: Alluded to here.