Mortal Kombat 3/Trivia

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  • Acting for Two: Richard Divizio as Kano and Kabal, Sal Divita as Nightwolf and the robot ninjas, and John Turk as Shang Tsung and Sub-Zero. John Turk and Becky Gable both played all the masked ninjas in Ultimate as well.
  • Ascended Fanon: Ermac was originally a bit of misunderstood text on a debug screen in MK. Fans believed he was going to be a playable character. Midway took the playable bit and canonized it. Likewise, his palette (red) was merely a graphical error. The costume used to record the animations for the masked fighters in the original game was red and if the game couldn't load the right color, it would default to this. When he was made an official character, he was given that same red hue.
  • The Other Darrin: None of the actors from the previous two games returned except for Richard Divizio (Kano and Baraka), John Parrish (Jax), Tony Marquez (Kung Lao) and Brian Glynn (Shao Kahn). This led to half of the returning characters being played by new actors (Kerri Hoskins, Eddie Wong, John Turk) and is partly the reason why none of the masked ninjas were in the original MK3 (since they were originally played by Dan Pesina).
    • John Turk, who played the unmasked Sub-Zero and Shang Tsung, eventually got to play all the masked ninjas in Ultimate alongside Becky Gable, who replaced Katalin Zamiar as Kitana and the other female ninjas.
    • Johnny Cage was the final character whose actor was replaced. Rumor has it that Midway was going to leave out Cage in Mortal Kombat Trilogy due to Creator Backlash over Dan Pesina posing in character as Cage in an ad for BloodStorm. Apparently they realized they were one character short from having the entire roster, so Chris Alexander was brought in to replace Dan Pesina.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: Armageddon's engine couldn't handle a four-footed fighter, so the developers were faced with the choice of cutting Motaro down to two legs, or removing him from the game entirely. They went with the former, giving the storyline explanation of a curse caused by the Shokan.
  • Updated Rerelease: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is Midway's apology for not including Scorpion in the original Mortal Kombat 3.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda:
  • What Could Have Been: Tremor was stated to appear in Trilogy, but was scrapped in favor of Rain.