Mr. Fanservice/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A man that's highly sexualized.

  • Straight: Bob has rippling muscles, six-pack, square jawline, and a charismatic personality. May even be quite big between the legs.
  • Exaggerated: Bob never wears a shirt and becomes The Pornomancer.
  • Downplayed: Bob is a hunk, but doesn't like to show off and usually wears more conservative clothing. Though said clothing can still make him just as attractive.
  • Justified: Bob has a reason to be muscular. He could be a firefighter, wrestler, model. His charismatic personality may also be genuine, like being a caring older brother or genuinely loving the female lead. As for shirtless, he could be taking a shower or bath, be at the pool or beach, or having sex with his love interest.
  • Inverted: Ms. Fanservice.
  • Subverted: Women far and wide are told how hot Bob is so when they meet him, he's about average looking.
  • Double Subverted: Until it's revealed, it's not Bob and the real Bob shows up and massive squeals ensue.
  • Parodied: Girls will practically do anything to see those abs and maybe what's below that.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Bob shows off his abs, sometimes he doesn't.
  • Averted: Bob's actually an average looking guy or a Fan Disservice.
  • Enforced: The company producing this wants to attract female viewers.
  • Lampshaded: Bob is told his presence is distracting the women.
  • Invoked: How else is Bob going to end up with Ms. Fanservice?
  • Exploited How else are we going to make female viewers interested?
  • Defied: "Men can be just as uncomfortable being stared at by women."
  • Discussed: Get your earplugs ready, Bob is not wearing a shirt so expect the screams of excited women.
  • Conversed: Can they ever find a shirt for Bob?
  • Deconstructed: Being Mr. Fanservice makes Alice insecure because Bob could have any woman he wants.
  • Reconstructed: Until Bob makes it clear he only wants Alice and wants to be Mr. Fanservice to her and only her.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob's mere presence makes girls act like classic Daffy Duck.
  • Played For Drama: Bob gets sexually harassed just as much as Ms. Fanservice does.
  • Intended Audience Reaction: Perverse Sexual Lust

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