One-Hit-Point Wonder/Playing With

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Revision as of 21:27, 1 November 2013 by prefix>Import Bot (Import from TV Tropes TVT:PlayingWith.OneHitPointWonder 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:PlayingWith.OneHitPointWonder, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Basic Trope: You get hit, you die.

  • Straight: Run into that enemy and it's bye-bye.
  • Exaggerated: If you get hit, you explode into chunks and your save file is erased.
  • Justified: The enemies are all Panzers and you're a talking dog. And the Panzers forgot they had a machine gun.
  • Inverted: You take 30 hits to kill, but the bosses are extremely fast and die in one hit.
  • Subverted: The first thing you pick up in level one is an item that gives you an extra hit point. This is the only time you will get one, and it doesn't respawn.
  • Double Subverted: ...but it turns out that "extra hit" refers to hitting the enemy an extra time right before you die, so you have to pump the enemy full of lead until it's a One Hit Point Wonder.
    • Though you don't die in one hit, one hit still causes you to fail instantly.
  • Untwisted: Your Voice With an Internet Connection mentions that the tanks will shoot you with machine guns instead of missiles. A health bar appears. You get shot in the foot and die.
  • Parodied: You have one hit point, but 65535 lives and you respawn on the spot.
  • Deconstructed: You're playing a sad RTS where-in you lead puppies in a war against Panzers.
  • Reconstructed: You're playing a fun RTS where-in you lead cyborg puppies in a war against Panzers. The missiles one hit kill the puppies, but the puppies can easily dodge and one-hit-eat the tanks.
  • Zig Zagged: Then your amazing team of puppies meet the anti-matter tanks and highly agile, highly glass-like bosses.
  • Averted: You have a health meter.
    • The first to third thing you pick up is an item that gives you an extra hit point, and the game passes it around like candy.
  • Enforced: Konami of America removed the health meter.
  • Necessary Weasel/Coconut Effect: A developer decides to give your space ship hit points, until he realizes he'd be in a minority and decides against it.
    • A developer wants to go back to the time when video games were Nintendo Hard...
  • Lampshaded: "If only I wasn't Made of Explodium glass bones and paper skin..."
  • Invoked: An immortal youkai becomes suicidal and runs into the side of an enemy.
  • Defied: "Forget that, I, along with the great cyborg puppy army, refuse to go in."
  • Discussed: "You better not have any run-ins with the police."
  • Conversed: "Where is my health displayed?" "What health?"
  • Plotted A Good Waste: The programmer ran out of space in RAM for a health points variable. However, since you no longer need to worry about any other enemies' data during the final boss, you now have 3 hits and can do a lot more damage with 3 hits than you could with the 65 lives you spent getting there thanks to your new gun. And the lack of bottomless pits.
  • Played For Laughs: The point of the game is to preform epic stunts, and depending on the rule of funny, running into that Goomba at the end of the level at the end of the stunt may net you more points that reaching the goal point.
  • Played For Drama: Fire Emblem turns into a Nintendo Hard platformer. Your characters are your lives. Good luck with that.

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