Revolution X/YMMV
- Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: Many game magazines label Revolution X as one of the worst games ever made simply because of its premise and live-action graphics, never mind that the game is actually fairly decent in terms of gameplay.
- Goddamned Bats: The aforementioned NON soldiers. Damn, just how many of these cretins are there?
- Good Bad Bugs: When you get to the Aerosmith backstage in the first stage (the one where you watch that taped message by Steven), try not to kill all the NON soldiers flooding the screen. after a while, even if they're still there, the
Just Push Play"Play Me!" VCR will still appear, and you'll still be able to see Steven talking to you and giving you the car keys - while the soldiers are shooting you. And what's worse, you cannot shoot back while the tape is running.- For clarification: All the shooting stops while the tape is playing. It's after the tape is over that the shooting starts up again.
- Harsher in Hindsight: The idea of an oppressive group banning any and all forms of media did come to pass in 1996 when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. And they might have done it again when they occupied the country again in 2021.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Headmistress Helga and all the blonde slaves/hostages are played by the same actress (Kerri Hoskins). In other words, you get to save her and destroy her.
- Porting Disaster: The Sega Genesis and SNES home ports of the game paled in comparison to those on the PlayStation and Sega Saturn, which were more powerful consoles and could render the game's graphics and music better.
- So Bad, It's Good: The premise is just bizarre enough to work.
- That One Boss: The school bus. (An aside: This game is probably the only one in existence that allowed you to blow up a school bus full of kids. A sign of the times, one could suppose.)
- They were all taken to be brainwashed...
- But isn't that what all crazed gunmen say? Maybe... just maybe... you were the monster all along.
- But were there really any kids in there? 'Cause all you can see are the idiots that show up at the bus door throwing grenades at you and shooting at the window. Also, where else would you see school buses with mounted-on turrets?
- There were no kids in the bus, at least not at that time. The bus drove to pick up kids to be brainwashed. The only people in there were the NON soldiers at the windows and door shooting at you.
- They were all taken to be brainwashed...
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The idea of a villain who wants to ban all music is actually pretty interesting. Unfortunately, the game itself is merely alright (albeit with a B-movie-esque appeal to it).
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?