Player Punch/Video Games/Third-Person Shooter

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Examples of Player Punches in Third-Person Shooter games include:

  • Gears of War 2. Tai Kaliso's suicide, and Dom being forced to kill Maria, both due to the inhuman treatment they suffered at the hands of the Locust. If you're not coming out of that wanting to paint the Locust Horde's walls with their own entrails, you are not human.
    • Gears 2 you also gives us Benjamine Carmine. AKA, the little brother of the "voted most likely to die first" guy, Anthony Carmine, from the first game, and the rookie besides. Cue expectations of a running gag of Carmines dying the first chance the story gets. Then he doesn't die, and actually lives through most of the game, making him grow on you (and the main characters), having a few good moments along the way, making you think he might not die after all. Then, after getting a bit too enthusiastic, he gets himself shot, but lives (hey, he's not going to die after all)... long enough to slip out of the helicopter transporting the squad, fall into the mouth of a giant worm, get mauled by a parasite living in the worms stomach and get partially digested by stomach acids. Next you see him, there's only half of him left, and he lives long enough to tell the squad to tell his family he loves them. Gears 2 was very good at that sort of thing. And we've got two more Carmines (two more sequels) to go. Hoo boy.
  • In Oni, Konoko starts off partnered with Shinatama, a remote AI who monitors Konoko's progress (among other things). When Konoko starts attracting the attention of the Big Bad Muro, he has a squad of Mooks kidnap Shinatama, whom he then Mind Rapes for information. When he's done, he tortures Shinatama for the sheer novelty value, then abandons the near-dead body for Konoko to find when she goes a-gunnin'.
    • What's worse is that when Konoko eventually finds Shinatama, her Self-Destruct Mechanism is activated by Konoko's boss, Commander Griffin. After the player escapes the Earthshattering Kaboom, the player ends up pissed at both Muro and Griffin as a result.
      • Which is made even worse when Konoko later confronts Griffin and finds that he's salvaged Shinatama's remains and hooked her up to an automated Death Trap, forcing her to defend him from Konoko, who she regards as a sister.
      • Wait, not done yet. It gets worse. In order to reach Griffin, Konoko has to overload Shinatama's mental barriers while avoiding her defenses. And how does poor Shinatama respond to this? She repeatedly apologizes and begs you for forgiveness.
      • After all that, do I dare mention the part where Shinatama wrenches her twisted form out of the aforementioned Death Trap and attempts to attack Griffin? Or how she is promptly gunned down for her trouble?
  • Army of Two: The 40th Day. The choice at the end, and in a more minor fashion, every f%$&king choice in the game, will have you curse yourself. Especially the ending, which has you choose between your best buddy and the possibility of seven million deaths.
  • In Gun, when The Dragon unceremoniously murders the love interest you just met and protected from hordes of indians on the way to the city. Right in front of the hero, too.
    • And oh, you make him pay. And you get to listen to him pathetically beg for his life.

Cole: for Jenny. *blood spatters face*

  • The moment in Max Payne 2 when you discover that Vlad, whom has been thoroughly likeable and very much on Max's side since about halfway through the first game, is the Big Bad.
  • Two in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Realizing that Inquisitor Drogan set you up, and watching Nemeroth stab Sidonius to death with his power claws.