RuPaul's Drag Race/YMMV

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  • Base Breaker: Shangela is either hilarious the second time around and much more polished or an annoying mess who still didn't deserve to be in the competition.
    • Raja is either one of the fiercest queens in the history of the show, or a talentless washed up old model whose only claim to fame is Tyra Banks.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: So many of the lipsyncs. Especially ones where both girls give their all.
    • Phi Phi and Sharon's lip sync may quite possibly the most intense in Drag Race history, aided by the season-long tension experienced between the two as well as the extremely high energy song.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Jujubee reading the other queens.
    • Alexis Mateo as Alicia Keys.
    • Jessica Wild drinking Absolut Vodka nonstop in her interview. "Oh I love that Absolut Ahhhsayyyeee, oh my God!"
    • This exchange from the Space Challenge:

Mariah: Go fuck yourself!
Mimi: I DID! That's why I'm your father. AND YOUR MOTHER!

    • Manila Luzon mocking Shangela's Tina Turner impression.

"I don't know, Ike. Halleloo!"

    • During the Rupaulapalooza "Untucked" session, all the queens are asked who should leave. There is a long, awkward silence backstage... broken by Manila.

"What a fun challenge! I mean, who knew it'd be so hard to lipsynch my own goddamn song? (Beat. No one responds.) All right, werk."

    • The first Snatch Game challenge, particularly for Tatiana's brilliantly wide-eyed portrayal of Britney Spears.
  • Creator's Pet: Even though she's almost universally respected, Shea Coulée's entire All Stars 5 arc of getting her Rudemption, after her Shocking Elimination at the end of season 9, was pushed very hard by production, and Shea herself, right from the jump. It got to the point that some fans felt the entire season was "made for her," and it was easily predictable that she eventually won, turning Shea from a can't-miss prospect with "robbed queen" status, to a Base Breaker.
    • Rita Baga seemed to be pushed very hard in the inaugural season of Canada's Drag Race. She showed up as a highly-touted Quebec legend, and immediately won the first episode's design challenge, to the shock of many fans who overwhelmingly preferred Jimbo's or Anastarzia Anaquway's runway looks. This dissonance between the judges and the fandom immediately set a trend for Rita, who went on to have three challenge wins and the Undying Loyalty of the judges, but yet somehow never truly connected with a big chunk of the fandom, who were left wondering what all the hype was over Rita and kept flocking to Dancer Battler Lemon andAlways Second Best Cloud Cuckoolander Jimbo, instead. This was partly because of Rita's low-key personality and unerring professionalism that bordered on The Stoic, and she seemed less personable compared to the other contestants. By the time Rita sent Lemon and Jimbo home in the 8th and 9th episodes (with Lemon's case being especially jarring, since she gave a high energy lipsync with some very difficult moves, while all Rita did was stomp and at one point, crawl, around that stage scowling) the bewilderment for Rita had turned to severe backlash, to the point that she had to defend herself on Instagram. Of course, this isn't universal - Rita may have struggled with a lot of the English-speaking audience but still has a hugely-devoted Québécois following.
    • During All Stars 6, some fans are annoyed that Eureka! seems to be garnering more praise in challenges than they maybe deserved; being placed on the top three for the Blue Ball for a clean but simple short dress over Jan and Scarlett who both had more designed final looks, or for being in the top three again for the Half-Time Show challenge for her Madonna, which really had no Madonna-esque dance moves and instead performed Eureka!'s own signature double high kicks. Eureka! isn't being given challenge wins they don't deserve, at least, but some fans believe they were getting undue airtime due to their body of work on HBO as opposed to their work on the actual show. This status went nuclear after Eureka! returned to the competition after being eliminated and got to the final four, ahead of fan favorite Trinity K Bonet.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Episodes of Untucked have this at least once per season.
  • Ear Worm:
    • Covergirl! Put the bass in your walk!
    • Don't be jealous of my boogie!
  • Elimination Houdini:
    • Rebecca Glasscock, who was widely considered to have avoided elimination due to luck and her pretty face.
    • Arguably Tyra Sanchez, who often conveniently had immunity when she performed poorly.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: All of the contestants are met with a sizable following to some degree, but none so much as Plastique Tiara.
  • Growing the Beard: Season 3 was arguably where the show really took off. Season 1 had a much lower budget and was filmed at a different location and even though Season 2 began to resemble the current Drag Race, it was still a diamond in the rough.
  • Heartwarming in Hindsight: Rupaul's parting words to Shangela in Season 2. "I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of you yet. Good luck my dear. Now, sashay away."
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Upon arriving in her monster getup, Raja was scoffed at and judged for being "not on the same level" by the competitors. She went on to win.
    • Also in Season 4, Phi Phi O'Hara commented that Sharon Needles was the weakest and would be sent home on the first day. Sharon ended up winning the first challenge, three more challenges in future episodes, and then the entire season.
  • N-Word Privileges: A term that is thrown around quite a bit is the term "tranny" — a slur aimed at trans* people that is used quite often and casually on the show. This is an example of when the people in question have no right to use the word yet no one questions this.
    • On the other hand: as drag queens, the competitors are often lumped in with trans* people by folks who aren't educated about the differences — see: some of the things said by the dads/makeover partners in s4's "DILFs (Dads I'd Like To Frock)," especially in the Untucked episode — and have trans*phobic slurs leveled at them as insults (see: Pandora describing the aversion her team experienced while trying to sell cherry pie gift certificates on Hollywood Boulevard, in full drag, in the middle of the day; c.f., "Aaah, it's a tranny girl. Ahhh, it's a t-girl"). So… yes, the queens aren't the typical victims of the "tranny" slur, but as victims of it nevertheless, some people would say they have a right to reclaim the term, as long as they don't use also it as a slur for trans* people. But, of course, Your Mileage May Vary.
  • Shocking Swerve: When the 3rd Season gets down to its final 4 competitors, Rupaul announces that the judges will select a previously eliminated contestant to come back and compete.
    • Willam's disqualification in season 4. It's not the first time Ru decided not to send anyone home from the Lip Sync before, sure, but...
  • Tear Jerker: Ongina revealing that she has HIV after winning the Viva Glam challenge.