
June Nicole, aka Shoe0nHead is an agnostic female YouTube commentator hailing from New York, who first joined in 2010. She's generally known for her commentaries on various topics on her channel and elsewhere, especially her critiques of feminism and radicalism of all stripes. All while adding her own personal dose of comedy and the occasional kitten or bunny.

She's also known to be in a relationship with The Armoured Skeptic and friends with Sargon of Akkad. Like both of them however, she's very upfront about her opinions and arguments, but is just as willing to engage with both fans and enemies alike in good faith.

Her channel can be found here, as is her alternate account shared with Armoured Skeptic.

Shoe0nHead provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Author Tract: She's rather outspoken about her views, but nonetheless is open to dialogue.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Shoe isn't a big fan of certain feminist buzzwords and arguments. Going so far as to have an automated button for a pre-recorded message about the "wage gap" so she wouldn't have to explain it anymore.
    • She's on record as not being a fan of Hillary Clinton either.
    • Racism is also something of a sore point for her, regardless of whether it's white or black.
    • Pedophiles and MAPs (minor attracted persons) are people that disgust Shoe
    • As this video suggests, she's not a fan either of certain feminists' tendencies to equate their narratives with the accomplishments and goals of feminists in decades past.
    • According to Word of God, she's also not a fan of Buzzfeed, wondering whether it's some bizarre government experiment meant to piss her off.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Her style of humor and commentary tends to do this as well.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Depending on just how inane or stupid the segment she's commenting on is.
  • Foil: She sees herself as one to more than a few feminists.
  • Guest Star Party Member:
    • The Armoured Skeptic, who she's dating in real life.
    • She also sometimes pops up in Sargon's videos as well.
  • Hypocrite: Her take on quite a few self-professed feminists, who seem more interested in virtue-signalling, opportunism and touting sexist superiority than actual concern for women. This has extended to a number of ideologues as well.
  • It's All About Me: How she sees a sizable chunk of feminist rhetoric and actions as boiling down to, once one looks past the buzzwords and euphemisms.
  • Large Ham: She can really ham it up, if her sketches suggest anything.
  • Lighter and Softer: In tone compared to the Armoured Skeptic or Sargon's videos.
  • Nixon Mask: Occasionally dons a Donald Trump mask For the Lulz.
  • Not So Different/He Who Fights Monsters: She's noticed how very similar certain feminists and ideologues in the Left can be to their supposed "enemies" among fundamentalists and the Far Right.
  • Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Shoe mockingly invokes the "Patriarchy" as this in the way certain feminists use the concept.
  • One of Us: She's very much a nerd on and off-camera.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Shoe is generally nonchalant and quirky if occasionally annoyed by what she comes across. When she's particularly frustrated however, something is bound to be off.
  • Political Ideologies: She doesn't see herself fitting into any in particular category, though she has expressed liberal and libertarian leanings.
  • Punny Name: Her online name stems from the old "shoe on head" meme.
  • Reality Subtext: The cameos she and The Armoured Skeptic have in each other's videos grew as they began dating each other.
  • Really Seventeen Years Old: Parodied, as Shoe tends to poke fun at her age despite being in her twenties.
  • Self Deprecating Humor: Shoe has a tendency to poke fun at herself.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: In her i need feminism because compliments video, she brings up how for all their talk of helping women and men, radicals and ideologues are helping encourage the very sexist, racist, etc. scenarios they're supposedly rallying against.
  • Straw Feminist: She's fond of pointing out how certain feminists are doing this to themselves, unintentionally or otherwise.
  • Straw Misogynist: She sometimes mocks this as well as accusations thrown against her of being an internalized misogynist.
  • Streisand Effect: Part of the reason why she grew in popularity is the backlash she garnered from feminist channels among others.
  • Trolling Creator: Some of her videos and cameos basically involve her trolling viewers.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Shoe's particularly fond of bringing up the less than savory implications of arguments put forward by feminists or the "Regressive Left."
  • Viewers are Morons: Shoe resents this trope, making a point to treat her viewers and fans fairly. While also calling out those who tend to treat their audiences like trash or gullible children.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Similarly to Sargon, she also has friends and acquaintances with very different opinions from herself whom she gets along well with in spite of said differences.
  • Women Are Wiser: She disagrees with this. Though she does mock the tendency of some activists to invoke some form of superiority simply because of their gender.